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Contact me on about American Stephen Krisel (See below) and the lawyer Kirill Gostolov, ( )
Свяжитесь со мной в об американце Стивене Криселе (см. ниже) и адвокате Кирилле Гостолове ( )

Ilya Novikov is an alcoholic Russian American English Teacher who has a side business called "It's Just English" ( and He is currently residing in Moscow, Russia. Ilya Novikov publicly talks about his mental health issues on Facebook.

Russian: Extension needed

File:Drunk alcoholic ilya novikov.png
Drunk Ilya Novikov outside of the bar on June 28, 2019.

On a June 28, 2019 English meeting at a bar Сafe “Oranzhereya” (Sushchevskaya 21) Ilya Novikov had 8 to 10 beers and was very drunk. He was confrontational with the patrons. The bar bouncer observed that Ilya was very drunk and kicked him out of the bar.

Video of drunk Ilya Novikov outside of the bar (no sound because of privacy laws): DELTED by ILYA :-/

In 2022 I reported Ilya to the authorities here in Moscow for threatening me online. Be warned, he is a mentally disturbed pariah who manages his public professed mental issues with alcohol. In 2022, he made death threats to me, which I reported to the Moscow FSB. Avoid him.

Илья Новиков — русско-американский преподаватель английского языка, страдающий алкоголизмом, у которого есть побочный бизнес под названием «Это просто английский» ( и В настоящее время проживает в Москве, Россия. Илья Новиков публично рассказывает о своих проблемах с психическим здоровьем в Facebook.

На английской встрече 28 июня 2019 года в баре Кафе «Оранжерея» (Сущевская, 21) «Илья Новиков» выпил 8-10 бутылок пива и был сильно пьян. Он конфликтовал с покровителями. Вышибала заметил, что Илья сильно пьян, и выгнал его из бара.

Видео пьяного Ильи Новикова возле бара (без звука из-за законов о конфиденциальности): DELTED by ILYA :-/

В 2022 году я сообщил об Илье властям здесь, в Москве, за угрозы мне в Интернете. Имейте в виду, что он психически неуравновешенный изгой, который справляется со своими публично заявленными психическими проблемами с помощью алкоголя. Избегайте его.

Ilya Novikov's public drunkenness

How I met Ilya Novikov

I met Ilya Novikov on Facebook. I asked him if he wanted to be on "Let's Get Married" - a television show were single women and men choose a man or woman from a group of three. as I was trying to get onto the show a second time (I was invited back New Years 2018). Ilya Novikov was excited. He created a video for the show, sent it to me, and contacted my contact there to be on the show. (conversation and links forthcoming)

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Facebook conversation with Ilya Novikov: Despite having a girlfriend, Ilya wanted to be on "Let's Get Married". Unfortunately, Russians are willing to commit infidelity more than 24 other countries.

Ilya's homosexual passes and getting kicked out of a bar

I invited Ilya Novikov to a group I had attended for over a year, which I had invested a lot of time and energy for free in helping the owner build this English social organization. We had a picnic in the park and I noticed Ilya Novikov had been drinking, but I dismissed this.

I had just started a new group with this English social organization. Our group would go to the bar every other Friday and I was in charge of the group. I thought I was returning to America on July 28, 2019, so I had one last party to say goodbye and invited many of my friends to attend. Approciately 15 to 20 people attended. Ilya Novikov drank a lot of beers, more than anyone else. He started to have slurred speech and was quite drunk. We sat around a large table and ilya say next to me. Ilya started to touch my leg. I said to him stop quietly. He did it once more, then grabbed my leg in the inner thigh. At this point I yelled at him to stop.

I stepped away from the table and began to talk to my friend Olga near the exit who was leaving. Ilya came up to me again, rudely interrupting me. At this point I was tired of Ilya and asked the bouncer to kick him out. The bouncer did.

I noticed that many of my friends were leaving the bar, and I went out to say goodbye. Ilya was standing outside. I recorded the conversation, and told him to leave. He left.


Я пригласил Илью в группу, которую посещал больше года, в которую я бесплатно вложил много времени и энергии, помогая владельцу построить эту английскую общественную организацию. У нас был пикник в парке, и я заметил, что Илья выпивал, но проигнорировал это.

