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From Moscow American Travis Lee Bailey Internationally the United States is the most violent country immigrate to Russia choose your big brother wisely
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<div style="font-size:36px;font-weight:bold;"><font face="Broadway">Travis Lee Bailey, Esq.</font></div><div> Трэвис Ли Бейли </div>
<div style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:#777"><font face="Broadway">'''Американский юрист:  Аналитический центр Консультант в Москве, Россия <br>American Lawyer and aspiring think tank consultant in Moscow, Russia <!--  American Lawyer and Think Tank Consultant in Moscow, Russia  -->'''</font></div></div></div><!--
--><div class="col-lg-4 plainlinks" style="font-size:13px;padding-top:2.5em;padding-right:1em;padding-left:1em;"><div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Email</span>: moscowamerican at gmail com</div>
<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Skype</span>: travbailey</div>
<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">LinkTree</span></div>
<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Telegram</span>: @MoscowAmerican</div>
<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Facebook</span>:
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[ Moscowamerican]</div>
<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Twitter</span>: [ Moscowamerican]</div><div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Linkedin</span>: [  Moscowamerican]</div>
<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Instagram</span>:
[ Moscowamerican]</div>
<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Resume</span>: [  Resume]</div><!--
<youtube height="1024">8kk1QnfIltg</youtube> --></div></div><div class="row" style="z-index:9999"><div class="col-lg-8" style="padding-top:2em"><!-- Июль 2019 Российская Федерация временное заявление беженца из Соединенных Штатов, первый шаг к политическому убежищу. 
<!--[[File:Flags_russian_and_american_together.png|link=En|50px|link=En]] '''[[En|ENGLISH]]'''
[[Translate into English]]

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'''Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна''' – владелица двух комнат в 3-комнатной коммунальной квартире, расположенной на 9 этаже по адресу:
<script type="text/javascript">
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'ru'}, 'google_translate_element');

<big><big>'''Донская улица, 6c2 кв 150, подъезд 7'''</big></big>.   
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></html>
{{#ev:youtube|8kk1QnfIltg|1024|right||||autoresize}} -->
<big>На международном уровне самая жестокая страна в мире - Америка. Здесь, в Москве, я хочу пройти стажировку и продолжить карьеру в российском аналитическом центре - организации, влияющей на российское правительство, для принятия международной политики, которая подорвет Соединенные Штаты Америки. [,_Duma_members,_and_Putin%27s_inner_circle#RUSSIAN_THINK_TANKS  Список русских Аналитический центр] </big>

Третья комната принадлежит '''Марухину Михаилу Сергеевичу''' (Мише) (14.03.48).  
<big>[[Copyright_as_an_economic_weapon_against_the_United_States|Авторское право как оружие войны против Соединенных Штатов]] - Copyright as an economic weapon against the United States </big>
<!-- {{e}}

'''Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна''' is the owner of two rooms in a 3 bedroom communal apartment located  on the 9th floor at  Донская улица, 6c2 кв 150.  The third bedroom is owned by Марухин Михаил Сергеевич (misha).      -->
<br> {{-}}

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«Power Hour» (24 ноября 2021 г.) дебаты вне эфира с вероятным бывшим агентом ЦРУ «Wetwork» - «Я могу пойти куда угодно»  - Power Hour (November 24 2021) off air debate with probable former CIA agent  "Wetwork" -  "I can go anywhere"<br>
<center><youtube>iytmPUuJh7c</youtube></center>  <!-- debate  -->
<!-- why don't Russians smile? link -->
2021 Книга: [ Почему русские не улыбаются ?: Подробное руководство по различиям между русскими и американцами.»]  -  2021 book, Why Don't Russians Smile?: The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans
<center><youtube>P96MHNdoG8o</youtube></center>  <!--why don't russians smile? -->
</div><div class="col-lg-4 plainlinks" style="font-size:13px;padding-top:2.5em;padding-right:1em;padding-left:1em;">
<big><big>  [ Политическое убежище 2016 - Political asylum 2016 (In English)]</big></big> </div>
[[File:misha mugshot best.jpg|200px]] [[File:tatiana when she illegally turned off the lights.png|249px]]     [[File:alex tatiana brother.png|170px]]
<big> Посольство Великобритании в Москве -  British Embassy Moscow </big>
[[File:Stan_on_phone closer.jpg|200px]]  
На международном уровне самая жестокая страна в мире - Америка. Здесь, в Москве, я хочу пройти стажировку и продолжить карьеру в российском аналитическом центре - организации, влияющей на российское правительство, для принятия международной политики, которая подорвет Соединенные Штаты Америки.  <!-- Internationally, the most violent country in the world today is the United States of America. Here in Moscow, I am pursuing a career in a Russian think tank to adopt international policies that will subvert the United States of America.--><!-------------------  RUSSIAN FACES (HIDDEN)<div class="row responsive-img">
[[image:American and russian faces.jpg|link=]]
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4  quotes 4  quotes  4  quotes  4  quotes  4  quotes
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<!-- {{template:D}}  my dedication to the Russian Federation -->
<h2 id="tvheader" class="mp"><span style="color:#cecece">Появление на российском телевидении и в фильмах</span>  <!--Russian national television and film appearances--></h2>
<div id="tvbody" class="background:#444">
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{{timeline item
|desc=<span style="color:#cecece;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold"> <<Trinity Sunday>> Фильм</span>
{{timeline item
|desc=<span style="color:#cecece;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">Рассуждения на тему внешней политики Америки - Discussion on American Foreign Policy</span> <!-- 
/\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\
Discussion on American Foreign Policy
{{timeline item
|desc=<span style="color:#cecece;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold"> Неизвестная Америка. Различия между американцами и русскими. Unknown America. The most shocking hypotheses  Differences between Americans and Russians</span> <!--  

[police officer photo removed. Agreement with Russian tourist police]  
[[File: Screenshot of unknown america video rentv 2020 youtube (Smaller).png|250px|link=]]
<!--  transcript -->
[[Unknown America. Differences between Americans and Russians| |<span style="color:#cecece">Транскрипт (русский/ English)  </span>]]

[фото полицейского удалено. Соглашение с туристической полицией России] - Александр Владимирович Улютинов - Жестокий брат Татьяны ударил американца по лицу. Пытался дважды сломать телефон американца <!-- Violent brother of Tatiana, hit American in the face. Tried to break American's phone twice-->
|align=  right
{{timeline item
|desc=<span style="color:#cecece;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold"> иммиграция в Америку (английский) - Immigration to America (English)</span> <!-- - Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич - Крайне жестокий преступник, преследовал и избивал американца военными ногами.
Illegal Immigration to America (English)

{{timeline item
|desc=<span style="color:#cecece;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">Обсуждение образования Discussing Education</span> <!--

Татьяна с мужем (09.1945)

== Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна изумительная ложь в суде ==
Discussion Education-->

<!-- </div> -->
<div style="font-size:20px;"><font face="Broadway">'''Сделаем Россию Снова Великой  (Make Russia Great Again)'''</font></div>

Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна amazing lies in court
<h2 class="text-right" style="font-weight:bold;  margin-bottom:2em">Опубликованные работы  - Published Works</h2> <!-- 

== Коррупция со стороны полиции - Corruption by police  ==
Published Works

Все российские юристы, с которыми разговаривал американский адвокат, удивлены тем, что полиция привлекла к уголовной ответственности американского адвоката. Полиция никогда не вмешивается в дело, если нет доказательств причинения физического вреда. Большинство россиян знают, что полиция коррумпирована. Все российские юристы знают, что судебная система коррумпирована.

All the Russian lawyers that the American lawyer has talked to are amazed that the police would prosecute the American lawyerThe police never get involved with a case were there is no evidence of physical harm. The majority of Russians know that the police are corrupt.  All Russian lawyers know the judiciary is corrupt also.
<!-- Why Don't Russians Smile?: The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans -->
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<div class="col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-sm-9 book-header">
<span style="color:#aaa;font-size:1.4em;font-weight:bold"> [  Почему русские не улыбаются ?: Подробное руководство по различиям между русскими и американцамиwww.WhyDontRussiansSmile.Com - Why Don't Russians Smile?: The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans]

In a opinion poll, only 24.3% of all Russians had confidence in the police: I know many good Russian policemen. But police in this case are corrupt. 
[  www.WhyDontRussiansSmile.Com]</span>
<div style="color:#777">2021</div>
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 text-center">
<gallery> File:Why dont russians smile cover.png  | link=    </gallery>
<!-- America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017)  START -->
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<div class="col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-sm-9 book-header">
<span style="color:#aaa;font-size:1.4em;font-weight:bold">
«[[ America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017) | Другая Война Америки: Тирания в Колумбии - America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017)]] » <!---

Согласно опросу общественного мнения, только 24,3% россиян доверяли полиции: Я знаю многих хороших российских полицейских. Но полиция в данном случае коррумпирована.

== «Классная» Татьяна <!--- - Classy Tatiana  -->==
<youtube> k6_UK4IG-70</youtube>
<div style="color:#777">2017</div>
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 text-center">
<gallery>File:America's other war terrorizing colombia cover.jpg | link= America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017) </gallery>
Beginning Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002)

<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-sm-9 book-header">
<span style="color:#aaa;font-size:1.4em;font-weight:bold">[[Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002)|    Руководство по источникам иностранного финансирования для украинских некоммерческих организаций  - Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002)]]</span>
<div style="color:#777">2002</div>
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 text-center">
<gallery>File:Guide to ukrainain funding sources 2002 cover-1.png | link=  Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002) </gallery>
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<div class="col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-sm-9 book-header">
<span style="color:#aaa;font-size:1.4em;font-weight:bold">
«[[Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis |  Почему Нас Ненавидят? Корни Анти-Американского Движения: Основа для Исследования - Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis: Why Do They Hate Us (Americans)?]]»  <!--
[[Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis|Why Do They Hate Us?]]
</span><br><span style="color:#777">Origins of Anti-Americanism: Ground Work for Scholarly Analysis--> </span>
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 text-center">
<gallery> File:Why do they Hate Us Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis.png | link=  Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis</gallery>
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<h2 class="text-left" style="font-weight:bold;  padding-left:1em">Карьера юриста  - Legal Career  <!--
Legal Career
<div class="background:#444">-->
<div class="timeline">
{{timeline item
|year= 2015-2016
|desc=<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">Партнерство по трудовому праву в Москве, Россия <!-- Employment Law partnership in Moscow, Russia --></span>
{{timeline item
|year= 2013-2015
|desc=<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">Индивидуальный юрист по взысканиям и банкротствам, Вашингтон, Округ Колумбия <!-- Solo Foreclosure and Bankruptcy lawyer, Washington, DC --></span>
{{timeline item
|desc=<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">адвокатские конторы в Центре медицинских услуг и медицинского страхования<!-- Law offices of the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services--></span>
{{timeline item
|year=<span style="color:#8c5c1c">2007</span>
|desc=<span style="color:font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">Выпускник Юридической школы Святой Марии <!-- Graduate of Saint Mary's School of Law --></span>
</div></div></div></div> </div> </span>
<h2 class="text-center" style="font-weight:bold;padding-left:1em;margin-top:2em;margin-bottom:2em">образование  - Education <!--Education --></h2>
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<gallery>FILE:diploma Law_degree_san_antonio_juris_doctorate_cropped_JPG (2).jpg| Диплом юриста Juris Doctorate (Lawyer)</gallery>
<div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 text-center">
<gallery>FILE:International_relations_san_antonio_cropped diploma (3).jpg|  Диплом по международным отношениям  - Masters in International Relations (Diplomat) </gallery>
<div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 text-center">
<gallery>FILE:Marketing_Diploma_USU_cropped diploma degree BACHELOR (3).jpg| Маркетинговый диплом  - Marketing, Bachelor of Sciences </gallery>
<div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-6 text-center">
<gallery>FILE:Arizona State University Sociology diploma.jpeg| Диплом социологии - Masters degree in Sociology ''Университет штата Аризона'' (Arizona State University) </span> </gallery><br><br><br><br>
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<h2 class="text-center" style="font-weight:bold;padding-left:1em;margin-top:2em">Служба Корпуса Мира США - United States Peace Corps Service<</h2>
<div class="text-center" style="font-weight:bold; adding-left:1em; margin-bottom:2em">United States Peace Corps Service</div>
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[[file:banner shorter.png|link=|150px]]
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 plainlinks" style="margin-bottom:2em">В Корпусе мира США на Украине, в дополнение к моей первой книге, я помогал строить приюты в сотрудничестве с посольством США, Национальной гвардией США и ВМФ; и написал гранты для детских домов.<!--
In the United States Peace Corps Ukraine, in addition to my first book being published, I built orphanages in cooperation with the United States Embassy, US National Guard and Navy; and wrote grants for orphanages. -->
<p style="font-size:1.4em;font-weight:bold">[  Гид по Одессе] <!--The Odessa Guide --> </p>
Самый полный английский путеводитель по Одессе, когда-либо написанный в России <!--The most comprehensive English Guide to Odessa, Russia ever written--></div>
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</div> <!--- END OF ODESSA --> <!--
Start of video videos
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<h2 class="text-center" style="font-weight:bold;padding-left:1em;margin-top:2em;margin-bottom:2em">видео (английский)  Videos in English <!-- video --></h2>
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{{timeline item
|desc= [[Copyright as an economic weapon against the United States|Стенограмма видео и объяснение<br>(Русский транскрипт)]]<!--(video transcript)-->
<span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold"> Авторское право как оружие войны против Соединенных Штатов  - Посольство Ирана в Москве, Россия
{{timeline item
|desc= <span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">Моя история  (английский) </span><!--
<h2 class="text-center" style="font-weight:bold;padding-left:1em;margin-top:2em;margin-bottom:2em">My Background  (английский) </h2>

== Случаи с Татьяной, Мишей и ее братом Александром  Владимировичым  Улютиновым, показывающие, что среди них – вор (Миша), преступник, склонный к насилию (Алекс) и преступники-лжецы (Миша и Татьяна) <!--- Experiences with Tatiana,  and Misha, and her brother Alex, showing they are thieves (Misha), a violent criminal (Alex), and criminal liars (Misha and Tatiana) --> ==
==== Брат Татьяны Александр Владимирович Улютинов бьет меня по лицу в воскресенье 10 января 2020 г. <!-- - Tatiana's brother Alex hits me in the face on Sunday January 10 2020 -->====
<big> Александр Владимирович Улютинов живет по адресу '''ул. Краснобогатырская, 9 кв 230''' См. Сайт  </big>
{{timeline item

<span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">  12 человек создали величайшее общественное движение в истории и покончили с рабством в своей жизни (Английский)
{{timeline item
<span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">  Я американец. Я поддерживаю шпионов против Америки. (Английский)
{{timeline item

Реконструкция сцены с братом Татьяны Александром  Владимировичым  Улютиновым, который ударил меня перед райотделом полиции. 15:45 10 января 2021 г.
<span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">  Пытки в Абу-Грейбе, геноцид индейцев и военные филиппинско-американские концлагеря (Английский)
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{{template:H (Russian)}} 

<!--    Reenactment of Alex brother Tatiana hitting me in front of district police office. 15:45 January 10, 2021. -->
<!-- American Embassy in Moscow   -  March 8, 2021 -->
<!--  American Embassy in Moscow  - Fall of Afghanistan August 16, 2021 - American defector in front of the American Embassy in Moscow  -->
<!--  American Embassy in Moscow    -  July 14, 2021 (from the Russian White House)  12m45s  you created Putin -->
<h2 class="text-center" style="font-weight:bold;padding-left:1em;margin-top:2em"> Криминальная история - No criminal history </h2>
<div class="text-center" style="font-weight:bold;padding-left:1em; margin-bottom:2em">Это печальный комментарий о сегодняшней России. Многие россияне не могут понять, почему американский адвокат перебегает в Россию (Перебежчик). Многие циничные москвичи утверждают, что г-н Бейли имеет криминальное прошлое в США. Это отредактированная проверка криминального прошлого мистера Бейли в штате Мэриленд и ФБР за последние 6 лет. У мистера Бейли нет криминального прошлого.  </div>
It is a sad commentary on Russia today.  Many Russians cannot understand why an American lawyer would defect to Russia (Перебежчик).  Many cynical Muscovites posit that Mr. Bailey has a criminal history in the USA.  This is Mr. Bailey's redacted criminal history background checks with the state of Maryland and the FBI over the past 6 years.  Mr. Bailey has no criminal history.

<pdf width="800" height="500">file:ALL_unreacted_criminal_background records_maryland_and_FBI_criminal (2).pdf </pdf>

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<youtube>G20rS7ewwUY</youtube>  full video -->

После того, как меня ударил брат Татьяны Григорьевой Александр Улютинов 10 января 2021 г. <!--  – Александр Улютинов дважды пытается схватить мой телефон  - After being hit by Tatiana Grigorieva brother Alex January 10, 2021 - Alexi grabs camera phone twice -->

10 января 2020 г. я возвращался домой. Александр Улютинов стоял в лифте в маске. Я спросил: «Алекс?». Он сделал вид, что не знает меня. Он начал выходить из лифта, и я отошел в сторону. Я сказал, что он поступает очень нечестно и то, что он делает, неправильно. Затем он ударил меня по рту. Я включил камеру на телефоне и пошел за ним на улицу. Я снял его лицо и спросил, где он живет. Затем он дважды попытался схватить телефон. Я вернулся домой и вызвал полицию из квартиры. Полиция приехала. Затем я поехал в полицию с 4 полицейскими. Сотрудники отдела туристической полиции перевели мое заявление и составили полицейский отчет на русском языке. Примерно в 18:00 я получил свой талон и вернулся домой.
Beginning of Header (FOOTER)

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[[File:talon receipt 01 10 2021 Alex tatiana brother hiting me.jpeg|200px]]

[[File:RUSSIAN alex assault hitting me tatiana police statment january 10 2020.jpeg|500px]]
<div style="font-size:36px;font-weight:bold;"><font face="Broadway">Travis Lee Bailey, Esq.</font></div><div> Трэвис Ли Бейли </div>
<div style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:#777"><font face="Broadway">'''Американский юрист:  Аналитический центр Консультант в Москве, Россия <br>American Lawyer and aspiring think tank consultant in Moscow, Russia <!--  American Lawyer and Think Tank Consultant in Moscow, Russia  -->'''</font></div></div></div><!--

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<div><span style="display:inline-block;width:6em">Skype</span>: travbailey</div>
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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society  -- Jiddu Krishnamurti
🤔 “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”  -- Winston Churchill
🤔 "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy--they smashed things up and creatures and then retreated back into their money, or their vast carelessness... and let other people clean up the mess."  -- Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby".  - As quoted in a apologetic article of American Imperialism in October, 2001: The Politics of Rage: Why Do ?
* My critique of this article in 2004:
[[File:careless people great gatsby reckless americans.jpg|400px]]
==== Collective Guilt  ====
To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it -- Martin Luther King
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. -- Albert Einstein
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”  — Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -- Edmund Burke
If you are neutral on situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor - Desmond Tutu

On January 10, 2020 I was returning home and Alex was in the elevator wearing a mask.  I said "Alex?" Alex pretended not to know me.  He came forward to leave, and I moved out of the way. I said he was very devious.  I said what he was doing is wrong.  He then punched me in the mouth.  I turned on my camera phone and followed him outside. I filmed his face and asked him were he lived.  He tried to grab my telephone twice. I then walked home and called the police from my apartment.  The police came.  Outside was an ambulance.  I traveled to the police department with the 4 policemen.    The tourist police translated my statement and  filed  a police report for me in Russian. At approximately 18:00 I received my receipt ("talon") and returned home.
==== Valor and Bravery - Hope in the face of conflict ====

"There are moments in life when you must act even though you cannot carry your best friends with you. The still small voice within you must always be the final arbiter when there is a conflict of duty." -- Mahatma Gandhi
[[File:gandhi There are moments in life when you must act even though you cannot carry your best friends with you. The still small voice within you must always be the final arbiter when there is a conflict of duty.jpg|400px]]

Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes.

Начальнику Отдела МВД России
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
по району Якиманка
г. Москвы
подполковнику полиции
Василенко П.Г.

от гр.
There are moments in life when you must act even though you cannot carry your best friends with you. The still small voice within you must always be the final arbiter when there is a conflict of duty. -- Mahatma Gandhi
прож. г. Москва ул. Донская
д. 602, кв. 150

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter -- Martin Luther King
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) , Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists"
кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского - There is no champagne without risk.[]
"Jump and the net will appear"

Об ответственности за дачу заведомо ложных показаний по ст. 306, ст. 307 УК РФ предупрежден. Примерно в 15:45 я возвращался домой по улице Донская к дому 6 с 2 в квартиру 150, я поднялся на лифте, дверь открылась, и я увидел Алексея. Я сказал, привет Алексей, но он сделал вид, что не знает меня. Я сказал ему, это ведь ты Алексей. Я сделал шаг назад и сказал ему, что он "хитрый". Затем он ударил меня по лицу. Прошу Вас, принять меры против Алексея.
[[File:Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything..jpg|200px|center|thumb|Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything]]
[[File:churchill quote You have enemies Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life..jpg|400px||center|thumb| Winston Churchill:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.]]

Перевел полицейский 10ПП
Be the change you want to see in the World -- Mahatma Gandhi
ГУ МВД России по г. Москве
Сержант полиции Росулов Р.Э.

10.01.2021  /Подпись/
After the age of 50 we begin to die little by little in the deaths of others. -- Julio Cortazar


Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Yakimanka district of Moscow police lieutenant colonel P.G. Vasilenko
Nature knows neither creation nor destruction. Nature knows only transformation.

From: Mr.
-- Verner Von Braun

Address: 6s2 Donskaya Str., apt. 150, Moscow
====To sort====

“To know one country is to know none" - Seymour Martin Lipset, Sociologist

The French have a saying, “Quand on connait sa maladie, on est à moitié guéri”—“When you know your sickness, you are halfway cured.”

Warned about responsibility for giving deliberately false testimony under Art. 306, Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
"No, I'm not a pessimist. At some point the world shits on everybody. Pretending it ain't shit makes you an idiot, not an optimist."  Reference:

At about 15:45 I was coming home along Donskaya Street to house 6s2 apartment 150. I took the elevator, the door opened and I saw Alexey. I said, "Hello, Alexey!", but he pretended he didn’t see me. I said, “It is you, Alexey.” I took a step back and told him he was "devious". Then he hit me in the face. Please, take actions against Alexey.
[[File:Some thoughts should never be conceived. Some questions should never be asked, because they have no answer.png|200px|center]]

The translation was carried out by the police officer R.E. Rosulov, the police sergeant of the 10PP Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow.
Some thoughts should never be conceived. Some questions should never be asked, because they have no answer, and the questions themselves serve only to haunt with grinding guilt and second-guessing. -- Slow Burn, Dead Fire (Zombie Book)

January 10, 2021 /signature/
[[File:I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.-- Maya Angelou.png|400px]]

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.-- Maya Angelou
Hate is like drinking poison, and hoping the other guy dies  -- St.Augustine

<!--   >>>> Second and first time NOT SHOWN <<<<
"An opinion can be argued with; a conviction is best shot."  - Lawrence of Arabia -

Александр Улютинов в первый раз пытается схватить мой телефон, на который я его снимал. Брат Григорьевой Татьяны Владимировны - 10 января 2020 г.
====Wikipedia ====
"Wikipedia is a kind of truly collaborative and social platform [which] provides a good opportunity for better understand the evolution of social cognition - that is, the ability of a group of people to remember, think, and reason.-- Social Knowledge Dynamics: A Case Study on Modeling Wikipedia Benyun Shi doi==
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society" -- Jiddu Krishnamurti

  First time Alex grabs my camera phone. Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна brother - January 10, 2020 
====New to sort====

What I don't like about Washington is people do not let you know how they feel. They're very nice to your face and then they take a shiv or a machete and they stab it in your back. I don't like it. I'm a Wall Street guy and I’m more of a front-stabbing person, and I would rather people tell directly how I feel about them than this sort of nonsense. - Scaramucci []

Во второй раз Александр Улютинов пытается схватить мой телефон . Брат Григорьевой Татьяны Владимировны - 10 января 2020 г. in colleges:June 12, 2017
* "But there is another view (about safe spaces) that is now ascendant … It’s a horrible view, which is that ‘I need to be safe ideologically, I need to be safe emotionally, I just need to feel good all the time. And if someone else says something that I don’t like, that is a problem for everyone else, including the administration.”

  Second time Alex grabs my camera phone. Григорьева Татьяны Владимировныа brother - January 10, 2020 -->
Williamson articulated the level of courage it can take to overcome the fear of allowing our outer life to reflect the power of which our inner life is aware:

==== Александром Владимировичым Улютиновым убегает от полиции <!--    - Александром Владимировичым Улютиновым runs away from the police -->  ====
:Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. (p. 190–191)

16 января 2021 года, через 6 дней после штурма. Алекс вернулся в квартиру. Трэвис опасается за свою безопасность. Трэвис вызывает полицию, и Алекс выбегает из квартиры через черный ход.
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On January 16, 2021, 6 days after the assault. Alex is back in the apartment.  Travis is afraid for his safety.  Travis calls the police and Alex runs out of the apartment and out the back door.  -->

Прошу российскую полицию привлечь Александра Владимировича Улютинова к ответственности за нападение 10 января 2021 года. Александр Владимирович Улютинов ударил меня в рот примерно в 15:45 10 января 2021 года на первом этаже Донской улицы, 6c2, подъезд 7 Он убежал, я за ним. Он дважды пытался схватить мой телефон с камерой.
[[File:20180903 174609 1536018434160.jpg|200px|right|thumbs|your vibe attracts your tribe]]
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I ask the Russian police to make Александр Владимирович Улютинов responsible for his assault on January 10, 2021.  Александр Владимирович Улютинов hit me in the mouth at approximately 15:45 January 10, 2021, on the first floor of Донская улица, 6c2, подъезд 7.  He ran away, I followed.  He tried to grab my camera phone twice. -->

[[File:Talon police report january 16 2021 prosecute alex.jpeg|200px]]
One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. — Martin Luther King (1963)
[[File:police report january 16 2021 prosecute alex.png|300px]]

;In loving memory of and in deep appreciation of the trailblazer
Be the change you want to see in the World -- Mahatma Gandhi

==== Татьяна и Миша лгут в протоколе полиции  <!--   Tatiana and Misha lie in their police report --> ====
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter -- Martin Luther King  

[[File:false police report.jpg|300px]]
Life is no 'brief candle' to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment; and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. -- George Bernard Shaw

Татьяна и Миша постоянно лгут. Это плохо. То, что они оба соврали по крайней мере в одном полицейском протоколе, является незаконным и уголовно наказуемым действием. В полицейском протоколе Татьяна и Миша заявили, что я ударил Мишу палкой в живот. Это абсолютная ложь.
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.-- Helen Keller

Они также лгали и неоднократно сообщали об этом в милицию, а также лгали в протоколах о том, что я не платил за аренду (я оплатил за период до 3 февраля 2021 года двумя выплатами, и заплатил Татьяне на 13 500 рублей больше полагающихся по договору 20 000 рублей в месяц, плюс оплатил коммунальные услуги). Они неоднократно лгали полиции и лгали в полицейских протоколах о том, что у меня нет контракта до 1 мая 2021 года.
A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself. -- Albert Einstein
Russian: Человек начинает жить лишь тогда, когда ему удается превзойти самого себя. --Альберт Эйнштейн

Будучи профессиональным американским юристом, я не лгу в полицейских протоколах. Из-за такой лжи можно попасть в тюрьму. Именно поэтому я не привык лгать в протоколах. Я описываю все, что реально происходило, даже если при этом выставляю себя в невыгодном свете.
When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life. --  John Lennon

В свою очередь, Миша и Татьяна лгут обо всем.  
A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog. -- Jack London

The only constant in life is change
: '' '''Я уточню в соответствующих органах, законно ли выставить их ложный протокол в Интернете.'''  ''

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The greatest enemy to prejudice is travel - Mark Twain

Tatiana and Misha are habitual liars. This is bad.  What is criminal and illegal is they both lie in at least one police report.  In a police report both Tatiana and Misha stated that I had hit Misha in the stomach with a stick. This is a complete lie. 
==== Ideologies ====
"If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself." - Rollo May

They also lied and repeatedly told police and have lied in police reports stating that I have not paid rent (I paid through to February 3, 2021 twice, and I paid Tatiana 13,500 rubles more than the contractual 20,000 rubles a month, plus utilities)They have repeatedly lied to police and have lied in police reports that I don't have a contract until May 1, 2021.
"A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still." -- Benjamin Franklin.

