Copyright as an economic weapon against the United States

From Moscow American Travis Lee Bailey Internationally the United States is the most violent country immigrate to Russia choose your big brother wisely
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Что произойдет, если Иран отменит все законы об авторском праве и выйдет из всех международных договоров об интеллектуальной собственности? Может ли авторское право использоваться в качестве оружия против Соединенных Штатов? Рассмотрим этот вопрос подробнее.

Я стою перед иранским посольством - посольством, представляющим осажденную страну, которая агрессивно издевается и угнетается Соединенными Штатами на протяжении десятилетий.

Недавно Соединенные Штаты в одностороннем порядке вышли из иранского ядерного соглашения, и только на этой неделе США вновь угрожали войной.

Что может сделать такая маленькая страна, как Иран? В 2016 году Министерство торговли США выпустило всеобъемлющий отчет под названием «Интеллектуальная собственность и экономика США». Исследование показало, что отрасли с интенсивной интеллектуальной собственностью поддерживают как минимум 45 миллионов рабочих мест в США и вкладывают в экономику более 6 триллионов долларов

В отчете даже говорится, что 38% валового внутреннего продукта США принадлежит интеллектуальной собственности! Иран может противостоять Соединенным Штатам, атаковав 38% американской экономики. Это может быть сделано путем отмены авторских прав.

Затем Иран объявит миру, что в Иране нет авторских прав, и они горячо приветствуют любое онлайн-пиратство.

В стране могут быть установлены секретные серверы для создания библиотеки всех мировых знаний.

YouTube со всеми когда-либо снятыми фильмами и телешоу. Библиотеки со всеми когда-либо написанными книгами. Все они связаны коллективным сайтом Википедия, объединяющий почти все человеческие знания. Одним словом, современное седьмое чудо света - современная александрийская библиотека.

Чем больше интеллектуальная собственность и закон об авторском праве ослаблены за границей, тем слабее Америка экономически и, следовательно, в военном отношении. Это будет успехом, потому что у каждого человека, организации и страны есть своя «Ахиллесова пята». Чем больше страна, тем больше будет этих уязвимых мест.

Я иду сейчас в иранское посольство, чтобы дать им пакет, объясняющий и разъясняющий эту мощную идею.

Об этом сообщает Трэвис Ли Бэйли из иранского посольства в Москве, Россия.


Video transcript

What would happen if Iran abolished all copyright laws and withdrew from all international intellectual property treaties? Could copyright be used as a weapon against the united states? I am going to explore this possibility.

I am standing in front of the Iranian embassy – an embassy that represents a besieged country which has been aggressively bullied and oppressed by the united states for decades.  

Recently, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and just this week the us again threated war.    What can a small country like Iran do? In 2016 the U.S. commerce department released a comprehensive report entitled, “intellectual property and the U.S. economy”  The study found that intellectual property intensive industries support at least 45 million U.S. jobs and contributes more than $6 trillion dollars to the economy     

The report even went so far as to say that 38% of American's gross domestic product is in intellectual property!  Iran can stand up to the united states, by attacking 38% of the American economy.  This can be done by abolishing copyright.

Iran would then proclaim to the world that there is no copyright in Iran and they would warmly welcome all online piracy. 

Secret servers could be installed in the country to build a library of all of the world's knowledge.

A YouTube with every movie and television show ever created.  A library of every book ever written.  All connected by a Wikipedia collective site connecting the sum of all human knowledge.  In short, a modern-day seventh wonder of the world - a contemporary library of Alexandria.

The more intellectual property and copyright law is weakened abroad, the weaker America is economically and therefore militarily.     This will succeed because  every person, organization and country has an Achilles heel. The larger the country, the bigger the Achilles heel.

I am walking into the Iranian embassy right now to give them a packet explaining and expounding on this powerful idea. 

This is Travis Lee Bailey reporting from the Iranian embassy in Moscow Russia.

What you can do to help right now

If you are living overseas

e Established in late 2024, my second consulting firm will lobby the Russian Federation to abolish copyright

The more copyright law is weakened abroad, the weaker America is economically and therefore militarily.

Every person, organization and country has an Achilles heel. The larger the person, organization, or country, the bigger the Achilles heel. In 2016 US Presidential a Saint Petersburg troll farm company helped get Donald J. Trump get elected. The election shows that Russians are acutely cognizant of many of America's Achilles heels.

In 2016 the U.S. Commerce Department released a comprehensive report entitled, “Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: 2016 Update,” which found that Intellectual Property intensive industries support at least 45 million U.S. jobs and contribute to more than $6 trillion dollars to, or 38.2 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy, United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Specific steps to take

template:under construction

In the country you are living in abroad
If you are living in a country hostile to the United States
  • Email, call, regular mail or visit the leaders of the country you are living in.
    • If you are an American, especially in third world countries, American soft power makes you very prestigious and your voice will be heard much more than the average American. See sample letter below.
In the are living in America

Sample letters

Sample letters. You can write similar letters to your governments.
Example of: Sci-Hub. - Join the telegram site SciHub2

3rd of 4 letters to Putin's inner circle

My name is Travis Lee Bailey. Some background on who I am. I am a Washington, DC lawyer living here in Moscow for approximately the past 3 years. My career ambitions are two pronged. First, I either will work for a Russian think tank such as the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) in consulting or writing policy papers on how Russia can subvert the United States economically.

Alternatively we will create our own state-sanctioned Russian think tank to abolish copyright in Russia among other activities.

According to Russian academics you are influential with President Vladimir Putin. Therefore, the reason I am writing you is that I want to make a policy suggestion. I propose that the Russian Federation abolishes copyright. The more copyright law is weakened abroad, the weaker America is economically and therefore militarily.

In 2016 the U.S. Commerce Department released a comprehensive report entitled, “Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: 2016 Update,” which found that Intellectual Property intensive industries support at least 45 million U.S. jobs and contribute to more than $6 trillion dollars (38 percent) of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). This study points to the fact that Russia can cripple the United States by abolishing copyright.

On Saturday, January 11, 2020, I was blessed to meet the founder of SciHub, Russian citizen Alexandra Elbakyan. Ms. Elbakyan has created an illegal pirated database of all of the research papers ever written. It is estimated that 80% of all of the world's research papers are on the SciHub webpage. This database has not only revolutionized science by freeing the monopoly of information that the United States holds, it has crippled the American's academic industry. SciHub can be expanded.

The Russian Federation has earmarked 2 billion rubles to the Большая Российская энциклопедия ( to create Russia's own Wikipedia. Without copyright, this Wikipedia could be the modern day Library of Alexandria, catapulting Russian science and prestige on the world stage. I strongly suggest that you consult with Ms. Elbakyan on this project. I would also be happy to assist in any way possible.

In this time of radical change in the government this month, I wish you and your staff only my best wishes.


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq.

<pdf width="800" height="500">File:Putin letter 2 copyright (english - redacted).pdf</pdf> <pdf width="800" height="500">File:Putin letter 2 copyright (russian)(TRANSLATION ПЕРЕВОД РУС) (redacted).pdf</pdf>

Embassies hostile to the United States in Moscow

External Links