Я только что создал новую группу в этой английской общественной организации. Наша группа ходила в бар каждую вторую пятницу, и я отвечал за группу. Я думал, что возвращаюсь в Америку 28 июля 2019 года, поэтому у меня была последняя вечеринка, чтобы попрощаться, и я пригласил многих своих друзей на нее. Присутствовало примерно 15-20 человек. Илья Новиков пил много пива, больше всех. У него началась невнятная речь, и он был сильно пьян. Мы сели за большой стол и Илья сказал рядом со мной. Илья начал трогать мою ногу. Я сказал ему, остановись тихо. Он сделал это еще раз, затем схватил меня за ногу с внутренней стороны бедра. В этот момент я крикнул ему, чтобы он остановился.

Я отошел от столика и стал разговаривать с моей подругой Ольгой у выхода, которая уходила. Илья снова подошел ко мне, грубо перебивая. В этот момент я устал от Ильи и попросил вышибалу выгнать его. Вышибала сделал.

Я заметил, что многие мои друзья покидают бар, и я вышел попрощаться. Илья стоял снаружи. Я записал разговор и сказал ему уйти. Он ушел.

Ilya's Facebook account and deleting this webpage

Ilya then began attacking me on social media.

I looked at Ilya's Facebook page. It was clear that he advertised drinking a lot which pointed to his alcholism. He publicly mentioned his mental health illness also. (screenshots forth coming).

In a private message he said it was illegal to record someone without their permission, which I found out was true, (so I muted the audio of the Youtube video).

In early 2020 Ilya and I started talking again. I decided to delete this web page. The next day Ilya then began to defend his alcoholic behavior and criticize my reaction to his severe alcohol problem. I reopened the web page.

The Get Up and Get Out Podcast with Stephen Krisel

I want to warn the Moscow expat community to avoid Stephen Krisel's interviews. Krisel advertises himself as a humble religious man, but like most everyone in Moscow, he has ulterior motives. I interviewed with Krisel on June 20, 2020.

In episode 18, Krisel created an advertisement in which he spliced in comments which were not even in the interview, calling me an asshole, quote:

"Wow what an a-hole. How can he do that to America?"

The 3 seconds is found here:

File:Stephen ahole krisel.png

I have the full 16 second video advertisement.

Ilya was in contact with Stephen as Stephen acknowledged on July 22, 2020.


Before the covid-19 outbreak, I was approached by Stephen Krisel to be on his podcast "The Get Up and Get Out". We began to talk on Whatsapp on February 29, 2020.

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Beginning of conversation with Stephen Krisel.

In Moscow, good luck and unsolicited offers to help should always be approached with caution. I was extremely leery of Stephen Krisel, a man who professes deep religious Catholic values. I told him no. It was clear to me that he was using the podcast as a way to make contacts in Moscow and that he had been tipped off by someone about me. I never asked Krisel who suggested that I be on the show.

After Covid-19 I decided to pursue Stephen's offer to see if my general suspicions about him were true. I met Stephen on June 20, 2020 at the hotel "Novotel Moscow Kievskaya" Kievskaya Ulitsa, 2, Moscow, 121059. I was in the "The Get Up and Get Out Podcast" podcast 18, which Stephen said he spent a lot of money on to interview me. Stephen Krisel refused to allow my employee to tape the video. Despite my reservations, I sent my employee home.

A month later, Stephen produced a short 17 second video, in which he ads his own comments which were not even in the interview. In the video, Stephen Krisel calls me an asshole and is quite hostile, "Wow what an a-hole. How can he do that to America?"

On July 22, 2020 I picked up my tripod I had forgotten at the film shoot. Stephen told me he was in contact with Ilya. I already knew that Ilya had produced a YouTube video on me, mocking my future plans. I do not yet know if Ilya originally approached Stephen to do the video on me.

Stephen unilaterally decided to pull episode 18.

If you are approached by Stephen Krisel for an interview, be very cognizant that:

1. Krisel has lived in vicious Moscow for years,
2. Krisel is doing the interview for his own self-interests,
3. Krisel may create advertisements which are negative against you, as he did with me.

⚠️ A warning to new expats here in Moscow. ⚠️

MOSCOW is an extremely brutal city to survive in. Even among American expats, Moscow creates tribal "us against them" mentalities. There is a Russian saying, "It is better to have 100 friends than 100 rubles"

Despite being a hyper-capitalist megalopolis, Moscow is still built on favors and connections.

In my ~5 years here, I have seen that many Americans learn the way that many Muscovites in power work. Again and again I have personally seen the way that powerful Muscovites will welcome a target with open arms, learning everything they can about the target, then using Kompromat mixed with defamation as a tool. They use surrogates to do their dirty work, creating plausible deniability.