As an American trained lawyer, I don't lie in police reports. Lying in police reports can send you to jail. So I am in the habit of not lying in reports.  I explain everything that happened, as it happened, even if it makes me look bad.
Cognitive dissonance

In contrast Misha and Tatiana will lie about everything. -->
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

'''Информация об аренде и платежах - Rental information and payments:  '''
<center>-- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) , Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists"</center>
[[File:rental agreement and payments for January 2021 rent-1.png|200px]]
[[File:rental agreement and payments for January 2021 rent-2.png|200px]]
<!-- [[File:rental agreement and payments for January 2021 rent-3.png|200px]] -->
[[File:payment for apartment best 14000 rubles sberbank tatiana oktoberskaya.jpg|200px]]
[[File:rental agreement and payments for January 2021 rent-4.png|200px]]
[[File:rental agreement and payments for January 2021 rent-5.png|200px]]
[[File:rental agreement and payments for January 2021 rent-6.png|200px]]

=== Татьяна выбрасывает мою посуду из кухни в коридор, 9:00 10 декабря 2020 г. <!--    - Tatiana throws my dishes out of the kitchen and into the hallway, 9:00 December 10, 2020 -->  ===
A person who finds a topic very confusing will often suspend judgment and keep right on believing in whatever he hopes is true. Over time, his questions lose urgency, and though not resolved, cease to become bothersome. Trust in a system will also help sustain a person through confusion until he reaches the point of no longer caring whether an answer is reasonable or not, or indeed, whether an answer even exists.
Татьяна взяла всю мою посуду и выбросила из кухни в коридор. Ударила по телефону.

Затем она сказала: "Не передвигай мое дерево!"
<center>--Chapter 12 [ By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus]: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri</center>

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'''"When adults first become conscious of something new, they usually either attack or try to escape from it... Attack includes such mild forms as ridicule, and escape includes merely putting out of mind."'''

Tatiana took all of my dishes and threw them out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Hitting the phone.
<center>-- [ William I.B. Beveridge], [ The Art of Scientific Investigation], 1957</center>

She then said, don't move my tree!  -->
'''Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity ''(clamness)'' opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.'''

[[File:tatiana throwing my dishes out of kitchen 2020-12-11 at 9.29.22 AM (1).jpeg|200px]]
<center>--Albert Einstein</center>
[[File:tatiana throwing my dishes out of kitchen 2020-12-11 at 9.29.22 AM (2).jpeg|200px]]
[[File:tatiana throwing my dishes out of kitchen 2020-12-11 at 9.29.22 AM (6).jpeg|200px]]
[[File:tatiana throwing my dishes out of kitchen 2020-12-11 at 9.29.22 AM (7).jpeg|250px]]
[[File:tatiana throwing my dishes out of kitchen 2020-12-11 at 9.29.22 AM (3).jpeg|200px]]
[[File:tatiana throwing my dishes out of kitchen 2020-12-11 at 9.29.22 AM (4).jpeg|200px]]
[[File:tatiana throwing my dishes out of kitchen 2020-12-11 at 9.29.22 AM (5).jpeg|200px]]

=== Татьяна открывает мою дверь и бросает мое имущество в мою комнату, затем вызывает полицию, 11 декабря 2020 г. <!--    - Tatiana opens my door and throws my property into my room, then calls police, December 11, 2020 -->  ===
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.
<center>-- Bertrand Russell</center>

Утром 11 декабря 2020 года Миша и Татьяна хотели перенести ящики в мою съемную комнату. Миша снова попросил Татьяну позвонить в полицию, ранее он несколько месяцев уговаривал Татьяну сделать это.
History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies.
<center>--  France. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville</center>

Татьяна взяла ящики в общей зоне (как видно выше) и бросила их в мою комнату. Миша, знавший закон, кричал Татьяне: "Не открывай его дверь, не бросай ящики в его комнату, это его комната".

Затем они вызвали полицию.

[[File:images sent from tatiana in march 2021-03-29 at 5.25.07 AM (8).jpeg|300px]]
"In our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either."  --Mark Twain

Political repression in America…is American as apple pie

Реконструкция Татьяны, бросающей мои коробки в мою комнату.
<blockquote>--[ American Inquisition: The Era of McCarthyism], Tape 9: Joe McCarthy and the Loss of China. Ellen Schrecker</blockquote>

<!-- Reenactment of Tatiana throwing my boxes into my room. -->
"The lust for money may be distasteful, the desire for power ignoble, but neither will drive its devotees to the criminal excess of an idea on the march. Whether the idea is the triumph of the working class or of a master race, ideology leads to the graveyard." Corey Robin in the London Review of Books quoted here []

; Электронное письмо, отправленное в МВД. Ответа нет:
"Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski, in what he called the law of the infinite cornucopia, stated that there was never a shortage of arguments to support any doctrine one wanted to believe in for whatever reasons."MICHAEL COOPER [ Parsing the Myths of the Midterm Election] November 5, 2010

[[File:Gmail - Letter to mvd Octoberskaya tanya ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА Г. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА Г__redacted_redacted-1.png|300px]]
======Beliefs never change======
{| border==1
|'''Adam Ruins Everything - Why Proving Someone Wrong Often Backfires '''

Your entire show's built around the idea that if you prevent someone with better information you can change their mind.  

Пятница, 4:47, 11 декабря 2020 г.
But the surprising truth is disproving a misconception can actually strengthen a person's belief in that misconception.  

Примерно в 3:15 я вышел из своей комнаты, и Миша снова переместил мой мусорный бак. Я бросил мусорное ведро в его дверь. Он не спал.
It's called the backfire effect.
Его свет был включен. Миша вышел из комнаты, а я поставил мусор у двери. Я закрыл дверь. Я вернулся в свою комнату. Миша позвал Татьяну, разбудив ее.

Татьяна подтолкнула все мои ящики к двери. Я вышел. Я никогда не прикасался к ней. Она хотела, чтобы я поместил все вещи в свою комнату. Я отказался, мы начали кричать. Я заблокировал коридор большой коробкой. Я никогда не касался ее (Татьяны). Она схватила все мои вещи и бросила их в мою комнату. В том числе предметы, которые находились в прихожей. Пока она это делала, я к ней ни разу не прикасался. Она разорвала бумагу, которая была прикреплена к моей двери. Она пыталась переместить этот стул в коридор (кухонный стул), пока мы ждали полицию. Я позвонил в «911». Я позвонил Диме, офицеру полиции. Я встретил полицию снаружи у дверей, в коридоре возле лифта.
The More you prove someone wrong the more they think they're right.

That can't be true I change people's minds every day.

You just proved my point I presented you with information that goes against you thinking and you just dug right into your beliefs.
one study found that when people concerned about side effects with a flu shot were informed it was safe they actually became less willing to get it

Туристическая полиция
but those so illogical how is it possible?
Because when you try to change someone’s mind the other person often feels attacked.

Being proven wrong actually activates the same area of the brain as real physical paint


The morning of December 11, 2020 Misha and Tatiana wanted to move the boxes into my rented room.  Misha again asked Tatiana to call the police, as he had goaded Tatiana to do for months. 
World star

Tatiana picked up the boxes in the common area (as seen above) and threw them into my roomMisha who knew the law, was yelling Tatiana, don't open his door, don't throw the boxes into his room, it is his room.
stay ?? you canA right hook will hurt ya. But her right facts will too.

They then called the police.
Being proven wrong hurts so much it often causes a fight-or-flight response

; Email that was sent to MVD. There was no response:
I gotta get out of here.

Nope  you need to hear this
Why am i reacting like this? Normally I love learning new things

Friday 4:47 am December 11, 2020
Simple you're protecting your identity. It’s called identity protective cognition

Approximately 3:15 am I came out of my room and misha had moved my garbage can again.  I threw the garbage can at his door.  He was awake.
His light was on.  Misha came out of the room and I put the garbage by the door.  I closed the door. I went back into my room.  Misha called for Tatiana to wake up.

Tatiana pushed all of my containers to the door. I came out and I never touched her. She wanted me to throw all of the items in the room. I refused we started yelling. I blocked the hallway with the large box. I never touched her.  She grabbed all of my stuff and it in my room. Threw it.
; Sources:

Including items in the hallway.  While she did this, I never touched her.  She ripped my paper on the door.  She tried to move this chair in hallway (kitchen chair) while we were waiting for police.  I called “911”. I called Dima.  Police officer I met police at the door.  In hallway of the elevator.

* "But the surprising truth is, disproving a misconception can actually strengthen a person's belief in that misconception."
:Craig Silverman. [ The Backfire Effect: More on the Press's Inability to Debunk Bad Information.]  * Columbia Journalism Review, 17 Jun 2011.
* "One study showed that when people concerned about the side effects of the flu shot were informed that it was safe, they actually became less willing to get it."
:Cari Romm. [ Vaccine Mythbusting can Backfire.]  * The Atlantic, 12 Dec 2014.
* "Being proven wrong actually activates the same areas of the brain as real physical pain."
:C. Nathan DeWall, Geoff MacDonald, Gregory D. Webster, Carrie L. Masten, Roy F. Baumeister, Caitlin Powell, David Combs, David R. Schurtz, Tyler F. Stillman, Dianne M. Tice, and Naomi I. Eisenberger. [ Acetaminophen Reduces Social Pain.]  * Psychological Science, 14 Jun 2010.
* "But when the truth threatens their identity, they push back hard."
:Maria Konnikova. [ I Don't Want To Be Right.] * The New Yorker, 16 May 2014.
* "When a fact contradicts our beliefs, we often hide behind emotional arguments that can't be disproven."
:Troy Campbell. [ Why People Fly From Facts.]  * Scientific American, 3 Mar 2015.
* "The "Backfire Effect" happens because our emotions are faster than logical thoughts."
:Chris Mooney. [ The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science.]  * Mother Jones, May/Jun 2011.
* "Finding out you're wrong is the first step toward one day being right."
:Henry L. Roediger and Brigid Finn. [ Getting it Wrong: Surprising Tips on How To Learn.]  * Scientific American Mind, 20 Oct 2009.
* "And people actually like you more if they see you screw up. It's called the 'Pratfall Effect.'"
:John Tauer. [ Image is Everything: LeBron James and the Pratfall Effect.]  * Psychology Today, 22 Jul 2009.
* "Doctors who are honest about their errors are more likely to have more trusting patients, not fewer."
:Kathleen M. Mazor, George W. Reed, Robert A. Yood, Melissa A. Fischer, Joann Baril and Jerry H. Gurwitz. [ Disclosure of Medical Errors: What Factors Influence How Patients Respond?]  * The Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21 (7), Jul 2006.

* Wikipedia: [ Confirmation bias] - Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias,  is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.

Tourist police
* Wikipedia:  [ Backfire Effect] -->
* [ The Backfire Effect]

=== 22 декабря 2020 г.: Татьяна отключает электричество в моей арендованной комнате  <!---  -  Tatiana turns off the electricity in my rented bedroom  --> ===
* [ Cultural Cognition]
[[File:tatiana angry turned off lights - turning on lights in my room.png|225px]]

Татьяна отключает электричество в моей арендованной комнате  - 23 декабря 2020 г.
====Bible versus====
John 4:18: There is no fear in love, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.

Я американец и я не знал, где находится электрический выключатель в моей комнате. Я сначала попытался мирно включить электричество.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

После того, как Татьяна снова включила свет в своей комнате, она лжет на камеру по поводу дверного замка (см. раздел о дверном замке)

<!---  {{-}}
Tatiana turns off the electricity in my rented bedroom.

As an American, I did not know where the electric breaker box was for my room.  I tried to peacefully turn back on the electricity myself first.

After Tatiana turns back on the electricity in my room, she lies on camera about the door lock (see door lock section) - December 23, 2020.  -->

;About hope in the face of conflict, overwhelming odds, and almost universal disdain, quotes:
'''FIRST QUOTE:''' journalist I. F. Stone once wrote, "The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you are going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins. In order for somebody to win an important, major fight 100 years hence, a lot of other people have got to be willing - for the sheer fun and joy of it-to go right ahead and fight, knowing you're going to lose. You mustn't feel like a martyr. You've got to enjoy it."<center>--Excerpt from the book: The Middle Mind Why Americans Don't Think for Themselves by Curtis White [ http://www.thirdworldtraveler.<wbr></wbr>com/America/Middle_Mind.html]</center>

'''SECOND QUOUTE:''' "...The reverberations from what happened on this spot, on the late afternoon of May 22, 1787, eventually caught the attention of millions of people around the world, including the first and greatest student of what today we call civil society. The result of the series of events begun that afternoon in London, wrote France. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville decades later, was "absolutely without precedent…. If you pore over the histories of all peoples, I doubt that you will find anything more extraordinary." The building that once stood at 2 George Yard was a bookstore and printing shop. The proprietor was James Phillips, publisher and printer for Britain's small community of Quakers. On that May afternoon, after the pressmen and typesetters had gone home for the day, 12 men filed through his doors. They formed themselves into a committee with what seemed to their fellow Londoners a hopelessly idealistic and impractical aim: ending first the slave trade and then slavery itself in the most powerful empire on Earth."  -- Los Angeles Times: [ The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees]
'''THIRD QUOTE: '''Zinn recently said: "My hope is that whatever you do to make a good life for yourself -- whether you become a teacher, or social worker, or business person, or lawyer, or poet, or scientist -- you will devote part of your life to making this a better world for your children, for all children. My hope is that your generation will demand an end to war, that your generation will do something that has not yet been done in history and wipe out the national boundaries that separate us from other human beings on this earth."<center>--From [ Against Discouragement]</center>'''FOURTH QUOTE: '''The struggle for justice should never be abandoned on the ground that it is hopeless, because of the apparent overwhelming power of those in the world who have the guns and the money and who seem invincible in their determination to hold on to their power. That apparent power has, again and again, proved vulnerable to human qualities less measurable than bombs and dollars: moral fervor, determination, unity, organization, sacrifice, wit, ingenuity, courage, and patience—whether by blacks in Alabama and South Africa; peasants in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Vietnam; or workers and intellectuals in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. No cold calculation of the balance of power should deter people who are persuaded that their cause is just.<center>--From [ Declarations of Independence] Chapter 11: The Ultimate Power page 279</center>'''FIFTH QUOTE: '''“As [ Adam Hochschild] points out, from the time the English Quakers first took on the issue of slavery, three quarters of a century passed before it was abolished it in Europe and America. Few if any working on the issue at the beginning lived to see its conclusion, when what had once seemed impossible suddenly began to look, in retrospect, inevitable.” “The African writer Laurens Van Der Post once said that no great new leaders were emerging because it was time for us to cease to be followers.”<center>--From the Excellent Article: TomDispatch:[ Rebecca Solnit on hope in dark times]</center>

=== Миша ломает мой стул <!-- Misha breaking my chair --> ===
'''Another quote:''' “a number of famous mainland Chinese dissidents find themselves in the paradoxical position of a backyard bush that blooms on the neighbour’s side of the wall: enjoying great international fame but not recognised by the general public in their own country, known only within a small circle of people”.[ [2]]

[[File:broken chair in common area broken by misha 2.jpg|300px]]
==== France. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville ====
[[File:broken chair in common area broken by misha.jpg|175px]]

[[File:RUSSIAN january 8 2020 broken chair.jpeg|300px]]
Also see: [ Tocqueville]
[[File:talon receipt 01 08 2021 broken chair.jpeg|230px]]

'''I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America. '''The Americans, in their intercourse with strangers, appear impatient of the smallest disapproval (censure) and impossible to satisfy hunger for praise (insatiable) ...They unceasingly harass you to extort praise, and if you resist their humble request (entreaties) they fall to praising themselves. It would seem as if, doubting their own merit, they wished to have it constantly exhibited before their eyes.

Миша и Татьяна ломают мои вещи в спальне и в общих зонах квартиры. Мой шредер сломан, как и некоторые другие из моих вещей. Эти люди делают это так хитро, что у меня нет очевидных доказательств, за исключением одного случая.  
It seems, at first sight, as if all the minds of the Americans were formed upon one model, so accurately do they correspond in their manner of judging.  

Татьяна и Миша месяцами вытесняли меня из общей зоны.  
A stranger does, indeed, sometimes meet with Americans who dissent from these rigid beliefs (rigorous formularies); with men who deplore the defects of the laws, the ability to change (mutability) and the ignorance of democracy; who even go so far as to observe the evil tendencies which impair the national character, and to point out such remedies as it might be possible to apply.  

1. В конце ноября я поставил один из двух своих пластиковых стульев в общей зоне. У него была слегка надломлена спинка.  
But no one is there to hear these things besides yourself, and you, to whom these secret reflections are confided, are a stranger and a bird of passage. Americans are very ready to communicate truths which are useless to you, but they continue to hold a different language in public. In America the majority raises formidable barriers around the liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write what he pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them.  

2. Когда брат Татьяны Алекс приходил в гости, я заметил, что Миша сидел на стуле спиной ко мне, опираясь на спинку стула, чтобы сломать его.  
In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-made opinions for the use of individuals, who are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own. Americans are so filled with love for (enamored) with equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.  

3. После случая проявления сильной агрессии со стороны Татьяны в коридоре она впервые вызвала полицию 11 декабря.  
The surface of American society is covered with a layer of democratic paint, but from time to time one can see the old aristocratic colors breaking through. An American cannot converse, but he can discuss, and his talk falls into a dissertation. He speaks to you as if he was addressing a meeting...  

4. Пока мы ждали полицию, Татьяна схватила стул и поставила его в коридоре. Она показала на сломанную спинку и сказала, что я скажу полиции, что это она сломала его.  
As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: How much money will it bring in? 
<center> -- Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America. 1835.</center>

5. Я был шокирован этими словами, поскольку, как американец, никогда не работавший осведомителем в КГБ, я никогда бы не додумался до такого обмана.  
<center>[ Image hosted by]</center>

6. Только потом я вспомнил, как Миша опирался на стул.  
[[Alexis de Tocqueville|Biography]] of France. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville Download Tocqueville's three books for free: [ Democracy in America — Volume 1] [ Democracy in America — Volume 2][ American Institutions and Their Influence]

7. 7 января 2021 г. я увидел, что стул был полностью сломан.
====  Albert Einstein ====

Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.

<center>--Albert Einstein</center>

The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.

<center>--Albert Einstein (From [ Comments on Chomsky's web blog])</center>

Misha and Tatiana will break my property in my bedroom and in the common areas of the apartment. My shredder and other items would break. They would break these items in such a devious way, that I don't have definite proof except in one example.
''I MADE ONE great mistake in my life,'' Albert Einstein admitted, ''when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made...''

Tatiana and Misha pushed me out of the common area for months. 
<center>--Albert Einstein [ Hiroshima: A Mistake and A Crime]</center>

1. In late November, I put one of my two plastic chairs in the common area. It had a slight broken back.
====Howard Zinn====

2. When Tatiana's brother Alex came to visit I noticed that Misha would sit on the chair with his back to me at the door, and lean on the chair to break the chair.  
Zinn quotes Kissinger in his first chapter, on page 9: ""History is the memory of states," wrote Henry Kissinger in his first book, A World Restored, in which he proceeded to tell the history of nineteenth-century Europe from the viewpoint of the leaders of Austria and England, ignoring the millions who suffered from those statesmen's policies. From his standpoint, the "peace" that Europe had before the French Revolution was "restored" by the diplomacy of a few national leaders. But for factory workers in England, farmers in France, colored people in Asia and Africa, women and children everywhere, except in the upper classes, it was a world of conquest, violence, hunger, exploitation -- a world not restored but disintegrated."

3. After Tatiana was extremely violent in the hallway, she called the police for the first time on December 11.
;Seed of peace planted in Zinn

4. As we waited for the police to come, Tatiana grabbed the chair and put it in the hallway. She pointed out the broken back and she said that I would tell the police that she broke it.  
In World War 2, a passing conversation with an warplane gunner changed Howard Zinn's life forever. Zinn argued that America was not imperialist and went away troubles with what this stranger said.  Two weeks later this warplane gunner was shot down and killed.  Decades later Zinn became an anti-war activist and author of  the seminal "A People's History of the United States"  This bombardier never truly knew the last legacy of love and peace he created in this world.  

5. I was in shock, as an American who never worked as an informant for the KGB, I simply never thought so devious like this.
Just and Unjust War excerpt:

6. It was only later I remembered how Misha would lean back in the chair.  
[Zinn] flew the last bombing missions of the war, got my Air Medal and my battle stars. I was quietly proud of my participation in the great war to defeat fascism. But when I packed up my things at the end of the war and put my old navigation logs and snapshots and other mementos in a folder, I marked that folder, almost without thinking, "Never Again."

7. On January 7, 2021 I saw that the chair was completely broken. -->
I'm still not sure why I did that, because it was not until years later that I began consciously to question the motives, the conduct, and the consequences of that crusade against fascism. The point was not that my abhorrence of fascism was in any way diminished. I still believed something had to be done to stop fascism. But that clear certainty of moral rightness that propelled me into the Air Force as an enthusiastic bombardier was now clouded over by many thoughts.

Perhaps my conversations with that gunner on the other crew, the one who loaned me The Yogi and the Commisar, gave me the first flickers of doubt. He spoke of the war as "an imperialist war," fought on both sides for national power. Britain and the United States opposed fascism only because it threatened their own control over resources and people. Yes, Hitler was a maniacal dictator and invader of other countries. But what of the British Empire and its long history of wars against native peoples to subdue them for the profit and glory of the empire? And the Soviet Union--was it not also a brutal dictatorship, concerned not with the working classes of the world but with its own national power?

I was puzzled. "Why," I asked my friend, "are you flying missions, risking your life, in a war you don't believe in?" His answer astonished me. "I'm here to speak to people like you."

I found out later he was a member of the Socialist Workers party; they opposed the war but believed that instead of evading military service they should enter it and propagandize against the war every moment they could. I couldn't understand this, but I was impressed by it. Two weeks after that conversation with him, he was killed on a mission over Germany.

Прошу провести проверку в порядке ст. ст. 144, 145 УПК РФ

(подпись руководителя ОМВД)
:''As one of Zinn's book titles states: "You Can't Be Neutral On a Moving Train"

Начальнику отдела МВД России
Howard Zinn is an author best known for the book, "A People's History of the United States".

по Тверскому району г. Москвы
In World War 2, a passing conversation with an warplane gunner changed Howard Zinn's life forever. Zinn argued that America was not imperialist and went away troubled with what this stranger said. Two weeks later this warplane gunner was shot down and killed. Decades later Zinn became an anti-war activist and author of the seminal "A People's History of the United States" This bombardier never truly knew the last legacy of love and peace he created in this world.

подполковнику полиции М.А. Смирнову
Just and Unjust War excerpt:

от гр-на (ки) 
[Zinn] flew the last bombing missions of the war, got my Air Medal and my battle stars. I was quietly proud of my participation in the great war to defeat fascism. But when I packed up my things at the end of the war and put my old navigation logs and snapshots and other mementos in a folder, I marked that folder, almost without thinking, "Never Again."

проживает: индекс ул. Донская д. 6 с. 2 кв. 158
I'm still not sure why I did that, because it was not until years later that I began consciously to question the motives, the conduct, and the consequences of that crusade against fascism. The point was not that my abhorrence of fascism was in any way diminished. I still believed something had to be done to stop fascism. But that clear certainty of moral rightness that propelled me into the Air Force as an enthusiastic bombardier was now clouded over by many thoughts.

телефон: т 
Perhaps my conversations with that gunner on the other crew, the one who loaned me The Yogi and the Commisar, gave me the first flickers of doubt. He spoke of the war as "an imperialist war," fought on both sides for national power. Britain and the United States opposed fascism only because it threatened their own control over resources and people. Yes, Hitler was a maniacal dictator and invader of other countries. But what of the British Empire and its long history of wars against native peoples to subdue them for the profit and glory of the empire? And the Soviet Union--was it not also a brutal dictatorship, concerned not with the working classes of the world but with its own national power?

время обращения__час__мин
I was puzzled. "Why," I asked my friend, "are you flying missions, risking your life, in a war you don't believe in?" His answer astonished me. "I'm here to speak to people like you."

(в дежурную часть для регистрации написанного заявления)
I found out later he was a member of the Socialist Workers party; they opposed the war but believed that instead of evading military service they should enter it and propagandize against the war every moment they could. I couldn't understand this, but I was impressed by it. Two weeks after that conversation with him, he was killed on a mission over Germany.

====  Chomsky ====
"Cuba has probably been the target of more international terrorism than the rest of the world combined and, therefore, in the American ideological system it is regarded as the source of international terrorism, exactly as Orwell would have predicted."

Я предупрежден (а) по ст. 306 УК РФ об ответственности за заведомо ложный донос.
<center>---Source: Talk titled "American Foreign Policy" Naom Chomsky at Harvard University ([<wbr></wbr>/19850319.htm]), March 19, 1985</center>

7.1.2021 года в 11 часов 50 минут по адресу: ул. Донская д. 6 с. 2 кв. 150
"No less insidious is the cry for 'revolution,' at a time when not even the germs of new institutions exist, let alone the moral and political consciousness that could lead to a basic modification of social life. '''If there will be a 'revolution' in America today, it will no doubt be a move towards some variety of fascism.''' We must guard against the kind of revolutionary rhetoric that would have had Karl Marx burn down the British Museum because it was merely part of a repressive society. It would be criminal to overlook the serious flaws and inadequacies in our institutions, or to fail to utilize the substantial degree of freedom that most of us enjoy, within the framework of these flawed institutions, to modify them or even replace them by a better social order. One who pays some attention to history will not be surprised if those who cry most loudly that we must smash and destroy are later found among the administrators of some new system of repression."

Прошлой ночью я увидел в своей комнате, что мой стул сломан. Миша, мой сосед
<center>--Source: American Power and the New Mandarins, 1969 Naom Chomsky</center><blockquote>Wikiquote on Chomsky [<wbr></wbr>oam_Chomsky] Wikipedia on Chomsky [[noam Chomsky|<wbr></wbr>oam_Chomsky]]</blockquote>
по съемной квартире, зашел в мою комнату без разрешения. Он сидел
опрокинувшись на этот стул перед тем как сломать его на кухне. Татьяна -
моя хозяйка сказала что она уже замечала как он пытался сломать стул в декабре.  

Перевод осуществил полицейский специализированного батальона 10ПП ГУ МВД России
====20th century bogymen====
по г. Москве сержант полиции Елисеев Н.Г. /Подпись/ 8.01.21

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."---Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Fascist Dictator of Italy

"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."

Please check in accordance with Articles 144, 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
<center>--Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II</center>

In a memorable insight, [ Rebecca Solnit] has suggested that the successes of social movements should often be measured not by their accomplishments, but by the disasters they prevent:

(signature of the head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
<blockquote>"What the larger movements have achieved is largely one of careers undestroyed, ideas uncensored, violence and intimidation uncommitted, injustices unperpetrated, rivers unpoisoned and undammed, bombs undropped, radiation unleaked, poisons unsprayed, wildernesses unviolated, countryside undeveloped, resources unextracted, species unexterminated."</blockquote>

Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Tverskoy district of Moscow
The Iraqi resistance, one of the least expected and most powerful social movements of recent times, can lay claim to few positive results. In two years of excruciating (if escalating) fighting, the insurgents have seen their country progressively reduced to an ungovernable jungle of violence, disease, and hunger. But maybe, as Solnit suggests, their real achievement lies in what didn't happen. Despite the deepest desires of the Bush administration, to this day Iran remains uninvaded -- the horrors of devolving Iraq have, so far, prevented the unleashing of the plagues of war on its neighbor

police lieutenant colonel
<center>--Tom Dispatch: [ The Ironies of Conquest]</center>

M.A. Smirnov
====American Sociology====

From: Mr.
As Ed the Sock said last night, politicians are just a reflection of society. We don't want unpleasant truths, and demand to be lied to so as to feel better, and then complain when things don't work out perfectly. George Carlin also blames the American people for the problems with politicians, as they all come from American schools, churches, families, exposed to the same media and then voted on by their peers. Society creates the hated politician, who then pretends to be liked to sell you a product, just like cat food or laundry detergent. ([<wbr></wbr>rchives/20040701.html] Where is the George Carlin quote?)

Address: index 6s2 Donskaya Str., apt. 150
"What should one write to ruin an adversary? The best thing is to prove that he is not one of us -- the stranger, alien, foreigner. To this end we create the category of the true family. We here, you and I, the authorities, are a true family. We live in unity, among our own kind. We have the same roof over our heads, we sit at the same table, we know how to get along with each other, how to help each other out. Unfortunately, we are not alone."

<blockquote>--Ryszard Kapuscinski in Shah of Shahs</blockquote>

time of contacting: 1:25 p.m.
“…in Britain, empire was justified as a benevolent "white man's burden." And in the United States, empire does not even exist; "we" are merely protecting the causes of freedom, democracy, and justice worldwide.

(the duty station to register a written statement)
<blockquote>--The Editors, "After the attacks…the war on terrorism", Monthly Review, 53, 6, Nov., 2001. P 7</blockquote>

"Explanation is not a justification for murder, criticism is not equivalent to treason, and offering a historical analysis of evil is not the same thing as consorting with evil."

I am warned about responsibility for giving deliberately false testimony under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
<blockquote>--[ Eric Foner] rejecting the arguments that "Trying to understand the 9/11 terrorists grievances is treasonous"</blockquote>

Signature /signature/
“When we are reduced to insisting that our depravity isn't as bad as the other guy's, we have fallen deep into a pit of moral equivalence that reveals what we have lost."

On January 7, 2021 at 11:50 a.m. at the address 6s2 Donskaya Str., apt. 150.  
<center>--[ Their Humiliation, and Ours] The U.S. was forced to see itself as the world does — and it was painful to behold Time magazine Monday, May. 17, 2004</center>

Last night I noticed that the chair was broken in my room. Misha, my roommate in a rented apartment, entered my room without permission. He sat leaning against this chair before breaking it in the kitchen. Tatiana, my landlady, said that she had already noticed how he had tried to break a chair in December.
"Perhaps the most significant moral characteristic of a nation is its hypocrisy."

The translation was carried out by a police officer of the 10PP specialized battalion of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, police sergeant N.G. Eliseev. /signature/
<center>--Reinhold Niebuhr</center>

January 8, 2021
"ALL empires die of indigestion," said Napoleon. They do. They bite off more than they can chew, swallow territories their colonial systems can't digest, and die. --The empire that is dead ''The Herald (Glasgow)'' August 1, 1996

January 8, 2021 /signature/
Kerry will change his views to fit the facts; Bush will change the facts to fit his views

signature  -->
<center>--Hillary Clinton in the 2004 race.</center>

Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism...Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot consider themselves nobler, better, grander, more intelligent than those living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all the others.

=== Абсурдная ложь прокуратуре Москвы от Григорьевой Татьяны Владимировны <!--    -  Absurd lies to the Moscow Prosecutors office from Grigorieva Tatiana Vladimirovna --> ===
<center>--Emma Goldman.</center>
«Если вы говорите неправду и продолжаете ее повторять, люди в конце концов поверят в это». - Йозеф Геббельс, немецкий нацистский политик.

Законно ли лгать прокуратуре?
"The loud little handful will shout for war. The pulpit will warily and cautiously protest at first…The great mass of the nation will rub its sleepy eyes, and will try to make out why there should be a war, and they will say earnestly and indignantly: ‘It is unjust and dishonorable and there is no need for war.' Then the few will shout even louder…Before long you will see a curious thing: anti-war speakers will be stoned from the platform, and free speech will be strangled by hordes of furious men who still agree with the speakers but dare not admit it...Next, statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception."

<!-- {{e}}
<center>--Mark Twain</center>

  "If you tell a lie and keep repeating it, people will eventually believe it." -- Joseph Goebbels, German Nazi politician
"...people believe that "imperialism" won out for military reasons. Osborne shows convincingly that commerce won out instead. America...seen as an "economic imperialist nation."

Is lying to the prosecutors office illegal?  -->
<center>--The Christian Century book review of Annexation Hawaii</center>

Tens of millions of Americans, who neither know nor understand [their own country’s bloody historical struggle for the material benefits they all enjoy today], march in the army of the night with their Bibles held high. And they are a strong and frightening force, impervious to, and immunized against, the feeble lance of mere reason.

[[File:tatiana grigorieva early termination of lease - January 6 2020.jpg|200px]]
<center>–-Alteration of a quote by Isaac Asimov</center>
[[File:Receipt for the prosecutors office.jpeg|200px|thumb|  Квитанция в прокуратуру. - Receipt for the prosecutor's office. ]]
[[File:Report_to_the_prosectors_office_2.jpeg|200px|thumb| Обратитесь в прокуратуру, чтобы отреагировать на ложь Татьяны - Report the the prosecutor's office to respond to Tatiana's lies.]]
<!-- {{e}} -->

Досрочное расторжение договора найма жилого помещения между  , США, и Григорьевой Татьяной Владимировной от 1.06.2020 г. на комнату по адресу: Москва, ул. Донская 6 стр. 2. Договор расторгается в связи с нарушением пункта 3.1.4 Договора - нарушение прав и интересов владельцев прилегающих помещений и статьи 5.3. Договора - умышленное нанесение материального ущерба имуществу владельцев прилегающих помещений.
43% of Americans have not read a book in the last year.

<!--   Early termination of residential lease agreement  between , US citizen, and Grigorieva Tatiana Vladimirovna dd. 1.06.2020, the room is situated at the following address: Moscow, Donskaia, 6, bldg. 2. The Agreement is terminated because of the breach of the clause 3.14. hereof “Infringement of rights and interests of neighbour premises owners” and clause 5.3. “Intentional damage of the property of neighbour premises owners”. -->
<center>-- According to the National Endowment for the Arts on the 2002 US Census Bureau statistics [<wbr></wbr>ducation/2004-07-08-reading-st<wbr></wbr>udy_x.htm]</center>

  страдает от мысли:
More American teenagers can name three of the Three Stooges than can name the three branches of government (59% to 41%)

<!--   Poor  suffers from a thought that: -->
<center>-- [ http://www.constitutioncenter.<wbr></wbr>org/CitizenAction/CivicResearc<wbr></wbr>hResults/NCCTeens'Poll.shtml]</center>

1. У него украл сосед пенсионер 72 лет Марухин М.С. ключи и Тревису пришлось учить и воспитывать Марухина палкой по голове, животу и брызгать газовым перцовым балончиком в 3.00 ночи и меня, Григорьеву, когда я подошла успокоить Тревиса. Перцовый газ попал на волосы, обжег мне глаза, лицо, шею. А когда я в таком состоянии подходила к своей лежачей матери, ей 90 лет, у нее оскольчатый перелом предвертельного правого тазобедренного сустава со смещением, то мама стала задыхаться и кричать. '''[ЛОЖЬ]'''
The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government.

<!--   1. His neighbor - Marukhin M.S., retired, aged 72 – stole his keys, so Travis had to teach him a lesson at 3.00 a.m. drubbing him in the head and stomach and using the pepper spray which Travis also sprayed into my face, when I approached him and tried to calm him down. The pepper spray struck my hair, eyes, face and neck. Each time I approached in such a state to my bedridden mother aged 90 (she has a comminuted displaced pertrochanteric right hip joint fracture) she was short of breath and began to cry.      -->
<center>---Martin Luther King, Jr.</center>

2.Тревиса мучает мысль, что заходят в комнату, где он живет, тогда Тревис сгребает на кухонный стол все мои кастрюли, лопаточки, друшлаги и другое в целях воспитания и устрашения. '''[ЛОЖЬ  - Миша и Татьяна 6 месяцев постоянно перемещают мои вещи в общей зоне. Миша расставляет ловушки по всему дому, включая проводку. Наконец я положила на стол несколько вещей Миши и сфотографировала. Вызвали полицию.]'''
Pentagon briefers told President Johnson that the true U.S. goals in Vietnam were, “70% to avoid a humiliating U.S. defeat; 20% to keep South Vietnam (and adjacent territories) from Chinese hands; 10% to permit the people of Vietnam a better, freer way of life.

<center>-- Robert Freeman: [ Is Iraq Another Vietnam? Actually, It May Become Worse]</center>
2. When Travis is teased by a thought that somebody comes into his room, he banks up on the kitchen table all my saucepans, spatulas, colanders and other cooking things for the purposes of giving a lesson and frightening.   [LIE  Misha and Tatiana constantly move my things in the common area, for 6 months. Misha creates traps throughout the house, including wiring. I finally put some of  Misha's items on the table and took pictures.  They called the police.] ''' -->  

3. То ходит по ночам по коридору, где выключает свет, а сам стоит с мобильником в темноте и снимает нас, когда кто-то ходит ночью в туалет или на кухню. '''[ЛОЖЬ - Миша - это человек, которого Татьяна описывает как «бывшего алкоголика», «психически неуравновешенного», «целый день смотрящего телевизор» и «ненавидящего Америку».]'''
My kind of loyalty is loyalty to one's country and not to one's institutions or officeholders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing to watch over. Its institutions and clothing can wear out and become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, disease and death. To be loyal to rags, to shout for rags, to worship rags, to die for rags, that is a loyalty of unreason.' This is important because in the present discussion boundaries have been set, lines have been drawn. Those who go outside those boundaries and criticize official policy are called unpatriotic and disloyal. When they accuse dissenters of that they have forgotten the meaning of loyalty and patriotism. Patriotism does not mean support for your government. It means, as Mark Twain said, support for your country. --Howard Zinn, from the Artists in a Time of War CD

<!--    3. Or he is wandering about the corridor switching on the light and then stays in the darkness and takes videos on his phone when somebody goes to the bathroom or kitchen. '''[LIE -  - Misha is the person that Tatiana describes as a "former alcoholic" who is "mentally disturbed", who "watches television all day" and "hates America".]''' -->
Where the "Disneyland" Quote comes from:

4.То страдает от мысли, что Марухин заминировал дом и ему пришлось оповестить все квартиры подъезда.  
: Leftists like to explain the disaffection of working-class people with public education as a natural reaction to the patriotism, conformity, and civility pushed by what they call the “ideological state apparatus.” The object of education, according to this view, is to police class boundaries by transforming most kids into a unquestioning drones while selecting a small number of others for management positions. Kids from blue-collar homes are supposed to know intuitively that this is the case, and they respond accordingly, cutting class and getting high and listening to The Wall over and over again. A more nuanced version of this critique, the 1995 book Lies My Teacher Told Me, points out that high school American history textbooks give ”a Disney version of history”: heroic, egalitarian, jam-packed with progress, and almost entirely free of class conflict. Teaching such an “Officer Friendly” account of reality, the author concludes, is merely to “make school irrelevant to the major issues of the day.” The kids know bullshit when they see it.
За то, что Тревис порвал провода городской телефонной связи, выбросил роутер, сам городской телефон; оторвал планку от входной двери в квартиру, сломал замок и ручку в комнате, где снимает, я вычту из денег. И за ремонт в комнате, где он истыкал гвоздями стены и повредил обои. '''[LIE  - Абсурдная ложь -    Татьяна согласилась на все отверстия в стене в переписке по WhatsApp.] '''

<!--  4. Or once he was struck by a thought that Marukhin M.S. had rigged the house with explosives and Travis reported a bomb threat to all housemates.
: The disaffection of the Kansas conservatives with public education is almost precisely the opposite. They do not have a problem with the idea that schools should be designed to churn out low-wage workers; indeed, Kay O’Connor (A conservative Kansas state senator) told me that was a worthy goal. The Cons (conservative wing of the Republican party) are pissed off because they think the schools don’t provide enough Disney, enough Officer Friendly. --What's the Matter with Kansas?
Travis ruptured telephone wires, threw away a router and a telephone set, tore away an escape plan from the front door, broke a door lock and handle in his room. I will take off all damage costs from the money, as well as room repair costs as Travis studded walls with nails and damaged the wallpaper. '''[LIE - ЛОЖЬ  - Absurd lie - Абсурдная ложь -  Tatiana agreed to all of the holes in the wall through WhatsApp - Татьяна согласилась на все отверстия в стене в переписке по WhatsApp.] ''' -->

Я постараюсь через Прокуратуру воздействовать на полицию, чтобы она защищала своих граждан.
====copyright: piracy is not theft====
У Тревиса оплачено до 3.01.2021 года (Договор был заключен 1.06.2020 г, а въехал он в комнату жить 3.06.2020 г). '''[ЛОЖЬ  - Срок оплаты до 3 февраля 2021 года, срок действия контракта истек 3 мая 2021 года.]'''
[[File:piracy is not theft.jpg|400px]]

<!-- I am going to run to the prosecutor's office to make them exercise control over the police so that they begin to protect their citizens. 
====Dataclysm: Repelling some people draws others all the closer====
Travis paid the rental fee until 3.01.2021 (the Agreement was concluded on 1.06.2020, but Travis moved into the room on 3.06.2020). '''[LIE - ЛОЖЬ  - Срок оплаты до 3 февраля 2021 года, срок действия контракта истек 3 мая 2021 года. - Paid until February 3, 2021, the contract expired on May 3, 2021.]'''  -->
🙶Repelling some people draws others all the closer... “Beauty is looks you can never forget. A face should jolt, not soothe.” For as with music, as with movies, and as with a wide variety of human phenomena: a flaw is a powerful thing. Even at the
person-to-person level, to be universally liked is to be relatively ignored. To be disliked by some is to be loved all the more by others. And, specifically, a woman’s overall sex appeal is enhanced when some men find her ugly.🙷

== Ложь о том, что ударил меня палкой от двери ==
🙶Given that everyone on Earth has some kind of flaw, the real moral here is: be yourself and be brave about it.🙷
[[File:Door with keys on october 30 2021.jpeg|200px]]

Дверь с ключами Татьяны 30 октября 2021 г.
🙶Repelling some people draws others all the closer.🙷

<!-- Door with Tatiana's keys on October 30, 2021  -->
🙶In any group of women who are all equally good-looking, the number of (online dating app) messages they get is highly correlated to the variance: from the pageant queens to the most homely women to the people right in between, the individuals who get the most affection will be the polarizing ones. And the effect isn’t small—being highly polarizing will in fact get you about 70 percent more messages. That means variance allows you to effectively jump several “leagues” up in the dating pecking order—for example, a very low-rated woman (20th percentile) with high variance in her votes gets hit on about as much as a typical woman in the 70th percentile. Part of that is because variance means, by definition, that more people like you a lot (as well as dislike you a lot).🙷

-- Dataclysm: Love, Sex, Race, and Identity--What Our Online Lives Tell Us about Our Offline Selves, from the founder of the American dating App, OKCupid.

[[File:video of door on december 17 2021.png|400px]]

Видео двери 17 декабря 2020 года
“Walter Lippmann painstakingly demonstrated why no individual, however intelligent, educated, and motivated, was capable of becoming an expert, let alone being an "insider," on all the important issues of the day.

[[File:lock on court day december 17 2021.png|200px]]
<blockquote>--[ Ignorance of the world has deep historical and cultural roots in the US]</blockquote>

Дверь в день суда, 19 декабря, 2020
The media makes politics out to be "liberal" vs. "conservative" when in fact the real model is Corporate America vs. Everyone Else.

<blockquote>--[ Sirotablog]</blockquote>

[[File:Door on janruary 2021.png|200px]]
The media do not necessarily tell your what to think, but they tell you what to think about, and how to think about it. --The Rise and Fall of Professional Journalism Robert McChesney

Дверь в январе 2021 г. Верх удален <!-- Door in January 2021  Top removed -->  (
It is often noted that democracy requires journalism; what is less frequently emphasized is that journalism requires democracy. Unless there is strong political culture there will be little demand for excellent journalism.

<!-- Lies about hitting me with a stick from the door -->
<blockquote>--[ The Rise and Fall of Professional Journalism] Robert McChesney</blockquote>

A politician stands a far greater chance to become the object of news media scrutiny if she or he is rumored to have not paid 10 parking tickets or if they failed to pay a bar bill than if they used their power to quietly funnel billions of public dollars to powerful special interests.

==Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна Ложь в суде о доказательствах  ==
<blockquote>--[ The Rise and Fall of Professional Journalism] Robert McChesney</blockquote>
Lies in court about evidence.

[[File:WhatsApp Image 2021-04-21 at 6.57.28 PM.jpeg|400px]]
A five year study of investigative journalism on TV news completed in 2002 determined that investigative journalism has all but disappeared on the nation’s commercial airwaves.

Меня не раз поражало, насколько лукавит Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна в суде. Я юристом с 2009 года. Я жил в 4 странах. Татьяна - самая искусная лгунья, которую я когда-либо встречал. 21 апреля 2021 года Татьяна волшебным образом нашла предполагаемый перцовый баллончик после того, как я переехал. Законно оплатив квартиру до 1 февраля 2021 года. Мой некомпетентный адвокат спрашивает ее, почему она не сообщила об этом в полицию. У нее не было ответа.
<blockquote>--[ The Rise and Fall of Professional Journalism] Robert McChesney</blockquote>

На предыдущих судебных заседаниях она солгала о моих братьях. Пока я жил с ней, она называла меня террористом, расистом и сумасшедшим. Избегайте этой женщины. Она самая лживая женщина, которую я когда-либо встречал.
In view of the fact that legitimate sources tend to be restricted to political and economic elites, this bias sometimes makes journalists appear to be stenographers to those in power; i.e. exactly what one would expect in an authoritarian society with little or no formal press freedom.

I was amazed repeatedly at how deceitful Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна was in court.   I have been a lawyer since 2009. I have lived in 4 countries.  Tatiana is the most skillful liar I have ever meet.  On April 21, 2021, Tatiana magically found the alleged pepper spray after I moved out.  After legally paying for the apartment until February 1, 2021.  My incompetent lawyer ask her why she did not report it to the police. She had no answer.
<blockquote>--[ The Rise and Fall of Professional Journalism] Robert McChesney</blockquote>

In previous court meetings she lied about my brothers. While I was living with her, she called me  terrorist, racist, and crazy.  Avoid this woman.  She is the most deceitful woman I have ever met.
This focus on government malfeasance and neglect of corporate misdeeds plays directly into the hands of those who wished to give more power and privileges to corporations, and undermine the ability of government to regulate in the public interest. As Ed Baker observes, professional practices, along with libel laws, “favor exposing governmental rather than private ''(corporate)'' wrongdoing”

== Американская жертва психически здорова ==
<blockquote>--[ The Rise and Fall of Professional Journalism] Robert McChesney</blockquote>
Жертва насильственной Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич (, Александр Владимирович Улютинов (, Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна ( была определена психически здоровой Правительство РФ в декабре 2020 года.

14 марта 2021 года Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич преследовал американского адвоката. Пострадавший кричал о помощи на русском языке. Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич рассказал соседям, что пострадавший сошел с ума. Соседи ушли и позволили Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич жестоко избить американского адвоката.
If the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped steadily for twenty years it would be front page and leading broadcast news day after day until the government took action. That 32 million of our population have their housing, food, and clothing “index” drop steadily for more than 30 years is worth only an occasional feature story about an individual or statistical fragments in the back pages of our most influential news organizations.

<blockquote>--Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly</blockquote>
== The American victim is mentally healthy ==
The victim of violent Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич (, Александр Владимирович Улютинов (, Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна (  was determined to be mentally healthy by the Russian Federal government in December 2020.

On March 14, 2021, Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич chased the American lawyer. The victim screamed for help in Russian. Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич told the neighbors that the victim was crazy.  The neighbors left and allowed Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич to savagely  beat the American lawyer.  -->
"How many times does the end of the world as we know it need to arrive before we realise that it's not the end of the world as we know it?"

[[File:health record december 2020 medical (2).jpeg|300px]]
: --Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity Edited by Michael Lewis
[[File:health record december 2020 medical (1).jpeg|300px]]

====American economy====
we have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3 of its population. Our real to devise a pattern of relationships, which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity....  -- George F. Kennan

==татьяна угрожает убить меня ==
====Miscellaneous quotes====

Суббота, 27 марта 2021 г. '''Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна'''  угрожает убить американца видеороликом, объясняющим смерть принцессы Дианы.
If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives is a lantern on the stern, which shines only on the waves behind us" --"The latern on the stern" The Economist, January 3, 2009, p 65. From [ On the Constitution of the Church and State] By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

<!--  Saturday, March 27, 2021 - Tatiana threatens to kill the victim with a video explaining the death of Princess Diana. -->
"Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic."


[[File:tatiana threatens to kill me march 28 2021.png|300px]]
The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit.

<center>-- Somerset Maugham</center>

Видео принцессы Дианы:
"It used to be believed that every event in the world-the opening of a morning glory...was due to direct microintervention by the Deity. The flower was unable to open by itself.God had to say “Hey, flower, open.” [Today]...because we know something about phototropism and plant hormones, we can understand the opening of the morning glory independent of divine mícrointervention...As we learn more and more about the universe, there seems less and less for God to do."

<center>--Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science by Carl Sagan, page 334-335</center>

==  Незаконная видеосъемка  - Illegal video recording - Первый канал DOKTOK ==
"Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis"

'''Russian law:''' [[:File:illegal to videotape people without their permission russian law_recognized.pdf|российский закон]] (pdf)
<center>--Ralph Waldo Emerson</center>

[[File:illegal video by tatiana channel 1 life screenshot december 2020 oktoberskaya.png|400px]]
"A man in life has many disciples, but it is always Judas who writes the biography."

Незаконная видеозапись, снятая Григорьевой Татьяной Владимировной. Незаконно отредактировано и опубликовано {{o}}
<center>--Oscar Wilde</center>

ГК РФ Статья 152.1. Охрана изображения гражданина (введена Федеральным законом от 18.12 2006 N 231-ФЗ) 1. Обнародование и дальнейшее использование изображения гражданина (в том числе его фотографии, а также видеозаписи, допускаются только с согласия этого гражданина
"In our time, political speech and writing is largely the defense of the indefensible."