Kirill Gotskalov

Letter to the Ministry of Justice at Metro Profsoyuznaya on the Orange Line / Письмо в Минюст у метро Профсоюзная Оранжевой линии:


Адвоката-алкоголика Кирилла Гоцкалова я связал с Татьяной Мамунул и Мамунул Хоке. Кирилл Готскалов тесно сотрудничает с юристом, связанным с Минюстом России по оранжевой линии. Кирилл пытался вымогать у меня 15 тысяч долларов. С Кириллом я познакомился в мормонской церкви. По моему экспертному мнению о благотворительности, благотворительность Кирилла «Открытый мир 24» — это фейковая благотворительность, используемая для обогащения Кирилла Готскалова и его партнера по Министерству юстиции. Кирилл Готскалов — чрезвычайно богатый бизнесмен. Эти уголовники и аферисты, Татьяна Мамунул, Мамунул Хок и Кирилл Гоцкалов, придумали против меня сложную клеветническую историю. Кирилл сотрудничает с детьми, не достигшими 18-летнего возраста, а затем берет процент с любых денег, которые я даю этому ребенку. Кирилл активно незаконно клеветал на меня при любой возможности, которая у него была. Я оплатил и купил эту веб-страницу и потратил большую сумму денег на эту благотворительность: Татьяна Мамунул и Мамунул Хок закрыли свою поддельную благотворительную организацию, потому что я разоблачил их преступную деятельность. . Кирилл в настоящее время активно работает с пьяницей русским американцем, на которого я заявил властям об угрозах смертью. Кирилл — тунеядец, он связывается с эмигрантами, а потом обогащается своими рассказами о нищете. В первый раз, когда мы встретились в закусочной, я заплатил за еду, а он напился со своим другом. Избегайте этих мошенников и преступников. Не верьте ничему, что говорят обо мне русские или мусульмане. Вероятно, это слухи, распущенные этими аферистами, алкоголиками и преступниками.


I connected the alcoholic lawyer Kirill Gotskalov with Tatiana Mamunul and Mamunul Hoque. Kirill Gotskalov works closely with a lawyer connected with the Russian Ministry of Justice on the orange line. Kirill attempted to extort $15,000 from me. I met Kirill in the Mormon Church. In my expert opinion on charities, Kirill's charity, Open World 24, is a fake charity used to enrich Kirill Gotskalov, and his partner behind the Ministry of Justice. Kirill Gotskalov is an extremely rich businessman. These criminals and conmen, Tatiana Mamunul, Mamunul Hoque and Kirill Gotskalov, came up with an elaborate story of defamation against me. Kirill employees children, under the age of 18, then takes a cut of any money that I give to this child. Kirill actively illegally defamed me any opportunity that he had. I paid for and bought this webpage and spent a large amount of money on this charity: Tatiana Mamunul and Mamunul Hoque closed down their own fake charity, because I exposed their criminal activity. Kirill is currently working actively with the drunkard Russian American who I reported to the authorities for death threats. Kirill is a parasite, he connects with expats and then enriches himself with his stories of poverty. The first time we met at a diner, I paid for the meal and he got drunk with his friend. Avoid these conmen and criminals. Don't believe anything that the Russian or Muslim communities say about me. They are probably rumors started by these conmen, alcoholics, and criminals.

Ilya's defamation

Ilya posted criminal defamation against me on Facebook and . I am seeking Moscow lawyers about defamation charges against Ilya for his posts on WhatsApp. In Russia, defamation laws are quite strict.

Reporting Ilya to the authorities

In mid 2022 Ilya started to threaten me with violent photos online so I reported him to the Russian authorities.


In conclusion:

  1. I invited alcoholic Ilya to a social group I helped build for over a year.
  2. Ilya becomes extremely intoxicated. He physically makes a pass at me.
  3. The bouncer kicks Ilya out of the bar.
  4. The video record Ilya on my phone outside of the bar. The video clearly shows Ilya as extremely intoxicated. Before posting this, I remove the sound because of Russian privacy laws - as Ilya warned me about.

The Russian Beyond Article explains what many Russians think of Muscovites:

"Muscovites are shit....They are mean, arrogant and proud....the capital is inhabited by rather unpleasant people who are ready sell you, their friends and their mother if they see something to gain in it." - Why people in Russia hate Muscovites

I find that when I have a problem with someone, most other people do to. How many other people has Ilya treated like this? Most people who deal with Muscovites like Ilya just move on. But this only encourages and rewards the bad behavior. I built this webpage to warn others about who Ilya is as a person. I hope Ilya gets help.