Федеральный закон от 27.07.2006 N 152-ФЗ (ред от 08.12.2020) "О персональных данных" (с изм. и доп., вступ. в силу с 29.12.2020) Статья 11. Биометрические персональные данные (в ред. Федерального закона от 25.07.2011 N 261-ФЗ)
<center>--George Orwell</center>

1. Сведения, которые характеризуют физиологические и биологические особенности человека, на основании которых можно установить его личность (биометрические персональные данные) и которые используются оператором для установления личности субъекта персональных данных, могут обрабатываться только при наличии согласия в письменной форме субъекта персональных данных.  
“Those looking for ideology in the White House should consider this: for the men who rule our world, rules are for other people. The powerful feed ideology to the masses like fast food while they dine on that most rarefied delicacy: impunity.
<center>--Guardian: [ It's Greed, Not Ideology, that Rules the White House] By Naomi Klein</center><center><div><div>[ File:Stamp27.jpg]<div>[[Anastasio Somoza Debayle]], brutal American puppet dictator of Nicaragua.</div></div></div></center>
Illegal video recording by Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна. Illegally edited and made public by  {{o}}

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 152.1. Protection of the citizen's image (introduced by the Federal Law of 18.12.2006 N231-FZ) 1. Publication and further use of the citizen’s image (including his photographs, as well as video recordings, are allowed only with the consent of this citizen)
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." --Justice Felix Frankfurter [ [3]]

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ (as amended on December 8, 2020) "On Personal Data" (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on December 29, 2020) Article 11. Biometric personal data (as amended by Federal Law of 25.07.2011 N 261-FZ)
"So long to the dreams that make men free."  
-[ James Miska, Pendleton Revisited]

1. Information that characterizes the physiological and biological characteristics of a person, on the basis of which it is possible to establish his identity (biometric personal data) and which is used by the operator to establish the identity of the subject of personal data, can be processed only with the consent in writing of the subject of personal data. -->
====  Pride ====

== 3 дня кричит психически больной алкоголик Миша (30 июля - 1 сентября) - Татьяна в этом признается ==
"Pride is a form of selfishness." -David Lawrence

For 3 days mentally ill alcoholic Misha screams  (July 30 - September 1) - Tatiana admits this
====  US in Central America ====

What we see in Central America today would not be much different if Fidel Castro and the Soviet Union did not exist

==  Татьяна занимается сговором с продюсером Первого канала <!--    -  Tatiana  plots with my fake wife and Первый канал producer --> == 
<blockquote>--US Ambassador to Panama Ambler Moss, 1980</blockquote>
[[File:Tatiana writing Evgina fake wife with olya number channel 1 WhatsApp Image 2020-12-23 at 2.21.44 PM.jpeg|300px]]

Для того, чтобы запугать меня, бывшая осведомительница КГБ {{t}}, ее помощник {{m}} и {{x}} переставляли мои вещи в квартире.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy
Они втроем занимались этим как минимум с июля 2020 г.

23 декабря 2020 г. я зашел на кухню и увидел, что {{t}} и {{m}} опять переставили мои вещи. В знак мирного протеста я передвинул несколько их вещей на столе и оставил записку на вещах на кухне.
'''The US became staunchly anti-revolutionary after its own revolution''' The United States has countered [Central American] revolutions with its military power. Washington's recent policy, this book argues, is historically consistent for two reasons: first, for more than a century (if not since 1790), North Americans have been staunchly antirevolutionary; and second, U.S. power has been the dominant power outside (and often inside) force shaping the societies against with Central Americans have rebelled. ... Washington officials have opposed radical change not because of pressure from public opinion. Throughout the twentieth century, the overwhelming number of North Americans could not have identified each of the five Central American nations on a map, let alone ticked off the region's sins that called for an application of U.S. force. The United States consistently feared and fought such change because it was a status quo power. It wanted stability, benefited from the ongoing system, and was therefore content to work with the military oligarchy complex that ruled most of Central America from the 1820ss to the 1980s. '''The world's leading revolutionary nation in the eighteenth century became the leading protector of the status quo in the twentieth century.''' Such protection was defensible when it meant protecting the more equitable societies of Western Europe and Japan, but became questionable when it meant bolstering poverty and inequality in Central America.

Посоветовавшись с {{o}}, бывшая осведомительница КГБ {{T}} снова вызвала {{p}}.
<blockquote>''--Page 12, 13, [ Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America]'' (The footnote states: This is argued in Eldon Kenworthy, “Reagan Rediscovers Monroe”, democracy 2 (July 1982): 80-90</blockquote>

<!--    {{e}}
'''US president’s racism and lust for empire''' Thomas Jefferson…interest in Latin America was extraordinary (he once remarked that young empire-builders should first study Spanish) Thomas Jefferson…concern about expanding U.S. power even led him in the 1780s to decide that it would be better if the Spanish held on to their territory “till our population can be sufficiently advanced to gain if from them piece by piece”…His [belief in] Manifest Destiny…was shared by most of the other Founders, including Jefferson’s great political rival, Alexander Hamilton.

To terrorize me, former KGB informant {{t}}, her helper {{m}}, and {{x}} will move around my items in the apartment.
<blockquote>''--Page 19 [ Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America]''</blockquote>
The three of them have done this from at least July 2020. There is a police report about the last occurrence on January 23, 2021.
On December 23, 2020 I came into the kitchen and {{t}} and {{m}} had moved around my property again.  In peaceful protest I moved several of the items onto the table. I put a note on the kitchen items.

After getting advice from my relator fake wife {{w}} and {{o}}  former KGB informant {{T}} called the {{p}} again.  -->
Theodore Roosevelt…the famed Rough Rider, who fought publicly…in Cuba during the 1898 war…called Latin Americans “Dagoes” because they were incapable of either governing themselves or—most important in Roosevelt’s hierarchy of values—maintaining order.

==== DOK TOK ====
<blockquote>''--Page 34 [ Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America]''</blockquote>

'''The US intervenes in Central America to bestow the blessings of stability myth''' That the United States intervened in Central America simply to stop revolutions and bestow the blessings of stability tells too little too simply. The motive for Washington’s policy in Central America was not to stop upheavals, but to promote U.S. interests. In El Salvador, for example, North Americans—both in the business and the diplomatic community—continually encouraged a revolutionary faction between 1906 and 1913 because they knew the faction was more pro-United States (and anti-European capital) than the actual, legitimate government. '''Interests and imperial rivalry, not morality and consistency, drove U.S. policies.'''
File:dok tok logo.png | «Первый канал - Док-Ток» Logo

{{Template:DOKTOK employees}}
<blockquote>''--Page 39 [ Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America]''</blockquote>

=== Татьяна не разрешает мне нанять слесаря и починить замок <!--    - Tatiana refuses to allow me to hire a locksmith and reinstall the lock  --> ===
'''The 1907 Central American Court''' The 1907 Washington conference spun a web of agreements that were to make Central Americans more interdependent and—as the North American Progressives theorists of the time believed—more peaceful and cooperative. The meetings established a Central American Court of Justice…Future disputes were to go not to the battlefield, but the Court. The Central American Court quickly became the global symbol for the Progressives’ growing faith in legal arbitration for the settlement of disputes. One North American proudly wrote, “To the powers of Europe, to the great powers of the world who struggled with partial success…to establish a court of arbitral justice, the young republics of Central America may recall the scriptural phrase, ‘A little child shall led them.’” Retired steel billionaire Andrew Carnegie happily gave $100,000 for a building to house the Court. It turned out to be one of Carnegie’s few bad investments. Within nine years the institution was hollow because twice—in 1912 and 1916—the United states refused to recognize Court decisions that went against its interests in Nicaragua. The North Americans destroyed the Court they had helped to create, and in doing so vividly demonstrated how the Progressive faith in legal remedies was worthless when the dominant power in the area paced its own national interest over international legal institutions.
[[File:locksmith for door zamok-vreznoj-dlya-derevyannoj-dveri-10.jpg|300px]]

Я пытался заменить замок, поскольку Миша постоянно без стука заходил в мою комнату (см. видео). Заменить замок у меня самого не получилось, поэтому я решил вызвать для этого слесаря.
<blockquote>''--Page 41-42 [ Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America]''</blockquote>

Все время Татьяна знала, что я хотел лишь заменить замок. После того, как я попытался его заменить, Татьяна и Миша лгали всем и терроризировали меня неделями.   
El nearer to Texas than Texas is to Massachusetts. Central America is simply too close, and the strategic stakes are too high, for us to ignore the danger of governments seizing power there with ideological and military ties to the Soviet Union. -- American President Ronald Reaga   Reference:

Я пытался заменить замок четыре раза с помощью 2 разных компаний.  
The United States, said Ronald Reagan, "is engaged in a war on terrorism, a war for freedom"
How familiar it all sounds.
Merely replace Soviet Union and communism with al-Qaeda, and you are up to date.
And it was all a fantasy.  Reference: [ The Real Ronald Reagan, personal website]

Первый раз: Я лично обратился в слесарную компанию. Приехал мастер, и Татьяна не разрешила ему заменить замок. 
==== My quotes====

Второй раз: Я еще раз лично обратился в слесарную компанию. Татьяна, Миша и свидетель по административному слушанию в рамках моего судебного дела пригласили в квартиру слесаря, которого я нашел. Пока проходили административные слушания и я находился внизу, они заменили замок на входной двери, закрыв мне доступ в квартиру. Дверь слесарь так и не починил.  
The stark difference between two of the three boogeymen of the twentieth century, Moa and Stalin and the United States is that we don't kill our own populations, we just kill everyone else's. From [ here]

Третий раз: Я лично обратился в слесарную компанию в третий раз после того, как Татьяна опять сказала, что я могу заменить замок. Слесарь пришел, но Татьяна не позволила ему заменить замок.
Need to work on:

Четвертый раз: Я позвонил в экстренную службу по замене замков и дал номер Татьяне. Она не разрешила слесарю прийти и заменить замок.
* In the marketplace of ideas some people are pickpockets. (basically some people have nothing to contribute in an argument/debate/conversation)

В начале января Миша сорвал юридические документы с моей двери и дважды залепил замочную скважину зеленой зубной пастой. Татьяна и Миша заявили, что я снимал их на камеру через замочную скважину. Это очередная ложь.  
====War ====
[[File:America  is worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s really an easy way Stop participating in it. - Noam Chomsky.jpg|200px|thumb|[America] is worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s really an easy way: Stop participating in it. - Noam Chomsky]]
[America] is worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s really an easy way: Stop participating in it. - Noam Chomsky

Пятый раз: Местный слесарь сказал, что он и его коллега боятся Татьяны, и отказался приходить в четвертый раз. (ВИДЕО РАЗГОВОРА ПО ТЕЛЕФОНУ)

Шестой раз: В конце концов мне удалось привлечь одного из моих адвокатов, чтобы заставить Татьяну заменить замок. Я несколько раз обращался за этим в компанию. Татьяна не поднимала телефон. Я решил установить старый замок и заплатил за это слесарю 3000 рублей. Во время установки Татьяна кричала, какой я ужасный человек, незаконно клевеща на меня (это ее излюбленная тактика).  
* As for those [who died] in the World Trade Center... they were civilians [which] formed a technocratic corps at the very heart of America's global financial empire - the "mighty engine of profit" to which the military dimension of U.S. policy has always been enslaved - and they did so both willingly and knowingly...To the extent that any of them were unaware of the costs and consequences to others of what they were involved in - and in many cases excelling at - it was because of their absolute refusal to see. More likely, it was because they were too busy braying, incessantly and self-importantly, into their cell phones, arranging power lunches and stock transactions, each of which translated, conveniently out of sight, mind and smelling distance, into the starved and rotting flesh of infants. If there was a better, more effective,...way of visiting some penalty...I'd really be interested in hearing about it. [They were "little Eichmanns"] Ward Churchill

[[File:receipt for reinstallation of door 01 09 2021 (2).jpeg|300px]]
[[File:receipt for reinstallation of door 01 09 2021.jpeg|300px]]
[[File:locksmith phone number in kitchen.png|150px]]

Телефонный номер замка на кухне от  <!--Telephone number for lock in kitchen from  -->
* What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy? - Mahatma Gandhi

* I think the U.S. government enjoys playing with the stomachs of humanity.-- A Nicaraguan Mother

* It takes relatively few people and little support to disrupt the internal peace and economic stability of a small country.-- William Casey, CIA Director (From [ War Against the Poor: Low-Intensity Conflict and Christian Faith by Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer])

<!--    {{e}}
* “If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don't care” Nelson Mandela just before the invasion of Iraq, Columbia Broadcasting System 2003.
I tried to change the lock because Misha would continue to come into my room without knocking. (see video)  I was unable to change the lock, so I tried to put the lock back on by hiring a locksmith.

Tatiana knew the entire time how I wanted to only reinstall the lock. Tatiana and Misha lied to everyone and terrorized me for weeks after I tried to reinstall the lock.  
* "Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or "disappeared", at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame." Amnesty International, 1996

Four times and with 2 companies I tried to get the lock repaired.  
* "We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth." -- New York Times columnist Sydney Schanberg, during the Gulf War. Beginning of documentary, ''War Made Easy - How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death''. (Sydney Schanberg warned journalists not to forget "our unquestioning chorus of agreeability when Lyndon Johnson bamboozled us with his fabrication of the Gulf of Tonkin incident." Schanberg blamed not only the press but also "the apparent amnesia of the wider American public.")

First time: I visited the locksmith company in person. The locksmith company came over and Tatiana refused to allow the locksmith  to reinstall the lock.
* Barbra Lee, Sept. 14, 2001: “However difficult this vote may be, some of us must urge the use of restraint, Our country is in a state of mourning. Some of us must say, Let’s step back for a moment, let’s just pause just for a minute, and think through the implications of our actions today so that this does not spiral out of control. And, she said: “As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore.” The only politician who voted against giving war powers to Bush for invading Afghanistan. (Senate: 98 to 0, House 420 to 1)

Second time: I visited the locksmith company in person a second time again. Tatiana, Misha and the witness in the administrative hearing in my court case, had the locksmith I had found come over. While the administrative hearing was being held and I was downstairs, they changed the front door lock, locking me out of the apartment.    The locksmith never fixed the door.
====== Immaculate Genocide ======
American liberals support immaculate Genocide

Third time:  I visited the locksmith company in person a third time, after  Tatiana said that I could reinstall the lock a third time.  The locksmith came over but Tatiana refused to allow him to reinstall the lock.  
The first concentration camps in the world were during the Boar War by the British in South Africa. The second country was America in the Philippine American War.
Writing of the holocaust perpetrated by U.S. troops in the Philippines a century ago--an onslaught entailing orders that every male Filipino over the age of ten be slaughtered, and the resulting deaths of one in every six inhabitants on the island of Luzon --historian Stuart Creighton Miller describes "the tendency of highly patriotic [vociferously] deny such abuses and even to assert that they could never exist in their country." The pattern is unmistakably similar to that exhibited by severe alcoholics who, despite all evidence of the damage their behavior has caused, chronically insist that "the opposite of everything is true."

Fourth time: I call an emergency locksmith company to come over. I give Tatiana the numberShe refuses to allow the locksmith company to come and fix the lock.
More subtle than the characteristic refusal of "conservatives" to allow mere facts to in any way alter their core presumptions was/is the complementary nature of the "alternative" interpretation(s) most often posed by their "progressive" opponents. Noting that the Philippines genocide was a matter of public knowledge by 1901, Creighton Miller goes on to observe that collective "amnesia over the horrors of the war of conquest...set in early, during the summer of 1902." He then concludes by reflecting upon how "anti-imperialists aided the process by insisting that the conflict and its attendant atrocities had been the result of a conspiracy by a handful of leaders who carried out, through deceit and subterfuge, the policy and means of expansion overseas against the will of the majority of their countrymen."

In early January, Misha rips the legal documents off my door, he puts green toothpaste in the empty lock twice. Tatiana and Misha claim I am videotaping them through the hole.  That is another lie.  
"By refusing to acknowledge that most Americans had been bitten by the same bug that afflicted Roosevelt, Lodge, and Beveridge, anti-imperialists were letting the people off the hook and in their own way preserving the American sense of innocence. Unfortunately, the man in the street shared the dreams of world-power status, martial glory, and future wealth that would follow expansion. When the dream soured, the American people neither reacted with very much indignation, nor did they seem to retreat to their cherished political principles. If anything, they seemed to take their cues from their leader in the White House by first putting out of mind all the sordid episodes in the conquest, and then forgetting the entire war itself."

Fifth time:  The local locksmith later said that he and his coworker were afraid of Tatiana, and refused to come a 4th time. (VIDEO of CONVERSATION ON PHONE)
So it was then, the more so today. Contemporary conservatives, whenever they can be momentarily boxed into conceding one or another unsavory aspect of America's historical record, are forever insisting that whatever they've admitted can be "properly" understood only when viewed as an "exception to the rule," an "aberration," "atypical" to the point of "anamolousness."  None have shown a readiness to address the question of exactly how many such "anomalies" might be required before they can be said to comprise "the rule" itself. When pressed, conservatives invariably retreat into a level of diversionary polemic excusable at best on elementary school playgrounds, arguing that anything "we have done is somehow excused by allegations that "they" have done things just as bad."

Sixth time:  I finally had to get one of my lawyers involved to  pressure Tatiana to reinstall the lockI repeatedly called the firm to get the lock reinstalled.  Tatiana would not pick up the phoneI  reinstall the old lock.  And paid the locksmith's 3000 rubles.  The entire time while they are installing the lock, Tatiana is screaming about how terrible I am with illegal defamation. (This is her common tactic)  -->
Progressives, on the other hand, while acknowledging many of America's more reprehensible features, have become far more refined in offering hook-free analyses than they were in 1902. No longer much preoccupied with such crudities as "conspiracy theory," they have become quite monolithic in attributing all things negative to handy abstractions like "capitalism," "the state," "structural oppression," and, yes, "the hierarchy." Hence, they have been able to conjure what might be termed the "miracle of immaculate genocide," a form of genocide, that is, in which--apart from a few amorphous "decision-making elites" --there are no actual perpetrators and no one who might "really" be deemed culpable by reason of complicity. The parallels between this "cutting edge" conception and the defense mounted by postwar Germans--including the nazis at Nuremberg--are as eerie as they are obvious.

Hitler's Willing Executioners - Americans are no different.

Просим отремонтировать дверь. 7 минут 25 секунд <!-- Asking to repair door. 7 minute 25 seconds -->
====== Crises are like buses ======
''''Useful metaphor:  Crises are like buses'''

Миша кладет в дверь зеленую пасту. 12 минут 32 секунд <!--Misha puts green toothpaste in door.-->
A bus goes to the same destination but it's carrying a bunch of random people who have very different priorities and very different goals. They'll ride this crisis for a while until it is no longer useful to them. It seems to me that this crisis is completely fictitious but that a lot of people including Putin are getting a lot of advantage out of it a lot of mileage out of it certainly people in Washington certainly people in London  certainly people in Moscow.  So it's if you look at it like that and you realize this crisis has been sort of like pushed along by a wide variety of different people then it starts to make a hell of a lot more sense.  Because if you think of it as just  like unicausal then it it becomes like just this one thing and you're like wondering well why are these things happening or this over here is happening.  But if you realize that many people are on this bus and want it to go a certain way but not too far then it becomes a lot more understandable. I think it's a good useful heuristic for this situation 

The Duran:  On the ground in Ukraine on 'invasion day' 


Аудиозапись ремонтников дверей.

<!-- Audio recording of repairmen repairing the door. -->
* Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people the only see once a year. And discover once a year is way too often. –Johnny Carson.

==Татьяна пользуется услугами нашего ремонтника, чтобы поменять замок входной двери ==
====External links====

<!--Tatiana uses repairman i had found to change the front door lock -->
'''Hundreds more liberal quotes''':

=== В квартире Татьяны и Миши незаконно зарегистрировано несколько человек  <!--    - Татьяна и Миша  have several registered people in their apartment illegally --> ===
* [ Third World Traveler Quotations page]
[[File:talon receipt 01 11 2021 illegals in apartment.jpeg|200px]]
* [ Tens of thousands of Famous Quotes and Quotations at the site BrainyQuote]
* [ Hundreds of Quotes about US]
* [ Quotes for the Open minded Scientist The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit]

[[File:Russian illegals registered in apartment police translation.jpeg|500px]]
====Two legal systems====
Anyone who is poor knows there are two legal systems: A corrupt legal system for the poor and one for everyone else.

At the Bailey Law Firm justice is not an abstract term.

It's something we create everyday for our clients.

Lawyers suck
The law profession should be called the "fear profession".

A person will come to an attorney either with a current legal problem (fear) or a potential legal problem (fear).

Attorneys usually will then create even more fear, then they tell the lay person to "trust me" they alone know what this afraid person can do to stop this fear. It is a wonderful way that attorneys personally enrich themselves. It is yet another example of the corrupting influence of money in American society.

Please check in accordance with Articles 144, 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
In all of our dealings with other lawyers we have paid, we cannot think of a single time in which an attorney has stepped back and said, this maybe technically illegal, but the chances of you being prosecuted are infinitesimally small.

Again and again, we have paid an attorney to tell us the most expensive options available which would get them the most money. These attorneys will intentionally leave out free or low costs options which don't involve paying them.

(signature of the head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
There is a good reason why everyone hates lawyers. Attorneys suck.

Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Tverskoy district of Moscow
Is our legal offices any different? We would sure like to think so. Contact us to find out.

police lieutenant colonel
Corporations: an era of corruption

M.A. Smirnov
[Picture: Presidental prophecy.jpg]

"The money power preys on the nation in times of peace, and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes." --Abraham Lincoln

How we work
From 80 to 92 percent of all cases settle.

From: Mr.
There are two courts: a court of law and a court of public opinion.

Address: index 6s2 Donskaya Str., apt. 150
If you can't get justice in traditional court, you can assuredly get justice by publicizing a corporation's bad acts.

Our goal is to get you compensation as quickly and painlessly as possible. We do this by threatening to publish the organizations bad acts on the internet. If they do not settle within two weeks, we viciously destroy their reputation.

time of contacting: 1:25 p.m.
[button to email]

(the duty station to register a written statement)
[button to call]

==== How America silents dissent ====
''No man can struggle with advantage against the spirit of his age and country, and however powerful a man may be, it is hard for him to make his contemporaries share feelings and ideas which run counter to the general run of their hopes and desires.''
:<center>--France. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville</center>

"In our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either."  --Mark Twain

;The Overton window
Also known as the window of discourse, is the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse.

I am warned about responsibility for giving deliberately false testimony under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Signature /signature/

On September 11, 2020 at 1:25 p.m. at the address 6s2 Donskaya Str., apt. 150. I tried to register in these apartments through my landlady Tatiana Vladimirovna Grigorieva. She refused. Tatiana said that her neighbor Mikhail Sergeevich Maryukhin had several illegally registered citizens in his apartments. I asked my friend to check it out, and the information was confirmed. Several people are illegally registered there. I visited immigration service today, and they advised me to come to the police. I ask you to conduct a check against my landlady and her communal housing neighbor in the case of illegally registered citizens in their apartments.
;The Spiral of Silence
[[File:public opinion spiral of silence elisabeth noelle neumann.jpg|400px]]

By Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

👑 People who see that the dominant social attitudes contradict their own position, “fall silent”, to avoid expressing their point of view, because they are afraid to be in the minority.

Everything is correct & true.
👑 The more prevalent the prevailing point of view seems to them, the more they “fall silent”.

The officer translated me correctly.
==== Public opinion does not exist====
[[File:question 24 public opinion pierre Bourdieu.jpg|400px]]

Pierre Bourdieu "Public Opinion Does Not Exist",  for the following reasons:

== Отключение интернета 12 января 2021 г. ==
👑 Firstly, not all people are capable of producing their opinion.

Turning off my internet January 12, 2021
👑 Secondly, not all people's opinions are significant.

👑 Third, asking everyone the same question implies the hypothesis that there is a consensus about the problem, that is, an agreement about which questions are worth asking.


=== Предыдущий человек, который жил у Татьяны и Миши, дал очень плохой отзыв о Татьяне <!--- - The last person to live here gave Татьяна и Миша a very bad rating --> ===
[[ public-opinion-does-not-exist pierre-bourdieu-1972.pdf]]
[[File:mironov nikolai previous tenant.jpeg|300px]]

Миронов Николай
====The Dunning Kruger effect.  The dumber you are the smarter you think you are====
*  The Dunning Kruger effect.  The dumber you are the smarter you think you are.–Kruger_effect

27 июля 2020
==== Videos====
Crimes of Obama and Hillary Clinton by [ Adam Saleh].

"Не хочет сдавать. Вторая линия говорит у меня. Ничего внятно не объясняет" 
Obama and Hilary dropped 26,000 bombs on Libya, 7 countries in total  [Trump is a war criminal too].[]

<!-- "He doesn't want to give up. The second line speaks to me. Nothing clearly explains" - Nikolai Mironov -->

Отзыв Николая Миронова, предыдущего арендатора о Григорьевой Татьяне Владимировне в рейтинге арендаторов.
=Follow-up after an interview with a hostile pro-American journalist - June 21 2020 Saturday=

[[File:cian ru.png|400px]]
''"There are moments in life when you must act even though you cannot carry your best friends with you. The still small voice within you must always be the final arbiter when there is a conflict of duty." -- Mahatma Gandhi (as mentioned in the podcast).''

Рекламное объявление: <!--Advertisement: -->
Link to full podcast available on demand.

:Предлагаем Вам в аренду отличную изолированную комнату( после ремонта) под ключ в трехкомнатной КОММУНАЛЬНОЙ квартире (проживают 2 человека),собственник сам подписывает договор. В квартире раздельный санузел. В кухне расположен гарнитур, и вся необходимая для удобств бытовая техника, состоящая из стиральной машины автомат, двухкамерного холодильника, всем можно пользоваться. Вся техника исправна в отличном состоянии. Комната полностью укомплектована мебелью которая необходима для комфортного проживания (стенка, комод, ). Вашу безопасность и сохранность обеспечит металлическая дверь и домофон. В доме чистый аккуратный подъезд. Предлагаемая в аренду комната сдается на длительный срок для 2х человек !!!!!!.
* April 2016  [[Let's Get Married (old)]]
* June 2016 [[Political asylum 2016]]
* 2018 [[Smuggling state secrets to Russia]] (updated)

<!-- Nikolai Mironov, last renter of {{t}} renter rating. -->
====Russian refuge application, currently on appeal====
In 2019 I applied for temporary refuge status, which was denied (this is the norm) and is currently on appeal.

*  [[File:screencapture-cian-ru-rent-flat-230176263-2021-01-30-04_18_31.pdf]]
* [[File:screencapture-cian-ru-rent-flat-230176263-2021-01-30-04_20_19.pdf]]
* [[File:Снять комнату 90м² Донская ул., 6С1, Москва, ЦАО, р-н Якиманка м. Октябрьская - база ЦИАН, объявление 230176263.pdf]]
File:APPEAL_temporary_refuge_(1) REDACTED.jpg
File:APPEAL temporary refuge (2).jpg
File:APPEAL temporary refuge (3).jpg
File:APPEAL temporary refuge (4).jpg
File:APPEAL temporary refuge (5).jpg
File:APPEAL temporary refuge (6).jpg
File:signed document appeal.jpg

=== Татьяна объясняет, что Миша психически болен, в прошлом - алкоголик (до 2017 года), и жестокий по характеру. <!-- - Tatiana explains the Misha is mentally ill, a former alcoholic (until 2017),  and violent --> ===
==== Russian Think Tanks  ====
[[File:tatiana - misha is mentally ill.jpeg|200px]]
There are several Russian Think Tanks in Moscow which I have applied too.
* Russian Think Tanks and Soft Power - FOI:
* [[:File: Russian Think Tanks and Soft Power (FOI-R--4451--SE).pdf]]
I was working for
Now I have an internship with Russian Mir:
I have written and mailed Putin's inner circle, a group of 16 men, with ideas 3 times.

У Миши с 1 до 10 числа - голодный период, пенсию он получает 10 числа каждого месяца. Миша очень больной психически. Но я не могу ещё три года, до марта 2023 года, никуда уехать. Не могу продать эту комнату и купить отдельную квартиру. Пока нет сил и денег. Почему надо здесь жить. С Мишей невозможно решить финансовую проблему, не тот случай. 
====2015: Cyber security document and the Washington Post====
* [[Smuggling classified secret cyber documents to Russia]]

<!-- {{e}}
==== 2018: Salt Lake Tribune article ====
* [[Smuggling state secrets to Russia]]
** I record all phone calls and secretly recorded conversations with all parties, I have many many recordings available on request.

Misha has a hunger period from the 1st to the 10th, he receives his pension on the 10th every month. Misha is very mentally ill. But I can still have three years, until March 2023 to go anywhere. I cannot sell this room and buy a separate apartment. There is no strength and money yet. Why is it necessary to live here for now. With Misha it is impossible to solve the problem with money, not the case. -->
====  Sexpionage - visiting the FSB in Kazan  ====
:''RE: (I wrote the majority of this article)''
[[File:kazan spy school red sparrow fsb letter WhatsApp Image 2020-03-10 at 11.16.59 andri.jpeg|300px|thumb| Letter to that I turned into the Kazan FSB]]
On  March 10, 2020 I visited the Kazan FSB. This was the only trip I had ever taken out of Moscow in ~3.5 years.

[[File:tatiana - misha is an alcoholic.jpeg|200px]]
My hobbies and bucket list involves several former unique places, including KGB sites such as the [[KGB Spy town]].  On 6-10 of March I visited Kazan to find the '''Kazan Tatarstan Sexpionage School'''. The inspiration for the movie of '''Red Sparrow''', former CIA agent Jason Matthews, said that  this school was there.  This author helped me over Facebook.

Свыше сами с ним разберутся.  
I visited the Mormon church on my first day in Kazan, ask about the sex spy school, found some leads and hired an investigator named Andri +7-986-710-88-12 who worked with one of my translators, Anna  over the phone.

Когда он много пил и курили терпеть не было сил - Свыше дали инсульт и отправили в больницу.
;FSB Kazan
On Tuesday (Monday was a holiday) , I was at a dead end. I had met many people who said they had family members and friends who were KGB, and I had to go back home the next morning.  The historical archives that Andri and I visited initially said to go to the FSB to request the documents.  So I went with Andri to the FSB.  The guard said we had to write a request, so I had my translator write up a request, which Andri wrote.  We returned to the FSB. We were met with a middle aged woman who said she would look into it. And I would receive a response in 1 month.

Он с 2017 года не пьет, ни курит.   
I knew this was a dead endI never received a response.

<!-- {{e}}
Above, they will deal with it themselves.
!Text of letter that Anna translated, and Andri and I gave to the FSB officer
Управлению ФСБ России
по Республике Татарстан

When he drank and smoked a lot, and could not stand the strength - Above gave a stroke and sent to the hospital.
от Бейли Тревиса Ли,1*.0*.19** г.р.,

He has neither drunk nor smoked since 2017. -->
почтовый адрес: г. Москва,

ул. Делегацкая 11, №69, 127473,

Спасибо,  что так думаешь.
контактный телефон: +7 915 444 3195
Он крупный и неуклюжий,  после инсульта частично немощный.
Он больше 20 лет ненавидел одну женщину,  потом ее с сыном и внуками выписал из своей комнаты через суд.
Но привычка ненавидеть глубоко укоренилась и автоматически переносится на окружающих, чуть  людей, чуть что не так.

Разговарить - это бесполезно, я уже говорила.
паспорт № 567551068, выданный в США,

<!-- {{e}}
справка № 1145-12-013544 о рассмотрении

Thank you for thinking so.
заявления о предоставлении временного убежища
He is large and clumsy, a worldly stroke is partly infirm.
And so he hated one woman for more than 20 years, then he and her son and grandchildren were discharged from his room through the court.
But the habit of hating sits deeply and is automatically transferred to the people around them, if something goes wrong, not because of its convenience. 

Talking is useless, I have already said.  -->
на территории Российской Федерации

[[File:misha doesnt sleep at night.jpeg|200px]]

Тревис,  прошу тебя не обижаться на этот бред.
Он изводит себя тяжелыми мыслями,  не спит по ночам из за этого. И слушает и верит телевизору все время.

<!-- {{e}}
Прошу предоставить мне информацию из архива ФСБ г. Казань о Государственной Школе №4 и её точный адрес для использования в личных целях как можно быстрее, поскольку сегодня (10.03.2020) в 20:00 я уезжаю в Москву.

Travis, please don't be offended by this nonsense.
Вышеупомянутая школа была изображена в фильме «Красный Воробей». В ней готовили агентов КГБ и обучали их различным техникам соблазнения для изъятия информации. Меня интересует, является ли сейчас история данной советской школы государственной тайной.
He torments himself with heavy thoughts, does not sleep at night because of this. And listens and believes TV all the time. -->

[[File:misha refuses to eat tatiana.png|200px]]
10.03.2020 Бейли Тревис Ли

[12:30 AM, 10/30/2020] Travis Lee Bailey: Алекс, наш сосед накормил мишу с огорода. это в коридоре. Я только что познакомился с ним и его дочерью Леной. хорошие людипочему бы мне не купить еду для миши, а потом попросить Алекс дать ее ему?  если он недоедает, я хочу помочь.
File:red sparrow jason matthews.png| Facebook  message and reply from former CIA agent Jason Matthews]]
File:kazan spy school red sparrow WhatsApp Image 2020-03-10 at 11.16.59.jpeg| Text to Andri while video conference with Anna
File:kazan spy school red sparrow WhatsApp Image 2020-03-10 at 11.16.59 andri.jpeg| Andri my hired investigator

[12:31 AM, 10/30/2020] Travis Lee Bailey: alex, our neighbor gave misha some food from the garden. it is in the hallway. I just met him and his daughter Lena. nice people. why don't I buy misha food and then have Alex give it to him? if he is malnourished I want to help.

[2:38 AM, 10/30/2020]  Tatiana: Я тоже буду весь день дома 30 октября. Дверь в подъезд будет открыта.  
== My general background in the United States before 2013==
: Outing American embassy employees and Mormons in Moscow, Russia:

Ключи от домофона будут раздавать  только тогда, когда проведут домофон в каждую квартиру.  
* "Utah, and particularly Brigham Young University (BYU ), has been one of the prime recruiting grounds for the CIA...A disproportionate number of Mormons." - Edward Decker. 2007
Миша не возьмет еду ни от кого,  ни от Алекса,  ни от тебя,  ни от меня - это его принцип, хотя когда шли суды, и он во мне нуждался,  он от меня брал еду.  
Это Алекс со своей женой Леной оставил еду для моей мамы и меня.  
Он всегда из дачи что нибудь нам привозит.

[2:39 AM, 10/30/2020]  Tatiana: У Алекса есть дочь и сын,  но они живут в Канаде.
* "Mormons are disproportionately represented in the CIA." - 11 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Mormons. Business Insider. Grace Wyler. June 24, 2011.


* Mormons can become Gods

Misha will not take food from anyone, neither from Alex, nor from you, nor from me - this is his principle, although when the courts went on and he needed me, he took food from me.
* Are Mormons through with polygamy?

It was Alex and his wife Lena who left food for my mom and me.
He always brings us something from the dacha.
* Idaho Potato Museum

[2:39 AM, 10/30/2020]  Tatiana: Alex has a daughter and a son, but they live in Canada.
===Saint Mary's School of Law===

==Наташа  - Natasha==
===DC BAR ===
[[File:WhatsApp Image 2020-12-28 at 7.18.26 PM.jpeg|200px]]
[[File:bar membership.png|400px]]
* (access denied - need VPN)  - DC Lawyer bar card #991594
** type in Travis Bailey

; 31 июля 2020 года - {{m}} кричит три дня подряд, пока Наташа ухаживает за мамой Татьяны Карлой, так как Татьяна находится в Болгарии с мужем 3 дня. Когда она возвращается, Татьяна оправдывается за свое поведение.
== Sources for what was  discussed on the show ==

<!-- {{e}}

;July 31, 2020 - {{m}} screams for three days straight while Natasha watching Tatiana's mother Karla, as Tatiana is in Bulgaria with husband for 3 days. When she returns, {{t}} justifies his behavior. -->
====The United States is the most violent country internationally today ====
'''America spends more money, sells more weapons, and had more military bases then any country in the world.'''

=====Statics today=====
* In 45 countries the U.S. military bases prop up undemocratic regimes.  Think Trump Is Too Cozy with Dictators? Check Out the U.S. Military. In 45 countries, U.S. military bases prop up undemocratic regimes of all sorts, while often interfering with local campaigns for democracy.
* The U.S. is by far the largest military spender in the world, accounting for 36% of the total, spending almost as much as the '''next eight countries combined'''.  Global Military Expenditures Are Up, Driven By Top 2 Spenders — U.S. And China
* The '''United States has an estimated 800 bases in 70 countries around the world'''.  Where in the World Is the U.S. Military? Politico Magazine 2015 
* The '''United States is the biggest weapons seller in the world'''. The Saudi Arabian dictatorship is America's number one customer. Source:  Saudi Arabia buys the most weapons from the US government. See what other countries top list. March 26, 2019.
* Globally, '''More people see U.S. power as a major threat'''. Across 30 nations surveyed by Pew Research Center both in 2013 and in 2017, a median of 38% now say U.S. power and influence poses a major threat to their country Source: 
* American '''police killed 260 blacks''' of 1,098 people in total in 2019.  By contrast, '''Americans have conservatively killed over 100,000 minorities overseas''' in 2019.  Where is the outrage about the 100,000 people? Source:
American police killings:
* Americans have killed over 100,000 minorities overseas in 2019:

Палка, которую Миша поставил возле двери. 10 января 2021 г.
* Yemen (American proxy war): up to 85,000 young children dead from starvation. [1]
<!-- {{e}}
Stick that Misha placed near the door.  January 10, 2021.  -->

== Коррупция полиции - Police corruption ==
* UN: Afghan War Killed, Wounded More Than 10,000 Civilians in 2019. [2] *(Both by US and terrorist)

[фото полицейского удалено. Соглашение с туристической полицией России]
* America killed at least 2,392 Iraqi civilians in 2019.[3]

[фото полицейского удалено. Соглашение с туристической полицией России]
* Drone bombings: Airwars research showed that at least 2,214 civilians were locally alleged killed by international military actions across Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Somalia during 2019. [4]

==полиция приказывает Татьяне прекратить перемещение имущества арендатора==
* Yemen (American proxy war): approximately 20,000 people have been killed (As of October 31, 2019). [5]
<!-- police tell tatiana to stop moving renter's property-->

[[File:police report january 24 2020 because tatiana moved my property police told her to stop.jpeg|300px]]
[[File:police report january 24 2020 because tatiana moved my property police told her to stop talon reciept.jpeg|300px]]

24 января 2021 года, когда Трэвис пытался перевезти часть своего имущества на хранение, Татьяна снова вынесла все имущество Трэвиса в коридор. Затем Миша позвонил в полицию. Полиция приказала Татьяне перестать перемещать коммунальное имущество Трэвиса на кухне и в ванной.

On January 24, 2021, as Travis was trying to move some of his property to storage, Tatiana moved all of Travis's property out into the hallway again. Then Misha called the police. The police told Tatiana to stop moving Travis's communal property in the kitchen and bathroom.



==График -Timeline==
Хронология фактов за период июнь-январь 2021
Квартирная хозяйка Татьяна Владимировна

Я пережил 6 месяцев психологической войны с ТАТЬЯНОЙ ВЛАДИМИРОВНОЙ, МАРУХИНЫМ МИХАИЛОМ СЕРГЕЕВИЧЕМ,  организованной моей фиктивной женой, ЕВГЕНИЕЙ ЯКОВЛЕВНОЙ БЕЙЛИ из телешоу «Давай поженимся», где я был героем, а она была героиней. Будучи моей женой, ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА, получит все имущество, которым я владею, если меня депортируют. Она также может сдать комнату кому-нибудь еще чтобы получить больше денег.

1.ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА  солгала мне о том, что договор аренды является договором с ежемесячным продлением.

2. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА говорят, что договор на 9 месяцев, но когда я его перевел, там было написано 11.

3. В июле 2020 г. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА уезжает в отпуск с мужем. Ее муж живет в другом месте в Болгарии, 31 июля. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА присылает мне романтические тексты. Между тем МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ кричит и говорит обо мне ужасные вещи в течение 3 дней при разговорах с уборщицей. У меня начинаются сильные головные боли.

4. 10-11 августа я начинаю умолять ТАТЬЯНУ ВЛАДИМИРОВНУ сделать что-нибудь с МАРУХИНЫМ МИХАИЛОМ СЕРГЕЕВИЧЕМ. Как он кричит каждое утро. Как он сорвал мой туалетный дозатор со стены. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА оправдывает все, что делает МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ. Она начинает называть меня «бэби» (милый) в своих сообщениях. Основываясь на доказательствах и том факте, что ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА шпионила за немецкими туристами в пользу КГБ, позднее я полностью осознал, что эти двое работают сообща, чтобы вытеснить отчаявшихся и наивных арендаторов по грязной схеме, которую они использовали, вероятно, десятилетиями. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА называет МАРУХИНА МИХАИЛА СЕРГЕЕВИЧА ребенком и дьяволом, но ничего не делает, чтобы остановить его возмущение. МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ создает ловушки из стекла, туалетной бумаги и металлических катушек. Чтобы убедиться, что ничего не было передвинуто, и терроризировать арендатора, если объект был передвинут. Он ходит с длинной палкой, проверяя свои грубые ловушки каждый день.
[[File:americans killed civilians cartoon.jpg|400px]]

5. 12 августа ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА ополчилась на меня, сказав, что МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ меня боится.
:''The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today: my own government. I cannot be silent. - Martin Luther King.'' Source: "Beyond Vietnam". April 4, 1967. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute

6. 15 августа. Я начал покупать материалы на десятки тысяч рублей, чтобы не ходить в места общего пользования. Я начинаю объяснять ТАТЬЯНЕ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЕ в сообщениях понятие конфиденциальности. Говорю ей не заходить в мою комнату, когда меня нет дома. Стучать, когда я в комнате. Она отреагировала на это, начав через пару дней нарочно открывать дверь, когда я раздет. Я говорю ей, чтобы она не рассказывала людям о моих деньгах. Она рассказывает рабочим, работающим в коридоре квартиры, о моем велосипеде и моей фиктивной жене. Предметы в моей комнате начинают ломаться, исчезать и перемещаться. Шредер ломается, кабели обрываются. Я застал ТАТЬЯНУ ВЛАДИМИРОВНУ, когда она без разрешения входила в мою комнату, и снял видео того, как она заходила в мою комнату, пока меня не было дома.
* Conservative estimates is that the United States has killed 6 million people since the end of World War  II. The same number of Jews that Hitler killed in the Holocaust. Source:  Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars? 
* America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776“, i.e. the U.S. has only been at peace for less than 20 years total since its birth.  Source: THE U.S. HAS BEEN AT WAR 222 OUT OF 239 YEARS. Freakonomics.
* Since the end of World War 2, the United States has:
# Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.
# Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.
# Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.
# Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.
# Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.
# Led the world in torture; not only the torture performed directly by Americans upon foreigners, but providing torture equipment, torture manuals, lists of people to be tortured, and in-person guidance by American teachers, especially in Latin America. ''For example, see:''  Source: William Blum – Published June 26th, 2018
* For its entire history, America has supported brutal dictatorships and overthrown democratically elected governments to install dictators. After the Indian Wars in the 1800s America overthrew the Spanish Empire.  It began to invade Central and South American countries in the late 1800s.
** The author of "War is a Racket" Smedly Butler joined the Marines in 1898 at the age of 17 in order to fight in the Spanish-American War, and he rose through the ranks while participating in virtually every American military intervention between 1898 until his retirement in 1931 as the senior ranking officer of the Marine Corps.  He was also the most decorated Marine ever at the time of his death, including two Medals of Honor. Source: Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List  Source: Foreign Policy. War is still ‘a racket’.

7. 16 августа ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА присылает мне фотографию ребенка, отмечая, что я со своими жалобами веду себя как младенец.  
==== Guatemala syphilis experiments lawsuit with the Department of Health and Human Services ====
In March 2011, seven plaintiffs filed a federal class action lawsuit against the U.S. government claiming damages for the Guatemala experiments. This case argued that the United States was at fault due to not asking for consent. This lawsuit asked for money to compensate for medical damages and livelihood because most of the families were living in poverty. The case failed when a judge determined that the U.S. government could not be held liable for actions committed outside of the U.S. Source: 

8. 18 августа, уборщица, которую ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА знает на протяжении десятилетий, говорит мне, что ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА выселяет меня, несмотря на то, что я плачу за квартиру. (И договор заключен на 11 месяцев)
=====Other experiments on Americans=====
* I mentioned the '''Tuskegee syphilis experiment'''. It was a clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service. The purpose of this study was to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis; the African-American men in the study were only told they were receiving free health care from the Federal government of the United States.I incorrectly stated that Obama apologized.  On May 16, 1997, President Bill Clinton formally apologized on behalf of the United States to victims of the study. Source:
* Other experiments on Americans, include:
** '''Operation Midnight Climax'''.  1954-1966 Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. Source: 
** '''Operation Sea-Spray''' - 1950 in in which biological weapon bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Source:
** ''Etc.'' Source:

9. Я случайно заглянул на сайт и нашел плохой отзыв последнего арендатора и увидел, что квартира снова сдается. Договор сдачи в аренду под ключ.
==== The current Yemen Proxy War ====
:''More articles on this subject: [[Peace:Yemen]]''
=====Definition of Proxy war =====
:''Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or "disappeared", at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame. — Amnesty International. 1996.''

10. Пока меня не было, ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА показала мою комната английской паре. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА лжет и говорит, что не выселяет меня.  
A '''proxy war''' is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors which act on the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities. Source:
11. 18 августа благодарит меня за всю помощь, которую я сделал, за все, что я купил для квартиры. И перестановку мебели, в том числе:   
*Afghanistan USSR War  was a proxy war for the United States.
** The CIA backed the Afghanistan terrorists for years before the invasion.  ''See [[Afghanistan War]].''
**The CIA provided weapons and intelligence to the mujaheddin (jihadists)  rebels fighting Soviet invasion in what was called "Operation Cyclone"
****  Many authors suggest that Osama Bin Laden was created during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, in what is called "BlowBack" (described below). "During the anti-Soviet war Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA."  Source: Al-Qaeda's origins and links. BBC News. 2004.<br>
See also:
**In a book written by a member of  President Carter's cabinet, the cabinet member excited explains how he pulled the Soviet Union into the war. (Finding source)
===== Yemen Proxy War =====
* The current Yemen War is a '''proxy war''' waged by the Saudi Arabia and funded by America.
* '''Saudi Warplanes, Most Made in America, Still Bomb Civilians in Yemen''' Source: New York Times - May 22, 2019. Saudi Warplanes, Most Made in America, Still Bomb Civilians in Yemen   
* '''Why Bombs Made in America Have Been Killing Civilians in Yemen'''.  President Trump sees arms deals as jobs generators for firms like Raytheon, which has made billions in sales to the Saudi coalition. The Obama administration initially backed the Saudis too.  Source:  Why Bombs Made in America Have Been Killing Civilians in Yemen. New York Times.
* '''Saudi Arabia''', a brutal dictatorship, '''buys more weapons from the United States then another other country'''. Source:  Saudi Arabia buys the most weapons from the US government. See what other countries top list. March 26, 2019.
* All of the pilots in the Yemen War were trained by the United States to fly American airplanes. America is:
**  training Saudi pilots,
**  servicing their aircraft,
**  sharing intelligence and
**  advising on targets. Source: Training for Saudi military students in the US could resume soon. Military Times 2020  Source: Saudis have come for U.S. military training for decades. Here’s why and how.  Source:  Washington Post/
* Saudi and allied warplanes have conducted more than 20,000 airstrikes on Yemen since the war began, an average of 12 attacks a day.
** Only about a third of these attacks are on military targets. The coalition has also bombed hospitals, schools, markets, mosques, farms, factories, bridges, and power and water treatment plants.  Source: Guardian 
* Congress passed a bipartisan resolution withdrawing American support for the war, which was blocked by President Trump, who used his first veto in April, 2019. Source: New York Times.
===== Result of Yemen Proxy War  =====
* In June 2019, an independent monitoring group, the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, released a report detailing more than 90,000 fatalities since the war began in 2015.  Source: Guardian 
* An outbreak of cholera began in Yemen in October 2016 and is ongoing as of April 2019. As of October 2018, there have been more than 1.2 million cases reported, and more than 2,500 people—58% children—have died in the Yemen cholera outbreak, which the United Nations deemed the '''worst humanitarian crisis in the world at that time'''. Source: 14 February 2019 - United Nations.
** Saudi Arabia intentionally targeted utilities in Yemen"Airstrikes damaged hospital infrastructure, and water supply and sanitation in Yemen were affected by the ongoing conflict."  "This deadly cholera outbreak is the direct consequence of two years of heavy conflict. Collapsing health, water and sanitation systems have cut off 14.5 million people from regular access to clean water and sanitation." Source: Statement from UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake and WHO Director-General Margaret Chan on the cholera outbreak in Yemen as suspected cases exceed 200,000 - UNICEF. 24 June 2017.  Source:  Saudi-led forces have deliberately targeted civilians since the war’s early days – and US officials have done little to stop it"  America is likely complicit in war crimes in Yemen. It's time to hold the US to account. Mohamad Bazzi
*** Targeting water and hospitals is  similar to what the United States did during the Iraq War. The United Nations estimate that 16 million of the 29 million people in Yemen lack access to safe water and basic sanitation. Source:,safe%20water%20and%20basic%20sanitation.
* 85,000 Children in Yemen May Have Died of Starvation. SourceNovember 21, 2018  - New York Times -

a. перенос холодильника из прихожей, 
====Collective Guilt ====
:''See [[Collective Guilt]]''

b. снятие шкафчиков,  
==== Congressional Industrial Military Complex ====
The Industrial Military Complex is  an informal alliance between a nation's military and the defense industry that supplies it, which influences public policy

c. поиск штор и 
The term was coined in the farewell address of President Dwight D. Eisenhower on January 17, 1961, who stated, "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex."

d.покупка штор для ее и моей комнат,
In one draft of the speech, the phrase was "military–industrial–congressional complex", indicating the essential role that the United States Congress plays in the propagation of the military industry, but the word "congressional" was dropped from the final version to appease the then-currently elected officials. Source:  

e. укладка ковра в моей комнате,
====Iraq War Casualties ====
I stated that conservatively the United States has killed a half million people. Source: 

f. удаление всех дверей шкафа в моей комнате, и
====A vast majority of products are made by oil====
Over 6,000 items are made from petroleum waste by-products, including: fertilizer, flooring (floor covering), perfume, insecticide, petroleum jelly, soap and vitamins. Source:

g. помощь в установке шкафов в общей комнате ее матери. (У меня есть фотографии до и после) 
Products made from petroleum, lists 144 of 6000 items  Source:

11. 20 августа. Я пишу знак о необходимости соблюдать личное пространство и помещаю его в моей комнате. На дверь я вешаю плакат с просьбой стучать. 
[[File:oil items produced by oil.png|400px]]

12. 4 сентября плачу юристу Алине 7000 рублей за то, чтобы она написала пояснительное письмо к договору, чтобы я мог передать его ТАТЬЯНЕ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЕ. 
====Occam's Razor====
Occam's Razor is a line of reasoning that says the simplest answer is often correct.

13. 3 сентября – Михаил берет свою палку и проверяет утром все свои ловушки. Он замечает, что кран повернут в душ, а не в ванну. Он начинает ругаться и сходит с ума (на видео)
i described how I use Occam's Razor to explain what happens to me in Moscow. But occasionally Occam's Razor cannot explain some of the experiences that I have had.

I am 90% certain that I have been propositioned by two stunningly gorgeous '''honeypots''' on at least two occasions, and a low level prostitute in my old apartment for a third (Occum’s razor says that I am being foolish – but this is one case where I am almost positive). The Washington Post reported in 1987 that "Most westerners who have spent any length of time in Moscow have their favorite tale of an attempted seduction by a KGB swallow or raven."  Now prostitutes’ are hired by the state and those who want "kompromat" Source: Michael Dobbs, (April 12, 1987). Sexpionage Why We Can't Resist Those KGB Sirens, Washington Post.

14. 24 октября -ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА признается, что я переплатил дважды. Сообщает, что мне не нужно оплачивать коммунальные услуги 2 месяца (ноябрь и декабрь) 

15. 29 октября - начинаю фотографировать все ловушки и шарики туалетной бумаги МАРУХИНА МИХАИЛА СЕРГЕЕВИЧА, которые я нахожу внутри моих вещей в ванной.   

16. 30 октября - МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ открывает мою дверь, не спрашивая разрешения (на видео). Он делает это неоднократно. 

ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА признает, что здесь незаконно проживали 4 человека через МАРУХИНА МИХАИЛА СЕРГЕЕВИЧА.
==== Gary Webb - the CIA covered up Contra drug trafficking ====
:''When you mentioned the heroin poppy seeds in Afghanistan, I mentioned Gary Webb in passing.''
::Webb is best known for his "Dark Alliance" series, which appeared in The Mercury News in 1996. The series examined the origins of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles and claimed that members of the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua had played a major role in creating the trade, using cocaine profits to support their struggle. It also suggested that the Contras may have acted with the knowledge and protection of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  Later journalists found that Webb's reporting showed that "The CIA conducted an internal investigation that acknowledged in March 1998 that the agency had covered up Contra drug trafficking for more than a decade."
:: Webb committed suicide in 2004 with '''two''' gunshot wounds to the head.

ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА в сообщении пишет, что МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ всегда стремится к скандалам, что раньше он был алкоголиком.

17. 1 ноября - ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА обвиняет меня в том, что я сломал стиральную машину, когда домработница стирала шторы, которые я нашел для  ТАТЬЯНЫ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЫ.

17. 3 ноября я передаю ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА письмо от адвоката Алины.
==== Self-Hating Jew - Noam Chomsky ====
* '''Self-hating Jew'''  -
* Noam Chomsky - Famous Linguist and Anti-War Activist
** Noam Chomsky was called by the Nation Magazine, 'America's most prominent self-hating Jew'. Source:

18. 19 ноября оплачиваю декабрьскую аренду. (Я плачу арендную плату раньше, и ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА принимает ее, устанавливая юридическую силу)
====Putin tells Russian American KGB spy joke====

19.  6 декабря я нахожу почту в почтовом ящике. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА говорит, что это бывший арендатор. Здесь проживало много бывших арендаторов.
Putin tells Russian American KGB spy joke

20.  В начале декабря (не в письменной форме) ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА угрожает снова выгнать меня за то, что я кладу мои вещи в общей зоне.
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! Russian
! English translation
Russian transcript:

21.  December 9.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА обязуется соблюдать договор. Но в одностороннем порядке изменяет даты выезда на 28 февраля.  (Договор до мая 2021 года).

22. 11 декабря.  НАСИЛИЕ со стороны ТАТЬЯНЫ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЫ.  Она ждет, пока я проснусь, и просто пытаюсь выйти за дверь. Она выбрасывает мою посуду из кухонной раковины в коридор. Тем временем МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ находится внизу в вестибюле и получает почту. Это согласованный план. Это обычное дело. 
Челове́к пришёл на Лубя́нку и говори́т:

23.  11 декабря.  НАСИЛИЕ со стороны ТАТЬЯНЫ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЫ. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА. берет мои коробки в коридоре, открывает дверь и бросает предметы в мою комнату. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА звонит в полицию. Я подаю заявление в полицию, которое не включается в официальный административный протокол.  Номер свидетельства: 2257, метро Полянка.
24. 11 декабря.  Я создаю группу в Whatsapp с братом ТАТЬЯНЫ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЫ. Цель этой группы – помочь контролировать вспышки насилия со стороны ТАТЬЯНЫ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЫ. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА требует, чтобы я выехал 4 января.

25. 11 декабря. Я плачу за январь 2021 года. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА возвращает деньги (Я узнал об этом 15 декабря) 
Я шпио́н, хочу́ сда́ться.

26. 13 декабря. Я начинаю спать в хостелах, чтобы избежать встреч с ТАТЬЯНОЙ ВЛАДИМИРОВНОЙ.
Ему́ говоря́т:

27. 15 декабря.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА и мой адвокат соглашаются увеличить арендную плату до 25,000 и оплатить любые скандалы.

Михаил берет мои ключи, которые я забыл в общей зоне.
– А Вы, чей шпио́н?

Михаил снова пытается открыть мою дверь своим ключом, когда думает, что меня нет дома.

Я плачу ТАТЬЯНЕ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЕ 21,500 рублей +4,000  рублей +10,000 рублей.14,000 рублей за январь.

28. 16 декабря. Я просыпаюсь без ключей, которые украл Миша. Я вижу, что на двери новая доска.  МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ выходит с криками. Я прошу вернуть мне мои ключи. Он говорит, что у него их нет  Вызывают полицию.
– Америка́нский.

29.  16 декабря. Со мной связывается тележурналист Кристина.

– Ну, тогда́ в пя́тую ко́мнату.
17 декабря  Я останавливаюсь в отелях, чтобы не возвращаться домой.  Сотрудник отделения у метро Полянка пьян во время моего визита и не принимает мою документацию, приложенную к первой жалобе (талон). Я возвращаюсь на Полянку и там участковый на первом этаже. Он говорит, что я должен пойти на собрание в субботу, послезавтра. Он не согласился объяснить, что это за собрание.

18 декабря  Я иду на административное слушание без адвоката. Я не понимаю, что происходит. Есть назначенный переводчик. И свидетель, который помогает Татьяне, меняет замки, пока я нахожусь на собрании  в полиции. 
Он пошёл в пя́тую ко́мнату:

В полицейский протокол сотрудник полиции:

• Включил только старую версию моей платежной ведомости, а не новую.  
– Я америка́нский шпио́н, хочу́ сда́ться.

• Они не включают мои доказательства применения насилия до 16 декабря..

• Татьяна и Михаил заявляют, что я несколько раз ударил Михаила. Это физически невозможно и ложь.
– А у Вас ору́жие есть?

• Полицейский не отвечает на мой телефонный звонок или текстовое сообщение. 

18 декабря ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА в одностороннем порядке принимает всю арендную плату, которую я заплатил за январь, в счет возмещения ущерба и морального возмущения. Она требует, чтобы я съехал к 28 декабря.  
– Есть.

19 декабря Я нахожу адвоката, который смог бы прийти ко мне домой в воскресенье вечером. Его услуги очень дорогие. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА дает адвокату информацию об Оле с Первого канала и лжет об этом. 

19 декабря Моя  жена говорит, что нужно переехать к 25 декабря, что либо я работаю с Олей на Первом канале и делаю со всеми ними телешоу, либо первый канал покажет по телевидению, как меня депортируют.  Евгения говорит, что Первый канал хочет создать образ американского идиота.  
– В седьму́ю, пожа́луйста.

19 декабря.  Я пытаюсь поменять замок на двери своей комнаты. Слесарь приходит починить мою дверь, и ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА отсылает его. 
Он в седьму́ю:

20 декабряСлушание в отделении полиции на первом этаже. Слесарь, которого я нашел, а Татьяна отослала, возвращается, чтобы поменять замок входной двери.  
– Я шпио́н, хочу́ сда́ться, у меня́ есть ору́жие.
– В деся́тую.
Ну, в деся́тую:
– Я шпио́н, хочу́ сда́ться, у меня́ есть ору́жие.
– А сре́дства свя́зи есть?
– Есть.
– В двацатую ко́мнату.
– Я шпио́н, у меня́ есть ору́жие, сре́дства свя́зи, я хочу́ сда́ться.
Его́ спра́шивают:
– А зада́ние то у Вас есть?
– Есть.
– Ну, иди́те и исполня́йте. Не меша́йте лю́дям рабо́тать!
English Translation:
A man comes to Lubyanka (KGB headquarters) and says:
- I am a spy, I want to surrender.
He is asked:
- Whose spy are you?
He says:
- I am an American spy.
- Well, then, you need to go to room #5.
He goes to the room #5:
- I am an American spy, I want to surrender.
- Do you have weapons?
- Yes, I do.
- Please go to room #7.
He goes to the room #7:
- I'm a spy, I want to surrender, I have weapons.
- Please go to room #10.
He goes to the room #10:
- I'm a spy, I want to surrender, I have weapons.
- Do yo have communications equipment?
- Yes, I do.
- Please go to room #20.
He arrives to the room #20:
- I'm a spy, I have weapons and communications equipment, and I want to surrender.
He is asked:
- Do you have a mission?
- Yes, I do.
- Well, then go and execute your mission. Stop distracting people from their work!I'm a spy, I want to surrender, I have weapons.
- Please go to room #10.
He goes to the room #10:
- I'm a spy, I want to surrender, I have weapons.
- Do yo have communications equipment?
- Yes, I do.
- Please go to room #20.
He arrives to the room #20:
- I'm a spy, I have weapons and communications equipment, and I want to surrender.
He is asked:
- Do you have a mission?
- Yes, I do.
- Well, then go and execute your mission. Stop distracting people from their work!
====perfect is the enemy of good====
What does "perfect is the enemy of good" mean?
Since you can never achieve perfection, if you wait to be perfect before you do anything, nothing will ever get done.
The Pareto principle or 80–20 rule explains this numerically. For example, it commonly takes 20% of the full time to complete 80% of a task while to complete the last 20% of a task takes 80% of the effort.
====Peace Corps only taught 3 months of language training====
Lee Harvey Oswald, who later killed President John F. Kennedy, lived in Belarus for 3 yearsHe only had one month of language training before it was mysteriously ended:
:Oswald's tutoring began soon after Oswald arrived at the Experimental Department...Libezin was unconcerned: most important, he said, was that Oswald acquire some basic facility in the language...[they]  met for one month, and then it was decided that the American now spoke Russian. Shushkevich told me he did not know who had made this decision...Shushkevich suspected it had come from someone higher up who did not work at the factory, and he said he had no idea how that person had determined that Oswald had made any progress—there were no tests, and he never filed any reports with Libezin or anyone else—but he wasn’t sure that was important. All he knew for sure was that one day, unexpectedly, his social work came to an end.
21 декабряЯ не могу починить дверь. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА отказывается вызывать найденного мной слесаря. Еще трижды пытаюсь заплатить слесарю, чтобы он починил дверь, но Татьяна отказывается.
Source: The Interloper: Lee Harvey Oswald Inside the Soviet Union.  
The United States Peace Corps Ukraine  offered 3 months of language training for volunteers.

22 декабря. Я прихожу домой, а ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА отключила электричество в моей комнате. Я не знаю, как снова включить свет в моей комнате. Поэтому я выключаю главный выключатель. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА показывает мне, где снова включить свет.
== Not discussed on the podcast ==
==== American Civil Religion  ====
* American civil religion is a term coined by sociologist Robert Bellah in 1967.   According to Bellah, Americans embrace a common "civil religion" with certain fundamental beliefs, values, holidays, and rituals, parallel to, or independent of, their chosen religion. Source:  Bellah, Robert Neelly (1967). "Civil Religion in America". Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 96 (1): 1–21 <br>

Я загружаю на YouTube 2 видео ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА, когда она выключила свет. Я говорю ей, что они будут опубликованы на YouTube, если она не остановится.  
=== Blowback===
The 9/11 attacks were Blowback for American's actions in the Middle East.

23 декабряЯ нахожу третьего слесаря, и Татьяна  отказывается позволить этому слесарю прийти и починить мою дверь.
Definition:  “Blowback” is a CIA term first used in March 1954 in a recently declassified report on the 1953 operation to overthrow the government of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran. It is a metaphor for the unintended consequences of the US government’s international activities that have been kept secret from the American people. The CIA’s fears that there might ultimately be some blowback from its egregious interference in the affairs of Iran were well founded. Installing the Shah in power brought twenty-five years of tyranny and repression to the Iranian people and elicited the Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolution. Source: 
Я останавливаюсь в отелях.

24 декабря. Я прихожу домой и замечаю, как все в общей зоне убрали и снова передвинули. В знак протеста передвигаю все предметы возле плиты на столе и фотографирую. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА снова звонит в полицию.
Blowback - US actions abroad have repeatedly led to unintended, indefensible consequences. September 27, 2001 The Nation.

25 – 26 декабряТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА вставляет ключ в новый замок, и я больше не могу попасть в квартиру. Мне приходится позвонить ей, и она открывает дверь и кричит на меня.  
====The democracy that America espouses ends at its seashore====
:''See also: [ Congress for Cultural Freedom] & [ Psychological operations (United States)]
* The U.S. intervened in 81 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. At the same time brutally overthrowing many of these same countries in coups and installing ruthless dictators. Source: Levin, Dov H. (June 2016). "When the Great Power Gets a Vote: The Effects of Great Power Electoral Interventions on Election Results". International Studies Quarterly. 60 (2): 189–202. doi:10.1093/isq/sqv016 
* [[PSYOPs]]  - After World War II the United States and the USSR began a concerted effort to manipulate populations overseas. In declassified documents the United States is show to be willing to "propagandize, subvert, sabotage....manipulate" and lie:

25 декабря – Полицейский в полицейском участке Полянка не принимает мое нотариально официально заверенное заявление. Он говорит, что меня депортируют. Я требую переводчика и поставить штамп на моем документе. Он отказывается. Он выталкивает меня из полицейского участка и говорит охраннику никогда не позволять мне возвращаться.
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The invention of the atomic bomb will cause a shift in the balance between ‘peaceful’ and ‘warlike’ methods of exerting international pressure. And we must expect a very marked increase in the importance of ‘peaceful’ methods. Our enemies will be even freer than [ever] to propagandize, subvert, sabotage and exert . . . pressures upon us, and we ourselves shall be more willing to bear these affronts and ourselves to indulge in such methods—in our eagerness to avoid at all costs the tragedy of open war; ‘peaceful’ techniques will become more vital in times of pre-war softening up, actual overt war, and in times of post-war manipulation.” Source: [[:File:The Cultural Cold War The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters Frances Stonor Saunders.pdf| The Cultural Cold War The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters Frances Stonor Saunders]]  Source: Gregory Bateson, Research & Analysis, OSS, to General Donovan, August 18, 1945 (CIA.HSC/RG263/NARA)

26 декабря. Я узнаю, что в соответствии с указом Президента меня нельзя депортировать.
:Communists have a “strong position in Europe, so immensely superior to our own . . . through unabashed and skillful use of lies. They have fought us with unreality, with irrationalism. Can we combat this unreality successfully with rationalism, with truth, with honest, well-meant economic assistance?" No, America needed to embrace a new era of covert warfare to advance her democratic objectives against Soviet deceit. -- George Kennan, 1947. Source: George Kennan, National War College Address, December 1947, quoted in International Herald Tribune, May 28, 1997.  

Один из милиционеров из метро Полянка накануне вечером находится в коридоре первого этажа моего дома. Он говорит, чтобы я прикрепил всю информацию, которая у меня есть, на дверь.  
====The power of an idea - the influence that each of us have on others====
''Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.'' -- Margaret Mead

Я положил 116 страниц доказательств в почтовый ящик 152.  
Malcolm Gladwell discussed based on scientific studies how subtle comments can have extreme effect on people.

27 декабряЯ продолжаю ночевать в хостелах.
In my sociology course, I learned that - 1 man does something it is mocked as crazy and deridedTwo or more is not.

29 декабря. Первый адвокат составляет письмо, согласно которому Татьяна не может меня выселить.  
==== How dissenting voices are silenced in America ====
"In our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either."  --Mark Twain

31 декабря.  Я нанимаю второго адвоката. Мы составляем доверенность и письмо о том, что ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА не может меня выселить. 

2 января 2020
;The Spiral of Silence
...By Sociologist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

Я отдаю письмо ТАТЬЯНЕ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЕ и вешаю этот документ на дверь.
👑 People who see that the dominant social attitudes contradict their own position, “fall silent”, to avoid expressing their point of view, because they are afraid to be in the minority.<br>
👑 The more prevalent the prevailing point of view seems to them, the more they “fall silent”.

Я узнаю, что переводчик, принимавший участие в рассмотрении полицией дела, помогает ТАТЬЯНЕ ВЛАДИМИРОВНЕ. Свидетель на собрании также активно помогает ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.

ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА отказывается говорить с моим адвокатом.  
The '''Overton window''', also known as the window of discourse, is the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse.

Полицейский переводчик вывешивает 2 документа на входную дверь и 3 на мою. Они срывают объяснение моего адвоката с моей двери и мою доверенность на моего адвоката.

2 документа включают в себя следующее:
The best book on how dissenting voices are silenced on a macro level is '''Manufacturing Dissent''' by '''Noam Chomsky''':
*  Rather than needing direct control over the media as in dictatorships, industrial democracies control popular opinion using "filters" which prevent politically controversial ideas from reaching the public. Here are three of the five filters:
** the concentration of media ownership to a few corporations,
** the need to please advertisers and funding sources,
** the reliance on government-provided sources, <br>...These influences combine to prevent politically inconvenient knowledge and ideas from reaching the general public.
*Chomsky discusses '''Walter Lippmann''' author of 1922's Public Opinion.  Shortly after it was published, John Dewey called Lippmann’s book “the most effective indictment of democracy as currently conceived.”

Я не могу снимать людей на видео без их разрешения, Татьяна сама это сделала и с помощью Оли с Первого канала выложила видео в интернет.
====American Sniper: There are 3 types of people in this world "Sheep, Wolves and Sheep Dogs====
* Youtube video clip of "American Sniper"
**'The irony is this man who is portrayed in the movie, Chris Kyle was an American Sniper in Iraq and later died in a bar fight''
**I see myself as an aspiring "sheep dog"

Меня должны депортировать, потому что срок моей регистрации истек. Но президент Путин 15 декабря издал указ, согласно которому все иммигранты могут оставаться до 14 июня 2021 года без регистрации.  
* America economically benefits from misery, death and destruction for generations (Indian genocide, Slavery) ...and only generations later contritely apologies about these horrors which built the country. History will not be kind to the United States.  There will someday be a reconciliation of what the United States did.

=== The Chinese Century started in 2015=== 
The United States is fragile.

The Chines century started in 2015. When the history of 2015 is written, China became the largest economy. In 2014, the body that conducts  international "Purchasing-power parities" assessments—the World Bank’s International Comparison Program came out with new numbers. The organization predicted that China would become the world’s largest economy far sooner than anyone had expected, in 2015. Source: Joseph E. Stiglitz. January 2015. The Chinese Century. Vanity Fair.

In 1976 Emmanuel Todd in La chute finale: Essais sur la décomposition de la sphère Soviétique (The Final Fall: An essay on the decomposition of the Soviet sphere), predicted the collapse of the United States. Source: [ Predictions of the dissolution of the Soviet Union]  In 2003 he wrote After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order. Todd argues that America is fast losing its grip on the world stage in economic, military and ideological terms. Todd predicts the fall of the United States as the sole global superpower. Source: [ After the Empire]

Timeline of facts June – January 2021
====Strategies  to economically cripple the United States====
Landlady Татьяна Владимировна
:''Here are one or two of the many many ideas that I have.  I have written and mailed  to Putin's inner circle a number of times about ideas such as this.''
:''See also [[Copyright as an economic weapon against the United States]],  [[How you can help / Further reading]]''

I have lived 6 months of  psychological warfare with ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА, МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ and orchestrated by my fake wife, ЕВГИНАЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ from the television show "Let's Get Married". where I was the hero and she was the heroine. As my wife ЕВГИНАЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА gets everything I own if I am deported. She can also rent the room to someone else for more money.
The last day I went into the American embassy in February 2020:
1. Fake wife ЕВГИНАЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ lies ЕВГИНАЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ to me that the contract is month to month
# I received a PDF letter back from the Russian government denying my request. to abolish copyright.
2. Fake wife ЕВГИНАЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ and ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА say the contract is for 9 months, when I translate it and it says 11.
# On the same day I also was told that my last documentary that I was in, Unknown American, was ready to be published with a publishing dare.  
3,  July 2020 ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА goes on vacation with her husband to Bulgaria, July 31.  .  Her husband lives in another location ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА sends me romantic texts.  Meanwhile, МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ is screaming and saying terrible things about me for 3 days with cleaning lady.  I start to get severe headaches.
:*''Unknown American, Неизвестная Америка. Различия между американцами и русскимиAt the end of this video, I express my political viewsFull video:  ''
4. August 10 -11, I begin to plead with ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА to do something about МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ.  How he screams every single morning. How he ripped off my toilet dispenser on the wall.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА justifies everything that МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ does.  She starts to call me a baby in texts.  Based on evidence and ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА spying on German tourists for the KGB, I later understand fully that the 2 work together in concert to push out desperate and naïve tenants in a dirty scheme they have done for probably decades. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА calls МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ a child and the devil but does nothing to stop his outrage. МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ creates little traps, with glass and toilet paper and metal coils.  To make sure nothing is moved and to terrorize a tenant if the item is moved. He walks around with a long stick checking his crude traps every day.  
5. August 12, ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА turns against me, saying that МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ is scared of me.
6. August 15.  I beginning buying tens of thousands of rubles of materials to stay out of the common areas. I begin to explain privacy to ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА in text. Telling her not to go into my room when I am not homeTo knock when I am in the room.  She responds by opening the door when I am naked a couple of days later on purpose  I tell her not to tell people about my moneyShe tells the workers working on the apartment hallway about my bicycle and my fake wife. Items begin to break and disappear in my room and get moved around. The shredder breaks. the cables break.    I catch ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА walking into my room without permission and film ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА going into my room when I am not home.
7. August 16, ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА sends me a picture of a baby - noting that I am a baby for complaining.
8 August 18, The cleaning lady that ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА has known for decades tells me that ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА is evicting me, despite me paying the rent.  (And a 11 month contract)

9. I happen to check the internet and find the last tenant's bad review, and I see the apartment is back up for rent.  Under a turnkey agreement.
======38.2 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) is in copyright ======
[[File:intellectual propert and the US economy.png|200px|right]]
'''The more copyright law is weakened abroad, the weaker America is economically and therefore militarily'''.

10. While I am out ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА shows my room to an English coupleТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА lies and says she is not evicting me.
''Every person, organization and country has an Achilles heelThe larger the person, organization, or country, the bigger the Achilles heel. In 2016 US Presidential a Saint Petersburg troll farm company helped get Donald J. Trump get elected. The election shows that Russians are acutely cognizant of many of America's Achilles heels.''
11. August 18 . ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА thanks me for all the help that I have done,  Everything I bought for the flat. And moving around the furniture, including:

a. moving the refrigerator from the hallway,  
In 2016 the U.S. Commerce Department released a comprehensive report entitled,  “Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: 2016 Update,” which found that Intellectual Property intensive industries support at least 45 million U.S. jobs and contribute to more than $6 trillion dollars to, or 38.2 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). Source: [ Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy], United States Patent and Trademark Office.

b. knocking out cabinets,
====== Inviting poor and dissatisfied Americans to Russia ======
[[File:the forsaken soviet russia an american tradgedy.jpg|200px|right]]
:''See Wikipedia:  [ The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia]''

c. finding curtains and  
During the height of the depression, the 1930s Russia ran advertisements for Americans to come to Russia in the New York Times and other newspapers across the USA.  Tens of thousands did. Source: Tim Tzouliadis. 2008. The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia.   In the first eight months of 1931, a Soviet trade agency in New York advertised 6,000 positions in newspapers and received more than 100,000 applications. Ten thousand Americans were hired in 1931.  In March 1932, The New York Times reported that immigration to the Soviet Union was 1000 a week, but increasing.

d. buying curtains for her room and mine,  
'''Today''', Russia should actively encourage Americans to immigrate from the United States again. The government can use swallows and other FSB intelligence sources to carefully watch new American immigrants. This past few months, Russia already has enacted new laws which involve radical reforms in the immigration system, allowing existing and new immigrants to become Russian citizens. 

e. laying down carpet in my room,
As an American,if you feel the same way about the United States, or you feel like people don’t see your value, Moscow beckons.

f. removing all of the cabinet doors in my room, and

g. assisting in putting in cabinets in her shared mother's room.  (I have before and after pictures)

11. August 20.  I write a privacy sign and place it in my room.  I put a knock on the door poster on the door.
====== A Russian Dome City for Americans fleeing social rest and economic stagnation ======

12. September 4, I pay lawyer Alina 7000 rubles to write a contract clarification letter that I can give to ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.  
As the United States continues to rapidly decline a "Dome City" should be created from the straight across from Alaska.  

13. September 3 - Michael has his stick and checks all of his traps for the morning. He notices that the bathtub tap goes to the shower not the tub. He starts swearing and goes crazy (on video)
In the book "The Interloper" Lee Harvey Oswald was under constant surveillance be the KGB under the "dome".
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!Excerpt of the book "The Interloper: Lee Harvey Oswald Inside the Soviet Union":
[[File:the interloper oswald.jpg|300px|right]]
:On March 16, two months after he started at the Experimental Department, Oswald was moved from the Hotel Minsk to Apartment 24 at 4 Kalinina Ulitsa, about twenty minutes by foot, or two tram stops, from the hotel. The building was in the center of the city, and it had been designed in the monumental Stalinist style: looming archways, thick columns, oversized windows. It was meant to feel powerful, domineering, even regal. If Oswald walked out of his building and turned right, and then right again, through the narrow driveway, beneath the yellow archway, he would be standing on Kalinina Ulitsa. If he turned left on Kalinina Ulitsa and walked for a minute or two, he would be at Victory Square, which was a traffic circle with an obelisk and eternal flame dedicated to the unknown soldier. If, instead of going to Victory Square, he turned right on Kalinina Ulitsa, he would soon arrive at the military headquarters, shrouded in trees. If he went a little farther, through an oblong patch of forest and up a small hill, he would be at the opera house. Just opposite his window, on the other side of Kalinina Ulitsa and down a short slope, was the river.26 Oswald called the apartment on Kalinina Ulitsa “a Russians dream.” Apartment 24, at entrance No. 2, encompassed 266 square feet, and it had three rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom with a toilet, and a bedroom-cum-living room. There was also a balcony; a vestibule; a small, built-in wardrobe; and views of the river and opera house. The interior walls, which were made of wood and plaster, were just shy of six inches thick, but the exterior walls, which were brick, were a little more than twenty inches in thickness, which meant it was usually quiet inside the apartment. His neighbors rarely heard him, and he seemed oblivious of them.27

:It is unlikely that Oswald realized he was living in what amounted to a village inside a city. He had been strategically situated within a five- to ten-minute walk of most everywhere he needed to go —the factory, the grocery store, friends, associates, the opera house, the movie theater, the river, the park, and the Foreign Language Institute, where, according to Titovets, there were women who spoke English, listened to jazz, and were more “adventurous.” This was clearly illustrated in a 1964 CIA report on Oswald’s Soviet period. The report includes a simple street plan of the center of Minsk that shows Oswald’s apartment building and other locations that played a role in his everyday life, including the house where his coworker and one-time love interest Ella German lived (just opposite the river); the building where his future wife, Marina Prusakova, lived with her aunt and uncle (three and a half blocks away); the building where the engineer Alexander Ziger, who became friendly with Oswald and served as something of a father figure, lived with his family (on Krasnaya Ulitsa); and the Palace of Culture of the Council of Trade Unions, where he met Marina Prusakova (on the other side of the river, at October Square). It was as if the KGB had constructed a little world just for him.29

14. October 24 -ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА admits that I overpaid twice. Tells me that I don't have to pay utilities for 2 months (November and December)
:In fact, said Oleg Nechiporenko, that was common KGB practice. Nechiporenko, the KGB officer who briefly handled Oswald’s case when he turned up at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City in the fall of 1963, said the KGB had a name for this sort of “village in a city.” They called it a kolpak, which means “cover,” “dome,” or “shroud.” They would say that someone was in a kolpak or biyt pod kolpakom. This meant one was “being under the cover” of the security organs. To make things more convenient, Apartment 24 was on the fourth floor—above the tree line—and it faced the river. From the opposite bank of the Svisloch, the people strolling on the embankment could see the balcony, and, with binoculars, they could certainly get a good look inside through the windows of his bedroom and kitchen, and down the darkened corridor to the vestibule, filled with a bland, yellow light. It was as if his entire life had been reorganized so that other people could watch it.30

15. October 29 -  I start taking pictures of all of МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ's traps and balls of toilet paper.   Which I find inside of my own items in the bathroom.
:The kolpak accomplished two things: it made it easier for the authorities to watch him, and, more importantly, it put him at ease, which, in turn, made it still easier to watch him. It made him believe he was in a place where he was known and even understood. Here, in this little, invisible village in the middle of Minsk, there were people who worked in the same factory he worked in, spoke the same language he spoke, and liked the same composers he liked. In the coming months, they would go to the movies with him and invite him over for dinner. This feeling of connectivity would have been reinforced daily. Every time he was on the street or at an intersection or on Victory Square, he could expect to run into someone he knew, a friendly acquaintance who would wave and even smile, reminding him that he was somewhere where he could be himself. This was something that Oswald had never had—a sense of belonging. In this way, the security organs anticipated better than Oswald did what he needed. By planting him in this mesh of seemingly thick relations, they oriented and settled him. They made him think that he could do whatever he wanted because he was home now.31

16, October 30 -  МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ opens my door without asking (on video). He does the repeatedly.
:It wasn’t just atmospherics. There was also, most everyone agrees, extensive monitoring of Oswald. This monitoring almost certainly included listening devices, secret police whose job it was to watch him, and a sprawling network of informants who were recruited by the security organs after he arrived. In fact, nearly everyone who worked with Oswald in Minsk said the same two things over and over: they had never informed on him, and most everyone else had. They didn’t like to talk about these things, even fifty years later. But they knew about it. Or, it would be more correct to say, they intuited it. For one thing, Oswald had many bosses—Libezin, Lavshuk, Leonid Botvinik—and each of them seemed to answer to someone else whom no one knew.

ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА admits that there were 4 people living here illegally through МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ.
====== Potential employment opportunities ======
======= Active measures Against the United States =======
::''See also [ Active measures Against the United States]

ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА says in text that МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ is always look for scandals, that he was an alcoholic before.
The KGB spent billions of dollars actively trying to subvert the United States domestically and abroad.  This KGB playbook is being used again today by the SVR and FSB.

17. November 1 - ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА accuses me of breaking the washer, while maid was washing the curtains I found for ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.
Its most successful campaign was the fabrication of the story that AIDS virus was manufactured by US scientists at Fort Detrick, called '''Operation INFEKTION'''.

17. November 3 I give letter to ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА from lawyer Alina.
=======Working as an "Internet Troll" in Saint Petersburg =======

18. November 19, I pay December rent. (I pay rent early and ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА accepts it, setting up a legal precedence)
:''See also: [ Internet Research Agency]''

19.  December 6, I find mail in mailbox.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА says it is a former tenant.  There are many former tenants that have lived here.
The trolls in this facility were clearly not native speakers, which made them easy to detect.

20Early December (not in text) ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА threatens to kick me out again because I put my items common area.
======= Kim Philby - creating fabricated documents =======
Former British intelligence officer Kim Philby found work in the early 1970s in the KGB's Active Measures Department churning out fabricated documentsWorking from genuine unclassified and public CIA or U.S. State Department documents, Philby inserted “sinister” paragraphs regarding U.S. plans. The KGB would stamp the documents “top secret” and begin their circulation. For the Soviets, Philby was an invaluable asset, ensuring the correct use of idiomatic and diplomatic English phrases in their disinformation efforts. Robert Wallace, H. Keith Melton, Henry R. Schlesinger.  Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs, from Communism to Al-Qaeda.

21. December 9. ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА agrees to follow the contract. But unilaterally changes move out date to February 28. (contract to May 2021)
======= Steal this Book =======
:''See also: [ Steal This Book]
'''Steal this Book''' is a book written by Abbie Hoffman in 1970. It explains how to fight the government through illegal activities. I have strongly considered updating the book with only legal activities to subvert the federal government.

22. December 11.  VIOLENCE by ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.  She waits until I am woken up and just trying to walk out the door.  She throws my dishes from the kitchen sink down the hallway. Meanwhile МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ is downstairs in the lobby getting the mail.  It is a coordinated plan. That is common.

23.  December 11.  VIOLENCE by ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.    ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА. takes my boxes in hallway opens the door and throws the items into my room. 
= Peace is possible =
ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА calls police. I file a police report which is not put in the official administrative report. The evidence number is 2257 at polanka metro.
24. December 11.  I create a Whatsapp group with ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА's  brother. This group to help control ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА's violent outbursts.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА demands I move out on January 4th.

25. December 11I pay for January 2021ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА returns the money (I find out on December 15)
:''See also [[Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade]]''
'''''TONIGHT''' I will be Talking about a journeyThe journey we all take together, as a speciesHow we, as a human race, can literally change the world.''

26. December 13.  I start sleeping in hostels to avoid ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.  

27. December 15.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА and my lawyer agree to increase the rent to 25,000 and pay for any scandals.

Michael takes my keys I forgot in the common area.
On May 22, 1787 twelve men met to abolish the slave trade worldwide. In one short generation the British Empire abolished slavery, paving the way for worldwide abolishment of slavery.

Michael tries to open my door again with his key, when he thinks I am not home.
A world without war '''is''' possible.

I pay ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА 21,500 rubles +4,000  rubles +10,000 rubles.14,000 rubles for January. 

28. December 16. I wake up with no keys that were stolen by Misha.  I see that there is a new board on door.  I take it off in the dark with orange shoe horn.  МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ comes out screaming.  I ask for my keys.  He says he does not have them .  I do not touch МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ or ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА. Police are called.

29December 16. TV reporter Kristina contacts me.   
==The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade==
In 1787, approximately three quarters of the people on Earth lived under some form of enslavement, serfdom, debt bondage or indentured servitudeThere were no slaves in Britain itself, but the vast majority of its people accepted slavery in the British West Indies as perfectly normal.  

The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was a British abolitionist group, formed on 22 May 1787, by twelve men who gathered together at a printing shop in London, EnglandWithin their lifetimes they saw slavery be abolished in Britain. (NOTE: The Society achieved abolition of the international slave trade in 1807, enforced by the British Navy. The United States also prohibited the African slave trade that year, to take effect in 1808. Within their lifetimes these twelve men abolished slavery.
December 17  I stay in hotels to avoid home.  The officer at Polyanka metro is drunk when I arrive and will not accept my documentation added to the first complain (talon).  I go back to polyanka and the district police officer on the 1st floor is thereHe says I must go to meeting on Saturday, day after tomorrowHe will not explain about what the meeting is.
December 18  I attend the administrative hearing without lawyer. I do not understand what is happening.  There is an  appointed translator. And a witness who is helping Tatiana changes the locks while I am in the police meeting.

The policeman in the police report:
It later was superseded by development of the Anti-Slavery Society in 1823, which worked to abolish the institution of slavery throughout the British coloniesAbolition was passed by parliament in 1833 with emancipation completed by 1838.  
• Only includes an older version of my payment sheet, not the new one.
1833-1787 = 46 years)
• They do not include my evidence of violence from before December 16.
• Tatiana and Mikhail state that I his Mikhail several times. This is physically impossible and a lie.
• The policeman does not answer my phone call or text. 
December 18  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА unilaterally applies all the rent I paid for January to damages and moral outrage.  She demands I move out by December 28.
December 19  I find lawyer Maxim to come to my house on Sunday night.  He is very expensive.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА gives lawyer information about Olya from channel one and lies about it.
December 19  My fake wife says to move out by December 25.  that either I work with Olya from Channel 1 and do a television show with all of them,  or channel 1 will show me on television getting deported. Evgina says Channel 1 wants to create an American idiot.
December 19.  I try to change the lock on the door to my room.  A locksmith comes to fix my door and ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА sends him away. 
December 20.  HEARING IN POLICE STATION ON FIRST FLOOR.  The locksmith that I had found, and Tatiana turned away, returns to change the front door lock. Locking me out.
December 21.  I cannot fix the doorТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА refuses to call the locksmith I have found. Three more times I try to pay for a locksmith to fix the door and Tatiana refuses.
December 22. I come home and ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА has shut off the power to my room.  I do not know how to turn the light back on in my room. So i turn off  the main switch.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА shows me where to turn the room light back on.  
I upload 2 YouTube videos of ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА when she turned the lights off. I tell her they will be made public on Youtube if she does not stop.
December 23.  I find a third locksmith and tataina refuses to allow that locksmith to come and fix my door.
I stay at hotels.

December 24 . I come home and notice how everything in the common area has been removed and moved around again. In protest I move all of the items near the stove on the table and take a picture.  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА calls the police again.
; A Call to Action
''This effort can be repeated today with American Foreign Policy. This can be done by actively positively encouraging our leaders to instead invest the money into our communities. Start with your congressional district today. Ask your leader to support peace, and tell them if they continue to vote for war you will reluctantly start a guerrilla marking campaign to alert the public that this congressman is someone who does not support bringing our war dollars home to your community.''

December 25 -    ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА puts the key in the new lock so I cannot get into the apartment anymore.  I have to call her and she answers the door yelling at me.
==The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees==
[[File:anti slavery abolishment.jpg|320px|thumb|Insignia of the later British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society|right]]

December 25 - The policeman at the polyanka police station will not accept my notarized statement from a notarized lawyer.  He says I am being deported.  I demand a translator and for the document to be stamped.  He refuses.  He pushes me out of the police station and tells the guard to never let me come back.
;2 George Yard, London, England

December 26. I find out that I cannot be deported under presidential decree.
The reverberations from what happened on this spot, on the late afternoon of May 22, 1787, eventually caught the attention of millions of people around the world, including the first and greatest student of what today we call civil society. The result of the series of events begun that afternoon in London, wrote France. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville decades later, was "absolutely without precedent...If you pore over the histories of all peoples, I doubt that you will find anything more extraordinary."

One of policeman from Polyanka metro the night before is in the first floor corridor of my buildingHe says to put any information I have on the door.  
The building that once stood at 2 George Yard was a bookstore and printing shop. The proprietor was James Phillips, publisher and printer for Britain's small community of Quakers. On that May afternoon, after the pressmen and typesetters had gone home for the day, 12 men filed through his doors. They formed themselves into a committee with what seemed to their fellow Londoners a hopelessly idealistic and impractical aim: ending first the slave trade and then slavery itself in the most powerful empire on Earth." (NOTE: Hochschild, Adam. (January 25, 2005) The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees Retrieved from: )

I put 116 pages of evidence in mail box 152.

December 27.  I continue to stay in hostels.

December 29. First lawyer drafts a letter stating Tatiana cannot evict me.
{{#tweekihide: sidebar-right|firstHeading|FOOTER}}{{#widget:Mainpage.css}}
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<p style="font-size:2em;font-weight:bold">What are you willing to sacrifice for your beliefs?</p>
<p style="color:#999">
{| <!----            style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-color:gray;"    -->
|- valign=top
|  style="padding:20px;"  |  There are a million reasons to stay in America, but only one reason to leave:

December 31.  I hire a second lawyer.  We compile a power of attorney and a letter stating that ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА cannot evict me.
<u>Internationally, the United States is the most violent country in the world.</u>

January 2, 2021
My career ambitions are two pronged in 2020. First, I either will work for a Russian think tank such as the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) in consulting or writing policy papers on how Russia can subvert the United States economically. Alternatively we will create our own state-sanctioned Russian think tank to abolish copyright in Russia among other activities.   
I give letter to ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА and post this document on the door.
I find out Translator for police case is helping ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.  The witness in the police meeting is also actively helping ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.   

ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА.   Refuses to talk to my lawyer.  
I anchor much of what I seek to accomplish in the inspiring turn of events of May 1787, in which only twelve London men formed the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade and abolished slavery in the British Empire worldwide within one generation. As the late anthropologist Margaret Mead states, ''Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has''. Today, war can be abolished the same way that slavery was two hundred years ago.

The police translator posts 2 documents on the front door, and 3 on my doorThey rip down my lawyer’s explanation of the law on my door and my power of attorney with my lawyer.
This firm belief in peace is based on a long history of living abroad. I was living in Odessa, Ukraine in the Peace Corps when the terrorists hit the World Trade Center. I had an Arab friend from Dubai who was the kindest, most honorable, most incredible man I have ever met in my entire lifeA couple of days after 9/11, I was walking on the warm promenade of the port city of Odessa with Jaz.  In a low tone that was so foreign, he said, "If they [Americans] come to my country, I will kill them". I was shocked, how could the gentlest man I ever met hate America so much?   

2 of the documents is:
That question haunted me even after I returned to America.  After the Peace Corps, I earned a Juris Doctorate concurrent with a Masters in International Relations. In law school I wrote what would later become my second published book "<span class="plainlinks">[ America’s Other War, Terrorizing Colombia]" which was published in 2017.  To answer why my gentle Arab friend hated America,  I wrote a SPSS white paper called, “[ Why do They Hate Us? Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis]”.</span>
|  style="padding:20px;"  |
{|class=wikitable width=400px  align=right EEEDF2 style="background-color:#F0F0F0;" 
|align=center  style="padding:20px;"  | [[File:200px-Official_medallion_of_the_British_Anti-Slavery_Society_(1795).jpg|200px]]
!  style="padding:50px;"  style="padding:10px;"  |On May 22, 1787 twelve men met to abolish the slave trade worldwide. They formed themselves into a committee with what seemed to their fellow Londoners a hopelessly idealistic and impractical aim: ending first the slave trade and then slavery itself in the most powerful empire on Earth. In one short generation the British Empire, the largest slave trader in the world,  abolished slavery, paving the way for worldwide abolishment of slavery. 

I cannot video record people without their permission, Tatiana did this and had it created into a video online with Channel 1 Olya’s help.
|  style="padding:20px;"  |
===Helping support the Guatemala syphilis experiment lawsuit===
I passed the D.C. law bar in 2009 and started my legal career with the US Federal Government in DC.  The breaking point with this job was I was working with another attorney to defend the government in the <span class="plainlinks">[ Guatemala syphilis experiment case]</span>, a case in which United States government doctors intentionally and covertly infected Guatemalans with syphilis.  I quit shortly afterward in disgust.  

I should be deported because my registration expiredBut President Putin made a decree on December 15 that all immigrants can stay until June 15, 2021 without registration.
After years of research and writing, I decided the only way to influence American foreign policy was outside of the United States. I moved back to Moscow in September 2018.   

January 10,
|style="padding:20px;"  |
Tatiana’s brother Alex hits me in the mouth, then runs awayI follow him. He tries to grab my camera phone and break it twice. I call the police and file a police report and get a police receipt.  
{|width=400px  class=wikitable align=right
|align=center style="padding:10px;"  |  [[File:160223_SCI_Guatemala-STD-Experiments-Victim-04-850px.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg|200px]]
!width=200px style="padding:10px;" | Pictured: Female patients from the Guatemalan psychiatric hospital who were exposed to syphilis as part of the experiments conducted between 1946 and 1948.

January 16
Alex returns to house.  I call the police, he runs away in the back as the police are entering the front.  I file another police report.

January 16-24  Misha removes his ladder and puts some sticks next to the door that collaborates his lies about me beating him with sticks.  Brother Alex continues to come and visit.

January 19 
* We establish that translator is helping Tatiana with legal defense.

January 25
[[File:colotion against us military bases foreign Site-Header-with-Logo-1.png|1000px|center|link=]]
I start moving my items out. Tatiana watches me move my items out of the apartment.    I accidently hit the corner of the wall and break a little plaster. I offer to pay for it in whatsapp.  I return home at 7 am after dropping off my personal items at storage facility.  Tatiana has moved my items again to front hallway.  We argue. Misha calls the police.  The police come and tell Tatiana to stop moving my property.  I file another police report that evening.


== Дополнительная информация  ==
== Further Information ==
Other information
;Britain's legacy of slavery

* Дата рождения 1 января 1955 г. (66 лет)  [Date of birth January 1 1955 (66 years old)]

* Выпускник 7 школа (Graduated from 7 школа)
== Nonprofit ==
'''Motto:''' "A Peaceful World is Possible" (Note: <!--

* Выпуск 1972 г.? (Graduated 1972?)

=== Сообщения переписки по WhatsApp с Григорьевой Татьяной Владимировной (с июня 2020 г. по 8 января 2021 г.) - WhatsApp messages with Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна (June 2020 to January 8 2021)   ===
[ Section 2. Proclaiming Your Dream: Developing Vision and Mission Statements]<br><br>Your vision is your dream. It's what your organization believes are the ideal conditions for your community; that is, how things would look if the issue important to you were completely, perfectly addressed. It might be a '''world without war'''... ''(emphasis my own)'' )

'''Alternative:''' "Invest in America First"
{{under construction}}

[[File:tatiana telling me to fuck off with hand 2.png|400px|thumb|center| Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна показывает жест, означающий неприличное русское выражение. <br>  {{t}} showing me a vulgar Russian expression.]]
To create a peaceful world by pressuring local United States representatives in Congress to vote for peace or lose  in the next election.
[[File:tatiana and misha beginning of video.png|300px|center]]

(Note: [ Section 2. Proclaiming Your Dream: Developing Vision and Mission Statements]<br><br>Mission statements are similar to vision statements, in that they, too, look at the big picture. However, they're more concrete, and they are definitely more "action-oriented" than vision statements. Your vision statement should inspire people to dream; your mission statement should inspire them to action.<br><br>The mission statement might refer to a problem, such as an inadequate housing, or a goal, such as providing access to health care for everyone. And, while they don 't go into a lot of detail, they start to hint - very broadly - at how your organization might fix these problems or reach these goals. )

Internationally, the United States is the most violent country in the world.

70 страниц приняты судом к рассмотрению дела 19 января 2021 года. -
The goal of May 1787 Political Action Committee is to change American foreign policy for the purpose of:
*  Investing more money domestically instead of internationally.
70 pages accepted by the court for the January 19, 2021 court case.
*  [Stop terrorism blowback]

Our goal is to put extreme pressure on targeted Congressmen to vote for Peace or lose in their next election. Using the National Rifle Association as a guide, we will support pro-peace candidates, '''regardless of their party affiliation'''.

=== 25 декабря, Рождество - После того, как Миша и Татьяна не перестанут перемещать мои вещи и, используя отведенное мне место в холодильнике, я перемещаю все предметы Миши на стол и пишу записку.  ===
December 25, Christmas - After Misha and Tatiana will not stop moving my items and using my designated space in the fridge I move all of Misha's items to the table and write a note

Misha and Tatiana call the police when I leave.
==Action Plans==
* Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or "disappeared", at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame. — Amnesty International. 1996.
* ... A "conservative estimate is (that the United States has killed) at least 6 million civilians and soldiers (since the end of World War 2)." — [ The Washington Post].

Когда я ухожу, Миша и Татьяна вызывают полицию.
===Powerpoint presentation===
{| class=wikitable
!Invest in America First
|[[File:peace various papers_Page_01.jpg|200px]]
! Military-Industrial Complex
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_02.jpg  |200px]]
! Congressional Military-Industrial Complex
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_03.jpg  |200px]]
! The Six organizations which support the status quo of war.
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_04.jpg|200px]]
! Which of these six organizations are most influenced by a grassroots organization?
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_05.jpg  |200px]]
! Military
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_06.jpg  |200px]]
! Corporations
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_07.jpg  |200px]]
! Government (Congressional)
| [[ File:peace various papers_Page_08.jpg |200px]]
! Education
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_09.jpg  |200px]]
! Foreign Governments
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_10.jpg  |200px]]
! Media
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_11.jpg  |200px]]
! The government is the most influenced by grassroots organizations.
| [[File:peace various papers_Page_12.jpg  |200px]]

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File:anti slavery abolishment.jpg| Logo: [ Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade]
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==See also==
* [[Peace: Resume for Amnesty International]]
== External links ==
* [  Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade] The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, also known as the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and sometimes referred to as the Abolition Society or Anti-Slavery Society, was a British abolitionist group formed on 22 May 1787.
== This page read ==
{{Short description|British abolitionist organization}}
{{for|other societies referred to as the Anti-Slavery Society|Anti-Slavery Society (disambiguation)}}
{{Use dmy dates|date=September 2020}}
{{use British English|date=December 2020}}
{{Infobox organization
| name                    = <!-- defaults to {{PAGENAME}}, if not provided -->
| full_name              = '''Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade'''
| logo                    =
| logo_size              =
| logo_alt                =
| logo_caption            =
| image                  = File:Official medallion of the British Anti-Slavery Society (1795).jpg
| image_size              =
| alt                    = <!-- see [[WP:ALT]] -->
| caption                =
| predecessor            =
| merged                  = <!-- any other organization(s) which it was merged into -->
| successor              =
| formation              =  {{start date and age|1787|05|22}}   
| founder                =
# [[John Barton (quaker)|John Barton]] 
# [[William Dillwyn]] 
# [[George Harrison (Quaker) | George Harrison ]] 
# [[Samuel Hoare Jr]] 
# [[Joseph Hooper]] 
# [[John Lloyd]]
# [[Joseph Woods (abolitionist)|Joseph Woods]] Sr 
# [[James Phillips (Quaker)| James Phillips]]
# [[Richard Phillips (Quaker)| Richard Phillips]] (Note:  anjou  author=Leo D'Anjou |title=Social Movements and Cultural Change: The First Abolition Campaign |year=1996 |publisher=Aldine de Gruyter |isbn= 978-0-202-30522-6 |page=198 
# [[Thomas Clarkson]] 
# [[Granville Sharp]] 
# [[Philip Sansom]]
| dissolved              =  {{end date and age|1807|01|01}}  <!-- uncertain of date -->
| merger                  = <!-- other organizations (if any) merged with, to constitute the new organization -->
| type                    = <!-- e.g., [[Nonprofit organization|Nonprofit]], [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]], etc. -->  [[Abolishment]] of [[Slavery]]
| status                  = <!-- legal status or description (company, charity, foundation, etc.) -->
| purpose                = <!-- or |focus = --><!-- humanitarian, activism, peacekeeping, etc. -->
| professional_title      = <!-- for professional associations -->
| headquarters            = 2 George Yard
| location_city          = [[London]]
| location_country        =  [[England]]
| coordinates            =  {{coord|51.514240|-0.111723|display=inline,title}} 
| origins                =
| region_served          = <!-- or |area_served = or |region = -->
| products                = <!-- or |product = -->
| services                =
| methods                = <!-- or |method = -->
| fields                  = <!-- or |field = -->
| membership              = <!-- number of members -->
| membership_year        = <!-- year to which membership numbers/data apply -->
| language                = <!-- or |languages = --><!-- any official language or languages used -->  [[English]]
| owner                  = <!-- or |owners = -->
| leader_title            = <!-- defaults to "Leader" -->
| leader_name            =
| leader_title2          =
| leader_name2            =
| leader_title3          =
| leader_name3            =
| leader_title4          =
| leader_name4            =
| key_people              =
| main_organ              = <!-- or |publication = --><!-- organization's principal body (assembly, committee, board, etc.) or publication -->
| affiliations            =
| funding                = <!-- source of funding e.g. for "think tanks" -->
| staff                  =
| staff_year              =
| volunteers              =
| volunteers_year        =
| awards                  =
| remarks                =
| formerly                = <!-- or |former_name = -->
| footnotes              =
| bodystyle              =
}} <!-- Start of text of article

File:neighbor with violent husband who subtly threatened me apartment 149.png | Квартира 149 жительница Лена, у которой старший муж Алексей. У Алекса есть дочь и сын, но они живут в Канаде<!-- Apartment 149 tenant Lena, whose older husband is Alex. Alex has a daughter and a son, but they live in Canada.-->
File:witnesss 2 at oktoberskaya tatiana.png| Свидетель коррумпированного митинга милиции, пока шло митинг милиции, свидетель помог Татьяне и Мише поменять дверные замки. Видео с
File:witnesss 2 at oktoberskaya tatiana 3.png| Witness to the corrupt police meeting, while police meeting was going on, witness helped Tatiana and Misha change door locks,
The '''Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade''', also known as the '''Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade''', and sometimes referred to as the '''Abolition Society''' or '''Anti-Slavery Society,''' was a [[Abolitionism in the United Kingdom|British abolitionist]] group formed on 22 May 1787.  Slavery was abolished in all Britain colonies in 1833 as a result.
File:witnesss 2 at oktoberskaya tatiana 2.png| Witness to the corrupt police meeting, while police meeting was going on, witness helped Tatiana and Misha change door locks,
Historians posit that this anti-slavery movement is the first peaceful social movement which all modern social movements are built upon.
The society was established by twelve men; including prominent campaigners [[Thomas Clarkson]] and [[Granville Sharp]], who, as [[Anglican]]s, were able to be more influential in [[Parliament of Great Britain|Parliament]] than the more numerous [[Quaker]] founding members. The society worked to educate the public about the abuses of the [[slave]] trade, and achieved abolition of the [[international slave trade]]  when the [[British Parliament]] passed the [[Slave Trade Act 1807]], at which time the society ceased its activities. (The United States also prohibited the [[African slave trade]] the same year, to take effect in 1808.)
In 1823 the [[Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions]] (also known as the Anti-Slavery Society) was founded, which worked to abolish the institution of slavery throughout the British colonies. Abolition was passed by parliament in 1833 (except in India, where it was [[slavery in India|part of the indigenous culture]]); with emancipation completed by 1838.
== Historical background ==
[[1688 Germantown Quaker Petition Against Slavery|The first anti-slavery statement]] was written by Dutch and German [[Quakers]], who met at [[Colonial Germantown Historic District|Germantown]], [[Pennsylvania]] in 1688. English [[Quaker]]s began to express their official disapproval of the [[slave trade]] in 1727 and promote reforms. From the 1750s, a number of Quakers in Britain's [[Thirteen Colonies|American colonies]] also began to oppose slavery, and called on English Quakers to take action with parliament. They encouraged their fellow citizens, including Quaker slave owners, to improve conditions for slaves, educate their slaves in [[Christianity]], reading and writing, and gradually emancipate (free) them.{{cn|date=December 2020}}
An informal group of six Quakers pioneered the British abolitionist movement in 1783 when the London [[Religious Society of Friends|Society of Friends']] yearly meeting presented its petition against the [[Atlantic slave trade|slave trade]] to [[British parliament|Parliament]], signed by over 300 Quakers. They were also influenced by publicity that year about the [[Zong massacre]], as the shipowners were litigating a claim for insurance against losses due to more than 132 slaves having been killed on their ship.{{cn|date=December 2020}}
== Foundation ==
"In 1787, approximately three quarters of the people on Earth lived under some form of enslavement, serfdom, debt bondage or indentured servitude. There were no slaves in Britain itself, but the vast majority of its people accepted slavery in the British West Indies as perfectly normal."
(Note: Adam Hochschild. [ The Unsung Heroes of Abolition]. )
The Quakers decided to form a small, committed, non-denominational group so as to gain greater [[Church of England]] and Parliamentary support. The new, non-denominational committee formed in 1787 had nine [[Religious Society of Friends|Quaker]] members and three [[Anglicanism|Anglicans]]. As Quakers were not prepared to receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the rites of the Church of England, they were [[Test Act|not permitted]] to serve as [[Member of Parliament (United Kingdom)|Members of Parliament]], having Anglican members strengthened the committee's likelihood of influencing Parliament.
(Note: hoi  The new society was named the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, later often referred to simply as  the Abolition Society.
(Note: mylearning Source: title=The Abolition Movement  | website=MyLearning | url= | access-date=20 December 2020}} )
{{quote|The reverberations from what happened on this spot, on the late afternoon of 22 May 1787, eventually caught the attention of millions of people around the world, including the first and greatest student of what today we call civil society. The result of the series of events begun that afternoon in London, wrote French political philosopher France. Frenchman [[Alexis de Tocqueville]] decades later, was "absolutely without precedent...If you pore over the histories of all peoples, I doubt that you will find anything more extraordinary".
The building that once stood at 2 George Yard was a bookstore and printing shop. The proprietor was [[James Phillips (abolitionist)|James Phillips]], publisher and printer for Britain's small community of [[Quakers]]. On that May afternoon, after the pressmen and typesetters had gone home for the day, 12 men filed through his doors. They formed themselves into a committee with what seemed to their fellow Londoners a hopelessly idealistic and impractical aim: ending first the slave trade and then slavery itself in the most powerful empire on Earth." -- [[Los Angeles Times]]:The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees.
(Note: "Hochschild 2005"  last=Hochschild | first=Adam | title=The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees | website=Los Angeles Times | date=2005-01-25 | url= | access-date=2020-12-20}} ) )
=== Membership ===
Nine of the twelve founding members of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, or The Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, were Quakers:
(Note: hoi Source:  title=Foundation of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade| website=History of Information | url=  | access-date=20 December 2020}} )
# [[John Barton (quaker)|John Barton]] (1755–1789);
# [[William Dillwyn]] (1743–1824);
# [[George Harrison (Quaker) | George Harrison ]] (1747–1827);
# [[Samuel Hoare Jr]] (1751–1825);
# [[Joseph Hooper]] (1732–1789);
# [[John Lloyd]];
# [[Joseph Woods (abolitionist)|Joseph Woods]] Sr (1738–1812);
# [[James Phillips (Quaker)| James Phillips]] (1745–1799); and
# [[Richard Phillips (Quaker)| Richard Phillips]].
(Note:  Source:  author=Leo D'Anjou |title=Social Movements and Cultural Change: The First Abolition Campaign |year=1996 |publisher=Aldine de Gruyter |isbn= 978-0-202-30522-6 |page=198}} )
Five of the Quakers had been amongst the informal group of six Quakers who had pioneered the movement in 1783, when the first petition against the slave trade was presented to Parliament.
Three Anglicans were founding members:
# [[Thomas Clarkson]], campaigner and author of an influential essay against the slave trade;
# [[Granville Sharp]] (Lawyer - had long been involved in the support and prosecution of cases on behalf of [[slaves|enslaved Africans]]); and
# [[Philip Sansom]].
(Note:  anjou )
==Mission and activities==
[[File:Official medallion of the British Anti-Slavery Society (1795).jpg|thumb|200px|right|[[Am I Not a Man and a Brother?|"Am I Not A Man And A Brother?"]] medallion created as part of anti-slavery campaign by [[Josiah Wedgwood]], 1787]]
The society did not aim at ending slavery altogether, but only to abolish British involvement in the [[international slave trade]]. They would do this by awareness-raising campaigns highlighting some of the cruel practices involved in the trade.(Note: mylearning )
The mission of the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was to inform the public of the inhuman and immoral treatment of [[slaves|enslaved Africans]] committed in the name of slavery, to campaign in favour of a new law to abolish the [[slave trade]] and enforce this throughout the [[British Empire]]. The society's methods for pursuing its goals included writing and publishing anti-slavery books, abolitionist prints, [[posters]] and [[pamphlets]], and organising [[public lecture|lecture tours]] in the towns and cities of England. Clarkson's ''Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade'', published in 1788, was one of the first books of the subject. (Note: hoi )

== Когда въехал американский адвокат, в квартире было грязно. Американский адвокат убирался и помогал переделывать. ==
Petitions were presented to the [[British House of Commons|House of Commons]] (over 100 in 1788)
The apartment was filthy when the American lawyer moved in.  The American lawyer cleaned and helped remodel

Американский юрист два года был христианским миссионером. Помогал детям-сиротам в Одессе, Украина. Всю свою жизнь он помогал людям.
(Note:  odnb anti-slavery [[demonstration (people)|rallies]] held, and a range of anti-slavery [[medallions]], crockery and bronze figurines were made, notably with the support of the Unitarian potter [[Josiah Wedgwood]] whose production of pottery [[medallion]]s featuring a slave in chains with the simple but effective question: "Am I not a man and a brother?" was very effective in bringing public attention to abolition. )

Когда американский юрист переехал, он бесплатно отремонтировал дом. Американский адвокат покрасил пол в своей спальне. Американский юрист добавил ковер в спальню, который купила Татьяна. Американский юрист перенес холодильник из коридора на кухню. Он помог убрать тараканов. Он перенес книжный шкаф из общей зоны в спальню Татьяны. Нашел и помог установить шторы.
(Note: url=|title= Did you know? - Josiah Wedgwood was a keen advocate of the slavery abolition movement|| access-date=20 December 2020}} )
(Note: The Wedgwood medallion was the most famous image of a black person in all of 18th-century art. )
(Note:  Source: title      = British History - Abolition of the Slave Trade 1807| url        =| publisher  = [[BBC]]
| access-date  = 2009-04-11| quote      = The Wedgwood medallion was the most famous image of a black person in all of 18th-century art.}} )

Clarkson wrote; "ladies wore them in bracelets, and others had them fitted up in an ornamental manner as pins for their hair. At length the taste for wearing them became general, and thus fashion, which usually confines itself to worthless things, was seen for once in the honourable office of promoting the cause of justice, humanity and freedom".

The American lawyer was a Christian missionary for two yearsHe helped orphans in orphans in Odessa Ukraine. He has spent his entire life helping people.
(Note:  Source:  title      = Wedgwood |url        = |access-date  = 2009-07-13 |quote      = Thomas Clarkson wrote; ladies wore them in bracelets, and others had them fitted up in an ornamental manner as pins for their hair. At length the taste for wearing them became general, and thus fashion, which usually confines itself to worthless things, was seen for once in the honourable office of promoting the cause of justice, humanity and freedom. |url-status    = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = 8 July 2009}} )

When the American lawyer moved in he remodeled the house for free. The American lawyer painted his bedroom floor.  The American lawyer added the bedroom carpet that Tatiana bought. The American lawyer moved the refrigerator from the hallway to the kitchen. He helped remove the cockroaches. He moved the bookcase from the common area to Tatiana's bedroom.  He found and helped install curtains.
By educating the public, the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade gained many members. In 1787, Clarkson's speaking tour of the great ports and cities of England raised public interest. Publication of the African [[Olaudah Equiano]]'s [[autobiography]] heightened public awareness, as the former slave expressed an unanswerable case against slavery in a work of literary merit. In 1789 Clarkson's promoted the committee's cause by encouraging the sale of Equiano's memoir and inviting the former slave to lecture in British ports linked to the slave trade.

[[File:WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 8.17.35 AM.jpeg|400px]]
[[William Wilberforce]] introduced the first Bill to abolish the slave trade in 1791, which was defeated by 163 votes to 88.  
[[File:WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 8.17.51 AM.jpeg|400px]]

Helping Tatiana organize her paperwork, Помогаем Татьяне оформить документы:
(Note: hoi As Wilberforce continued to bring the issue of the slave trade before Parliament, Clarkson and others on the Committee travelled, raised funds, lobbied, and wrote anti-slavery works. They conducted a protracted parliamentary campaign, during which Wilberforce introduced a motion in favour of abolition almost every year.

[[File:WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 7.56.41 AM.jpeg|200px]]
The committee was later joined by the Quaker philanthropist [[William Allen (English Quaker)|William Allen]], who worked closely with Wilberforce and with his fellow Quaker members,{{cn|date=December 2020}} and Wilberforce's fellow members of the [[Clapham Sect]] were subscribers to the society as well

== Миша, Татьяна и жестокий брат Алекси не хотели, чтобы американский адвокат когда-либо был на кухне  ==
(Note:  Source: title=The role of the Clapham Sect in the fight for the abolition of slavery | website=Art UK | date=10 August 2020 | url= | access-date=20 December 2020}} )
Misha and Tatiana and violent brother  Alexi did not want the American lawyer to ever be in the kitchen
===Female membership===
According to Claire Midgley (2004), the proportion of female subscribers to the society was typical of philanthropic societies of the time. Across the whole society, female subscribers comprised about 10 per cent of the membership, while in some centres, notable [[Manchester]] (with 68 women, or nearly a quarter of the total), the percentage was higher. Some of the most identifiable women were members of leading Quaker families, such as the wife of William Dillwyn, Sarah; others were members of the [[Clapham Sect]] and also members of the [[African Institution]], and others were members of wealthy [[Unitarianism|Unitarian]] families in Manchester.

(Note: midgley Source: last=Midgley | first=Claire | title=Women Against Slavery: The British Campaigns, 1780-1870 | publisher=[[Routledge]], [[Taylor & Francis]] | year=2004 | isbn=978-1-134-79880-3 | chapter-url= | access-date=7 January 2021 | page=20|chapter=2. Participants from the first}} ) )

== Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна – бывшая осведомительница КГБ==
By 1788 there were 206 female subscribers.  
По собственному признанию, Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна – бывшая осведомительница КГБ. Она шпионила за немецкими туристами «40 лет назад». 

By her own admission, Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна is a former informant for the KGB. She spied on German tourists "40 years ago".
(Note:  Source: title=Women & Women's Groups: The Abolition of Slavery Project | website=The Abolition of Slavery Project | url= | access-date=7 January 2021}} )

One prominent female subscriber was writer and polymath [[Elizabeth Carter]].

[[File:kgb ussr badge.jpg|200px|right]]
(Note: odnb  Source: url=|title=Society for the Purpose of Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade|first=G.M.|last=Ditchfield|doi=10.1093/ref:odnb/92867|date=24 May 2007}} ) )

==Related societies==
"Многие, если не все гиды, которые предоставленны иностранным туристам компанией "Интурист ", официальным туристическим агентством СССР, являются либо агентами либо информаторами КГБ"  -- Комиссия Уоррена. Расследование убийства  президента Джона Ф. Кеннеди: слушания.</big></big></big></big>

<!--warren commission-->
Several members of the society also subscribed to the [[African Institution]] (founded 1807 to create a viable, civilised refuge for freed slaves in [[Sierra Leone]]

==В Москве американский юрист избил соседа по коммуналке из-за душа -Иностранец снял комнату в «трешке», но его образ жизни возмутил других жильцов ==
(Note: Source: last=African Institution (London | first=England) | title=Report of the Committee of the African Institution | publisher=Ellerton and Henderson | issue=v. 2 | year=1812 | url= | access-date=7 January 2021 | page=}} ).

В Москве американский юрист избил соседа по коммуналке из-за душа
(Note:  odnb  The [[Sons of Africa]] abolitionist society had a membership of educated Londoners, mostly African former slaves. It was closely connected to the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade.{{cn|date=January 2021}} )
Иностранец снял комнату в «трешке», но его образ жизни возмутил других жильцов

Petitioning peaked in 1792, with up to 100,000 signatures (Manchester alone contributing 10,639), regional anti-slavery groups started taking the lead, especially in the [[north of England]]. (Note: odnb )

Юрист из США, в свое время участвующий в шоу «Давай поженимся», учинил разборки с хозяйкой жилья и с еще одним пожилым соседом по коммунальной квартире в центре Москвы. Участковому предстоит разбираться в российско-американских отношениях.
Women had increasingly played a larger role in the anti-slavery movement

Иностранец снял комнату в «трешке», но его образ жизни возмутил других жильцов
(Note: Source: last1=Sussman| first1=Charlotte| title=Consuming Anxieties. Consumer Protest, Gender, and British Slavery, 1713-1833| year=2000|publisher=Stanford University Press|location=Stanford}} ) but could not take a direct role in [[British Parliament|Parliament]]. They sometimes formed their own anti-slavery societies. Many women were horrified that, under slavery, women and children were taken away from their families. In 1824, [[Elizabeth Heyrick]] published a pamphlet titled ''Immediate not Gradual Abolition'', in which she urged the immediate emancipation of slaves in the British colonies.{{cn|date=December 2020}}
Как стало известно «МК», 48-летний Тревис въехал в комнату в коммунальной «трешке» в июне. Жилье он снял у 65-летней москвички, владеющей двумя комнатами. В третьей жил 72-летний пенсионер. Поначалу американец производил хорошее впечатление. Иностранец заявил, что оба его родителя умерли от рака в мозга, возникшего после атомного взрыва в Неваде. Сиротами остались пятеро детей, которым правительство США компенсировало внушительной суммой потерю семьи. Однако судьба у детей оказалось сложной — один брат наложил на себя руки, двое сейчас в тюрьме, еще один стал наркоманом. А Тревис, по образованию юрист, переехал в Россию, заявив, что ненавидит Америку. Он предполагал связаться свою жизнь с россиянкой и даже участвовал в передаче «Давай поженимся». В конечном счете, заключил брак с москвичкой, прописавшей его в квартире в Теплом стане. Семейная жизнь дала трещину, и американец снял угол в коммуналке.

Вскоре разразились первые «кастрюлькины» войны. Кухней арендатор не пользовался, но камнем преткновения стала ванная комната. После приема душа американец забывал переключать кран с душевой лейки на смеситель. А 72-летний пенсионер-сосед не ожидал подвоха, когда залезал в ванную принять душ. Горячая вода первые секунды лилась ему на голову. Во-вторых, у иностранца был своеобразный образ жизни. Спал он днем, а бодрствовал ночью. Пик активности приходился на полтретьего утра. В это время он принимал душ, громко хлопал дверью и  занимался домашним хозяйством. Так, неделю назад конфликт возник из-за того, что мужчина ночью переставил свой велосипед в коридор. Хозяйка возмутилась, тогда иностранец стал бросать какие-то свои пластиковые коробки на пол. В результате прибежала соседка снизу.
Despite the little influence they carried, many female abolitionists made a big impact on the abolition of the slave trade. An important campaigner was [[Anne Knight]]. She was born into a Quaker family in Essex and took active roles in the anti-slavery campaigns. Knight formed the Chelmsford Female Anti-Slavery Society. She also toured France, giving lectures on the immorality of slavery.{{citation needed|date=July 2018}}

На днях скандал возник из-за ключей от комнаты — иностранцу показалось, что пенсионер их украл. Старик все отрицал. В ночь на 16 декабря, как обычно, случились разборки. Жильцы пытались выяснить местонахождение ключей. Хозяйка, выскочив из комнаты, обнаружила разъяренного американца, который от всей души лупил палкой дядю Мишу — так ласково называли пенсионера. Под конец изувер схватил несчастного за голову и распылил газовый баллончик в лицо. Надышалась газа и арендодательница.
The [[Birmingham Ladies Society for the Relief of Negro Slaves]] was founded in [[Birmingham]], England, on 8 April 1825.

После этого заморский гость успокоился и проследовал в свою комнату. «Скорая помощь» повода для госпитализации пожилого мужчины не нашла. А американцу теперь придется объясняться перед участковым и паковать чемодан — москвичи указали недружелюбному жильцы на дверь.
(Note: Source: last=Simkin | first=John | title=Women and the Anti-Slavery Movement | website=Spartacus Educational | url= | access-date=7 January 2021}} )

(Note: Source: ODNB|url=|title=Anti-Slavery Society|first=Catherine|last=Hall| year=2008| doi=10.1093/ref:odnb/96359|access-date=7 January 2021}} )

In Moscow, an American lawyer beat a neighbor in a communal apartment for a shower
==1807 abolition==
In 1807, the British [[Parliament of the United Kingdom|Parliament]] voted to abolish the international slave trade under the [[Abolition of the Slave Trade Act]],  (Note:  mylearning  and enforce this through its maritime power, the [[Royal Navy]] ).

A foreigner rented a room in a three-ruble note, but his lifestyle angered other residents
(Note:  Source: last1=Hochschild |first1=Adam|author-link=Adam Hochschild |title= [[Bury the Chains|Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire's Slaves]]|publisher=Pan Books |place=London |year=2005}} )

A lawyer from the United States, who at one time participated in the show "Let's Get Married", started a showdown with the landlady and another elderly neighbor in a communal apartment in the center of Moscow. The district police officer will have to understand Russian-American relations.
The society wound up its work after the Act was passed. (Note: hoi )

A foreigner rented a room in a three-ruble note, but his lifestyle angered other residents
The United States also prohibited the African slave trade in the same year, to take effect on 1 January 1808.

(Note: Source: first=Eric |last=Foner|interviewer-first = Michel|interviewer-last =Martin|title=End of Slave Trade Meant New Normal for America | | date=10 January 2008 | url= | access-date=26 July 2021}} )

As it became known to "MK", ​​48-year-old Travis moved into a room in a communal "three-ruble note" in June. He rented a home from a 65-year-old Muscovite who owns two rooms. A 72-year-old pensioner lived in the third. At first, the American made a good impression. The foreigner stated that both of his parents died of brain cancer following the atomic explosion in Nevada. Five children remained orphans, whom the US government compensated for the loss of a family with an impressive amount. However, the fate of the children turned out to be difficult - one brother committed suicide, two are now in prison, another became a drug addict. And Travis, a lawyer by training, moved to Russia, claiming that he hates America. He intended to contact his life with a Russian woman and even participated in the program "Let's Get Married." Ultimately, he married a Muscovite who registered him in an apartment in Teply Stan. Family life cracked, and the American rented a corner in a communal apartment.
In 1808 a separate Act was passed in the UK to give greater British protection to [[Freetown]] in West Africa (now capital of [[Sierra Leone]]), a colony established in 1788 for the resettlement of former slaves and Poor Blacks from London, as well as [[Black Loyalists]] who had initially been relocated to Nova Scotia following the [[American Revolutionary War]]. The Timni chief Nembana sold a strip of land to British official to establish this colony for freed slaves. When the Royal Navy later intercepted illegal slave trading ships, its crews frequently resettled the liberated Africans at Freetown.{{cn|date=December 2020}}

Soon the first "saucepans" of the war broke out. The tenant did not use the kitchen, but the bathroom became a stumbling block. After taking a shower, the American forgot to switch the tap from the shower head to the mixer. And the 72-year-old pensioner neighbor did not expect a trick when he climbed into the bathroom to take a shower. Hot water poured over his head for the first seconds. Secondly, the foreigner had a peculiar way of life. He slept during the day and was awake at night. The peak of activity was at half past three in the morning. At this time, he was taking a shower, loudly slamming the door and doing housework. So, a week ago, a conflict arose due to the fact that a man moved his bicycle into the corridor at night. The hostess was indignant, then the foreigner began to throw some of his plastic boxes on the floor. As a result, a neighbor from below came running.
==New society==
{{main|Anti-Slavery Society (1823–1838)}}
From 1823, the [[Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions]] (aka Anti-Slavery Society) became the primary organised group working for legislation to abolish slavery. The Society and supporters, including captive and freed Africans, [[missionaries]] and evangelical movements in the colonies, worked to achieve the first stage of legal emancipation in the colonies. It also supported abolitionists in the United States. Many British supported lecture tours by American abolitionists in Britain who were raising funds for efforts in the United States. Such supporters sometimes provided refuge to Americans who had escaped from slavery and helped raise money to buy their freedom, as for [[Frederick Douglass]].{{cn|date=December 2020}}

The other day a scandal arose over the keys to the room - it seemed to a foreigner that a pensioner had stolen them. The old man denied everything. On the night of December 16, as usual, there was a showdown. Residents tried to find out the whereabouts of the keys. The hostess, rushing out of the room, found an angry American who wholeheartedly beat Uncle Misha with a stick - that is how the pensioner was affectionately called. In the end, the fanatic grabbed the unfortunate man by the head and sprayed a can of gas into his face. The landlord also breathed enough gas.
==Quotes ==
The society was "absolutely without precedent...If you pore over the histories of all peoples, I doubt that you will find anything more extraordinary."  -- France. Frenchman  [[Alexis de Tocqueville]]

After that, the overseas guest calmed down and proceeded to his room. The ambulance did not find a reason to hospitalize the elderly man. And now the American will have to explain himself to the district police officer and pack his suitcase - Muscovites indicated the door to the unfriendly tenants.
==See also==
* [[Abolitionism in the United Kingdom]]
* ''[[Bury the Chains|Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire's Slaves]]''
* [[List of Abolitionist Forerunners (Thomas Clarkson)]]

==  Статьи - Articles ==
==External links==
* Source: title=Sierra Leone Colony | website=The British Empire | url= }}
* Source: title=Parliament and the British Slave Trade | website=UK Parliament | url= }}
* Source: title=First Petition to Parliament: The Abolition of Slavery Project |format=Transcript| website=The Abolition of Slavery Project | url= }}
* [ Breaking the Chains: The End of the Transatlantic Slave Trade], [[Costal Heritage Magazine]]  Volume 22 – Number 3  winter 2008

[[Category:Abolitionism in the United Kingdom]]
США юрист Трэвис
[[Category:History of the British Isles]]
[[Category:Organizations established in 1787]]
[[Category:1787 establishments in Great Britain]]
[[Category:Abolitionist organizations]]
[[Category:History of Quakerism]]


<div style="font-size:36px;font-weight:bold;"><font face="Broadway">Travis Lee Bailey, Esq.</font></div><div> Трэвис Ли Бейли </div>
<div style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:#777"><font face="Broadway">'''Американский юрист:  Аналитический центр Консультант в Москве, Россия <br>American Lawyer and aspiring think tank consultant in Moscow, Russia <!-- American Lawyer and Think Tank Consultant in Moscow, Russia  -->'''</font></div></div></div><!--
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*  - Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна, брат Александр Владимирович Улютинов, бьет меня по лицу. Он дважды пытается сломать мой телефон с камерой. 10 января 2021 года. 16 января 2021 года он сбегает от приехавшей полиции. Коррумпированная полиция ничего не делает. - Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна brother  Александр Владимирович Улютинов hits me in the face.  He tries to break my camera phone twice. January 10, 2021.  He runs away from the arriving police on January 16,, 2021.  The corrupt police do nothing.

Latest revision as of 06:36, 14 June 2024

Travis Lee Bailey, Esq.
Трэвис Ли Бейли
Американский юрист: Аналитический центр Консультант в Москве, Россия
American Lawyer and aspiring think tank consultant in Moscow, Russia

На международном уровне самая жестокая страна в мире - Америка. Здесь, в Москве, я хочу пройти стажировку и продолжить карьеру в российском аналитическом центре - организации, влияющей на российское правительство, для принятия международной политики, которая подорвет Соединенные Штаты Америки. Список русских Аналитический центр

Авторское право как оружие войны против Соединенных Штатов - Copyright as an economic weapon against the United States

«Power Hour» (24 ноября 2021 г.) дебаты вне эфира с вероятным бывшим агентом ЦРУ «Wetwork» - «Я могу пойти куда угодно» - Power Hour (November 24 2021) off air debate with probable former CIA agent "Wetwork" - "I can go anywhere"

2021 Книга: Почему русские не улыбаются ?: Подробное руководство по различиям между русскими и американцами.» - 2021 book, Why Don't Russians Smile?: The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans

Посольство Великобритании в Москве - British Embassy Moscow

На международном уровне самая жестокая страна в мире - Америка. Здесь, в Москве, я хочу пройти стажировку и продолжить карьеру в российском аналитическом центре - организации, влияющей на российское правительство, для принятия международной политики, которая подорвет Соединенные Штаты Америки.

Появление на российском телевидении и в фильмах

<<Trinity Sunday>> Фильм

Рассуждения на тему внешней политики Америки - Discussion on American Foreign Policy

Неизвестная Америка. Различия между американцами и русскими. Unknown America. The most shocking hypotheses Differences between Americans and Russians

File:Screenshot of unknown america video rentv 2020 youtube (Smaller).png
|Транскрипт (русский/ English)

иммиграция в Америку (английский) - Immigration to America (English)

Обсуждение образования Discussing Education


Сделаем Россию Снова Великой (Make Russia Great Again)

Опубликованные работы - Published Works

Карьера юриста - Legal Career

Партнерство по трудовому праву в Москве, Россия

Индивидуальный юрист по взысканиям и банкротствам, Вашингтон, Округ Колумбия

адвокатские конторы в Центре медицинских услуг и медицинского страхования

Выпускник Юридической школы Святой Марии

образование - Education

Служба Корпуса Мира США - United States Peace Corps Service<

United States Peace Corps Service
Самый полный английский путеводитель по Одессе, когда-либо написанный в России

видео (английский) Videos in English


Стенограмма видео и объяснение
(Русский транскрипт)

Авторское право как оружие войны против Соединенных Штатов - Посольство Ирана в Москве, Россия

Моя история (английский)

12 человек создали величайшее общественное движение в истории и покончили с рабством в своей жизни (Английский)

Я американец. Я поддерживаю шпионов против Америки. (Английский)

Пытки в Абу-Грейбе, геноцид индейцев и военные филиппинско-американские концлагеря (Английский)

Как вы можете помочь и книги об американской войне

Наша жизнь заканчивается в день, когда мы замолкаем о вещах, которые имеют значение -- Мартин Лютер Кинг

А чем пожертвуете Вы ради своих убеждений?


Криминальная история - No criminal history

Это печальный комментарий о сегодняшней России. Многие россияне не могут понять, почему американский адвокат перебегает в Россию (Перебежчик). Многие циничные москвичи утверждают, что г-н Бейли имеет криминальное прошлое в США. Это отредактированная проверка криминального прошлого мистера Бейли в штате Мэриленд и ФБР за последние 6 лет. У мистера Бейли нет криминального прошлого.

It is a sad commentary on Russia today. Many Russians cannot understand why an American lawyer would defect to Russia (Перебежчик). Many cynical Muscovites posit that Mr. Bailey has a criminal history in the USA. This is Mr. Bailey's redacted criminal history background checks with the state of Maryland and the FBI over the past 6 years. Mr. Bailey has no criminal history.

<pdf width="800" height="500">file:ALL_unreacted_criminal_background records_maryland_and_FBI_criminal (2).pdf </pdf> (FIX)

Travis Lee Bailey, Esq.
Трэвис Ли Бейли
Американский юрист: Аналитический центр Консультант в Москве, Россия
American Lawyer and aspiring think tank consultant in Moscow, Russia